Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 82Chapter 82 If God Helps!Xiao Li's amazing 5 minutes!

"System, help me redeem a [if there is divine assistance] card."

Shen Fei said lightly.

Soon, Courtney Lee, who was far away in the Charlotte Arena, suddenly felt a strange energy gushing out from the depths of his body.

Xiao Li was shocked!

[What's going on... I don't feel tired at all, and I still feel unstoppable? ! ]

Cowdery thought to himself.

However, the game has restarted, and he is not allowed to think too much.

Soon, Xiao Li got the first chance to perform.

He holds the ball at the top of the arc, and his teammates move according to the tactics.

The two insiders (Taker and Battier) are at the two corners, and the two outsiders (Lowry and Tony Allen) are at the two corners.

To put it simply, the five Rockets are in a 5-1-2 position.

"The position of the Rockets is interesting! I seem to have seen their tactics in the previous two games."

Su Qun's timely comment made him unable to remember which tactic it was for a while.

At this time, Lowry suddenly pulled out and pulled outside the three-point line to respond.

After Courtney Lee passed the ball to Xiaogangpao, he ran back and made an air cut to the basket.

Stephen Jackson, who was defending him, couldn't react in time, so he could only do his best and followed closely behind.

[Why does this kid suddenly run so fast?He wasn't that explosive in the first quarter, was he? ]

Jackson thought to himself.

But as a veteran who has been in the nba for many years, he didn't panic at all.

Jackson knew he had a height advantage.

In this position, even if Courtney Lee has a physical advantage, he can interfere from behind him in time.

However, at the next moment, Xiao Li ran back at the free throw line again and rushed to the outside line.

At the same time, the Rockets' two inside players in the horns quickly approached.

And Courtney Lee passed between the two, Lowry understood, flicked his wrist, and immediately passed the ball.

Stephen Jackson chased desperately, but when he got to the free throw line, Battier and Tucker "double ghost hit the door", blocking his way.

Jackson slammed into the two-man pick-and-roll, watching Courtney Lee helplessly as he caught the ball from beyond the three-point line.

Xiao Li didn't hesitate, he caught the ball, bent his knees, shot, pressed his wrist...

After the basketball left his fingertips, it spun at a high speed, drawing a beautiful arc in the air...


Hollow into the network!

"I remembered, it's the 'elevator door' tactic!"

"This is the only one in the NBA, you can only see this exquisite tactic in the Rockets!"

Su Qun shouted excitedly.

On the field, Courtney Lee was very excited after scoring.

The round just now was the first time so far that he used such a perfect ending point to complete the "elevator door" tactic.

In the past, no matter in the game or in the training, Xiao Li either did not move flexibly enough to get rid of the defender;

But just now, he has done all the links to the extreme!

[Could it be... the god of basketball suddenly favored me?Get me started? ]

Courtney Lee thought to himself.

At this moment, he felt that his strength, speed, and responsiveness... all had a qualitative improvement!

This kind of sudden improvement in the middle of the game, who is not confused?

Moreover, after successfully hitting a three-pointer, Courtney Lee's self-confidence has also greatly increased.

He suddenly remembered that last night, his general manager suddenly called...

"There were too few performance opportunities that belonged to you before, but I believe in your potential and ability."

"In the next game, you play boldly and let the outside world know that you are capable of starting the Rockets!"

After hearing Shen Fei's encouragement, Courtney Li gratefully agreed.

But he did not believe 100% in the words of the young Asians.

No way, who made Paul George so vigorous in training, so that Xiao Li couldn't see the hope of confrontation at all.

However, the current Courtney Li only felt that he had changed qualitatively, and he no longer doubted what Shen Fei said last night.


At the same time, Shen Fei, who was far away in Houston, was watching the game calmly.

In his view, Courtney Lee itself is a potential rookie with good strength.

In his debut season with the Magic, he averaged 8.4 points per game.

Especially in the game against the Cavaliers in the Eastern Conference Finals, Courtney Lee once dunked the ball into the basket under the pressure of LeBron James chasing the cap in a fast break.

It can be seen from that goal that Xiao Li is a player with a straightforward style of play and a courageous player.

Then, he was traded to the Nets and continued to improve in the second season, averaging 12.5 points per game (of course, in the original time and space, this was the season with the highest scoring average in Xiao Li's career).

This year is Courtney Lee's third season.

He was supposed to be the sixth man of the Rockets, but because of George's appearance, he fell out of the rotation directly.

But this does not mean that Xiao Li has regressed.

On the contrary, with the buff blessing of [Spiritual Time Room], he has also improved a lot, but he can't compare with the perverted George.

At this time, Courtney-Lee's various abilities have been enhanced because of [if there is God's help].

Shen Fei guessed that he probably has the strength of a quasi-all-star!


The game continues.

Courtney Lee started a solo show.

He first completed a dunk on the counterattack, and then scored a point at the basket through a counterrun.

Not only that, Xiao Li also contributed on the defensive end.

Stephen Jackson tried two singles and was defended by him alone.

Seeing that the Bobcats will not be able to solve the problem singles, they can only change their tactics.

But in the next round, Courtney Lee judged their passing intent and directly completed the steal.

To put it simply, in about 5 minutes, Courtney Lee sprinted all over the court, dominated both offense and defense, and became the person with the most presence on the court!

The Rockets also relied on his outstanding performance to pull the point difference to more than 20 points in one fell swoop.

Bobcats coach - Larry - Brown had no choice but to call a timeout.


Back on the bench, Courtney Lee was warmly welcomed by his teammates.

However, as soon as he finished celebrating with his teammates, he felt as if his body was suddenly emptied.

[That energy, disappeared? ]

Courtney Lee thought to himself.

"You were so excited just now, now you know you're tired?"

Scola saw Xiao Li whose face was a little pale, reached out and patted the latter's shoulder, and said jokingly.

Courtney Lee nodded with a smile.

In the 5 minutes just now, he scored 10 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists and 1 steal.

This is Xiao Li's craziest performance since he entered the NBA!

"Take a rest when you're tired, you'll need to continue to perform in the following games."

Mark Jackson spoke.

Shen Fei explained to him before: "If Courtney Lee performs well in a certain short period of time, it is very likely that he will suddenly enter a physical bottleneck period. You have to pay attention to observe and replace him in time."

Although Mark Jackson didn't understand it, he had already seen it and was not surprised.

The previous Jordan Hill had a sudden explosion and then quickly exhausted his physical fitness.

Subsequently, he sent Yao Ming, Tracy McGrady and other main players back to the court.

"Kids, work harder, we will try to make the game lose suspense at halftime!"

Mark Jackson said with a smile.

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