Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 8 Convincing McGrady, Shen Fei is not satisfied!

"Sorry, I have no plans to return to the Rockets for the time being."

McGrady still refused, with a cold tone.

"I know you're angry."

"If it were me, I would be upset if I did my best for the team and didn't get the respect and understanding I deserve."

Shen Fei had read countless people in his previous life, and he knew how to persuade from the perspective of the other party.

"In order to win, I took the risk of being reimbursed for my career and played a closed game and continued to play the highest intensity game. What happened?"

"The fans think I'm a softie, that I have no heart, and I can't grit my teeth and persevere like Kobe."

"But it's a knee injury. No one can hold on to it."

McGrady poured out the resentment in his heart, which he had been holding back for two years.

"I'm sorry the team didn't speak up for you at the time."

"I believe in your fighting spirit."

"If even those who have fallen behind by a big score and still haven't given up with 35 seconds left are considered heartless, I'm afraid no one in this world will be heartless."

Shen Fei tried to make the atmosphere less oppressive.


Mai Di was still dissatisfied, but it was obvious that Shen Fei's words were very useful.

"However, you have never touched the O'Brien Cup (nba championship) during these years in the Rockets. Don't you regret it?"

Shen Fei asked knowingly.

"Sorry, of course I'm sorry."

"But I have self-knowledge. With my current physical condition, it is unlikely to become the core player of the championship team."

Maddie said sadly.

His back injuries and knee injuries are irreversible injuries that have taken away many of his physical functions.

You know, McGrady, who just made his debut, was voted "the most suitable person to play" by the media.

&nbc does not have the strength of James, nor the speed of Iverson, but he has a slender figure, sits on a height of 203cm, and has the coordination comparable to a small guard...

If there is no congenital spondylitis, McGrady's talent is ranked first in history.

Unfortunately, injuries have taken it all away.

&nbc, just an ordinary substitute for the Pistons.

Shen Fei also learned that McGrady was at the end of last season.And expressed his willingness to accept the basic salary and only ask for the opportunity to play.

"What if I say, I can restore your body to its peak?"

Shen Fei's words were like dropping a huge stone on a calm lake.

"What did you say?!"

McGrady swept away his previous indifferent attitude and asked in surprise.

"I said, I am sure to heal all the old injuries on your body and restore you to your peak condition."

Shen Fei vowed.

"Of course, there is a premise, that is, you have to know the Rockets and play for me."

"By the way, my goal this season, no, is that the Rockets have only one goal-to win the championship."

"do you understand me?"

Shen Fei continued.

"You mean, cure me and let me lead the Rockets to the championship?"

McGrady confirmed again.

"That's what it means. You and Yao lead the team together. Of course, I will find other helpers for you, so that you won't be isolated and helpless like in the past."

Shen Fei replied seriously.

In his previous life, he also witnessed every defeat of the Yao Mai combination in the playoffs.

For example, in the series against the Mavericks that year, the two sides reached the tiebreaker.

In that game, the Rockets suffered a disastrous defeat, but both Yao and Mai maintained a high level of scoring and shooting.

Dual-core shines, why does it still fail?

the reason is simple.

The rocket's dual-core strength is very strong, but apart from this dual-core, there is no one else.

For example, McGrady played a closed series.

&nbc Before the last game, Mutombo, the living fossil in the team, said: "Old man, I need you to score 20 points and 15 rebounds in this game, so that we have a chance to win."

Yes, in the end, McGrady looked at the whole team, and the only thing he could rely on was a veteran who was good at defense.

"Are you serious? I have seen countless sports medicine experts in the past two years, and none of them can cure my injury."

Maddie still couldn't believe it.

"I'm from China."

"In my hometown, there is a special treatment called traditional Chinese medicine."

Shen Fei's voice slowed down, as if he was telling a secret.

Of course, he was just talking nonsense.

He doesn't know anything about traditional Chinese medicine, so he can't tell the other party. I'm going to prescribe it for you.

"As soon as the free agent market opens, you can come to the Toyota Center to report, and we will talk about it after we meet."

&nbc was already moved, and immediately made a decision.

McGrady didn't refute any more, so he agreed.

He still has a strong dream of being a champion in his heart.

Shen Fei clearly remembered that for the coveted O'Brien Cup, McGrady was even willing to work as a drinking fountain for the Spurs in order to get a championship ring.

Now Shen Fei is not only willing to provide him with a platform to compete for the championship, but also promises to heal his injuries.

What reason does Maddie have to refuse?

The past grievances are nothing compared to winning the championship!

Moreover, why doesn't McGrady want to win back his glory in Houston? !


After finishing McGrady, Shen Fei let out a long sigh of relief.

If things go well and the Rockets win the Summer League championship, they will be able to reap a super giant who is at the peak.

Magic Mai, the white horse spear, has the fastest first step in the league, and an unsolvable pull-up jumper!

However, Shen Fei was not satisfied with this.

After he returned to his manager's office, he took out the team's roster again.

"McGrady returns, Paul George grows rapidly, and the Rockets' shooting guard and small forward positions don't have to worry about it."

"Lowry is more than enough as a starting point guard."

"The biggest problem right now is the interior. Before Yao Ming's return to center, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the position of power forward."

Shen Fei muttered to himself.

Last season, when Yao Ming was absent due to injury, the Rockets usually let Chuck Hayes go to the fifth position.

This short guy has amazing lower body strength.

Even for legendary insiders like O'Neal and Duncan, it is difficult to take advantage of Haiye in the low post.

But ... Hayes is the one strength that is the top defense.

If you let him play the starting center, the Rockets are equivalent to four-on-five on the offensive end.

Moreover, Haiye can only defend the inside line. Once he is pulled to the outside line, his ability to defend against small players is simply not enough!

Let's talk about the position of power forward.

Diamond - Luis Scola, is a very good player.

He has solid skills, a "kaleidoscope" of footwork inside, and a high golf quotient, which is definitely the type that every coach likes.

However, his dynamic talent is very average, and it is difficult to support the inside defense.

The low-post offense that survives is also easily restricted in the top game.

To put it simply, what the Rockets currently lack the most is a talented inside player.

"Even if Yao Ming returns from injury in the future, he still needs someone to help him share the pressure inside..."

With this in mind, Shen Fei turned on the computer and began to browse the rosters of each team.

Not long after, a name appeared in front of his eyes.

Shen Fei was moved!

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