Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 79 Facing Chapter George, Pickled Pepper Shocked!

The next day, Shen Fei drove to Toyota Center Arena.

Because he was delayed by some team affairs, it was already late when he arrived.

When Shen Fei walked into the arena, most of the Rockets players had already left, only a very small number of them were still training.

Among them, Paul George was included.

At this time, he is training with the ball and shooting.

Shen Fei didn't interrupt him in a hurry, but watched silently for a while.

Although this is only George's first season, with the blessing of [Spiritual Time Room], he has improved very fast.

Now, after completing various dribbles (changes of direction, back turns, hesitant steps...), his shots are already very smooth.

Even, there is a faint silky feeling!

After practicing for a while, George felt someone watching him, turned his head suddenly, and saw the young Asian standing on the sidelines.

"Manager, why are you here?"

George stopped dribbling and asked suspiciously.

"Your skills are already very mature, but in recent games, I don't seem to have seen these things."

Shen Fei looked at his left and right ears, but did not answer the question about pickling peppers.

George was taken aback when he heard the words, and then replied with a smile: "There are enough people in the team who can attack with the ball."

"Tracey's talent is enough for him to blow up any defensive player."

"Blake (Griffin) before the injury, and now Yao, also has the ability to use personal offense to solve problems."

"So...I want to focus on the weaker areas of the team."

George's tone was sincere and he was telling the truth.

"Your idea is very good."

"When McGrady was in the Raptors, he also started as a defensive engineer."

"It didn't stop him from becoming a superstar."

Shen Fei gave an example.

George nodded.

What the Asian youth said coincided with his thoughts.

"Also, you reduce your personal offense and focus on defense, which is of great help to the team."

"Although Tracy's physical condition has recovered a lot this year, after all, he has played a superstar for many years. His defensive ability is still there, but his defensive awareness has dropped a lot."

"It's okay to let him defend the opponent's star for one or two rounds alone. But let him defend the whole game, I'm afraid it won't be possible."

Shen Fei said with a smile.

"As long as it can help the team, even if you don't attack for the whole game, there is no problem"

George said sternly.

"You want to help the team that much?"

Shen Fei followed the other party's words and asked.

George nodded seriously.

"Then if... resting a few games can help the team better hit the championship?"

Shen Fei suddenly got to the point.


George looked at the Asian young man in bewilderment, obviously not understanding what the latter meant.

"To put it simply, we need to allow Courtney Lee to play as luxuriously as possible in a short period of time."

"If you want data, you need more playing time and a tactical tilt."

"Moreover, we must have sufficient reasons to do this, and we cannot let the transaction partner see the clues."

Shen Fei said lightly.

"You mean... let me have a reason for injury, how many games will I take?"

"So that Courtney Lee gets more chances?"

George guessed.

Shen Fei nodded.

"Can I know which player the team wants to use him and trade?"

George continued.

"Brandon Roy."

Shen Fei didn't hide anything, and replied truthfully.

George froze for a moment when he heard the name, thought for a while, then looked into the eyes of the young Asian, and said seriously:

"No problem, manager."

"If this can really help the team improve its strength, then I will take turns!"

Shen Fei was moved by George's attitude, and couldn't help but reached out and patted the latter's shoulder.

In fact, he secretly used some persuasive words just now.

After guiding George to make sure that he puts the team first, Shen Fei made the request.

This actually puts the other party in a dilemma.

If George disagrees with Shen Fei's arrangement, it will go against his previous wish to help the team.

To put it simply, Shen Fei played a trick on the opponent.

But he didn't expect George to agree so readily.

"I thought I would start off the bench and slowly get playing time."

"It was you and the head coach who trusted me, so I became the main force from the beginning."

"Actually, I know that Kevin Martin was stronger than me at the beginning of the season."

George said seriously.

"So you mean... you beat him in a few games?"

Shen Fei didn't want the conversation to be too serious, so he suddenly joked.

"No no no. I just want to say that I am very satisfied with the current state and I am very grateful for the cultivation of the team."

"Even if I'm allowed to play as a substitute next time, I'm fine, as long as I can help the team."

George quickly waved his hand, indicating that he didn't mean that.

"You have the ability to start." Shen Fei put away his smile and said seriously: "In the future, you will become one of the top small forwards in the league."

"Don't worry, the rotation time will not be too long."

"One week at most, I'll get the deal done, and then you'll be back in the starting lineup."

Shen Fei vowed.

"In addition, during this period of rest, I hope you will continue to strengthen the practice of attacking with the ball."

"When you go back to the starting lineup, I want to see a Paul George with fierce firepower and skilled skills."

The Asian youth continued.

George nodded repeatedly when he heard the words, expressing that he would definitely work hard.

"I just watched it for a while. Your dribbling rhythm is very good, and your movement range is also very large. It is very easy to confuse your opponent."

"But at the same time, you are a standard small forward height, and doing these defenders' passing moves will increase the probability of mistakes."

"I hope, don't be afraid to make moves because of mistakes, and attack boldly, understand?"

Shen Fei asked.

In fact, this is a point of view that can be obtained after just a few minutes of reading.

These ideas are the common views on George obtained by the fans of Huaxia in the previous life after watching the game for many years.

"Manager, how do you know I'm struggling with this?"

George asked in surprise.

In fact, since the summer league, he has been struggling between "bold offense" and "controlling mistakes".

George has both dribbling rhythm and extraordinary skills.

But his height of 2 meters determines that his center of gravity will be high when dribbling.

Except for "monsters" like McGrady, no wing player in history can make various offensive moves as wantonly as a defender.

Even if they are as strong as James and Durant, they all play a simple and efficient style of play, and rarely have a lot of dribbling.

[However, I haven't talked to anyone about these problems yet, the manager figured it out in a few minutes? ]

George was shocked.

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