Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 62 Winning three consecutive victories, Shen Fei's plan!

Lawson is a player whose peak period comes and goes quickly.

As the No. 09 pick in 18, he scored 8.3 points in his first season with the Nuggets.

Moreover, Shen Fei clearly remembered that in the original time and space, Lawson doubled his scoring data in the third season, and was also selected for the All-Star and the Beautiful Country National Team during the period.

But in 14, his state declined sharply, and his scoring average dropped from 17.6 points to 5.8 points per game.

So far, Lawson's scoring average has never returned to double digits.

Even more puzzling...During that time, Lawson was unaffected by injuries!

His fall was as silent as his rise.

No one knows how it happened, and no one knows how it ended.

By 17, Lawson could no longer gain a foothold in the NBA and could only wander overseas to pan for gold.

Of course, these are things to follow.

Today's Lawson is in the golden age of rising.

In front of him, Ish Smith's defense is like the road in the morning.

Lawson broke into the paint frequently, sometimes scoring himself and sometimes assisting his teammates.

Under his leadership, the Rockets also showed a very high level in the transition period.

Another important player who came off the bench, Courtney Lee, also played to his strengths in the fast break and scored frequently.

And the Nuggets, as a powerhouse in the Western Conference, are naturally not soft persimmons.

Their bench also has a fierce man stand up, that is the nerve knife-jr-Smith.

The current jr is at the peak of his physical condition.

His style of play is elegant, his style of play is open and close, he can often perform unreasonable ultra-long three-pointers, and he can also contribute wonderful dunks from time to time.

Jr is like a transmission. Once activated, it can make a "track and field team" like the Nuggets start rushing.

When Lawson ravaged the Nuggets' backline, he also used his own firepower, and the handicap was not further expanded.


The game reached the middle of the second quarter. Taking advantage of a timeout, the two sides replaced some of the starters.

Nuggets coach - George Karl sent Anthony and Billups.

On the Rockets side, McGrady and George were also sent back to the field.

It is worth mentioning that in the first quarter of the game, TC did not take too many shots, but took the initiative to give the opportunity to Griffin, who had a strong desire to perform.

But just after the timeout, Mark Jackson assigned him four teammates with strong defensive capabilities and formulated clear tactics.

There is only one purpose - to let McGrady have no defensive pressure and completely release firepower on the offensive end.

McGrady smiled slightly, but was disrespectful.


The game continued and the Nuggets launched an offense.

Anthony asked for the ball at the top of the arc and met Shane Battier's defense.

After consecutive tentative steps, Melon suddenly pulled up and directly shot a three-pointer.

Shane Battier has rich experience and used the stunt of fame - the big method of blindfolding!


Anthony's shot hit the front of the basket hard and bounced out of the frame.

Obviously, his sight was disturbed by Battier.

PJ Tucker caught Jordan Hill behind him and grabbed the rebound.

The Rockets took advantage of the situation to launch a counterattack!

McGrady received a pass from his teammate while he was on the move, and accelerated towards the inside of the Nuggets.

But the Nuggets came back very quickly.

Billups and backup striker - Al - Harrington has retreated to the restricted area, forming a blockade.

McGrady quickly realized that if he continued to dribble and break through, he would soon fall into the encirclement set by the opponent.

Suddenly, he had an idea and suddenly threw the ball to the backboard.

Such a move made the Nuggets unable to react in time, and they froze in place, following the basketball and looking at the backboard.

While they were in a daze, McGrady had already stepped on his long legs, passed through the encirclement, and leaped high...

After catching the rebounding basketball with both hands in the air, TC's body stretched very much, like a fully drawn bow!


He dunked the ball hard into the basket.



The fans at the Toyota Center were stunned by McGrady's operation, and even forgot to cheer, and the collective fell into silence.

After about two seconds, they woke up like a dream, and began to make bursts of noise:

"O!!! What did I see?! Isn't this TC's famous stunt-self-throwing and self-defeating?"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo low

And this ball is just the beginning of McGrady's performance.

On the next possession, he ushered in Anthony's defense from beyond the three-point line.

This is the first direct dialogue between the two in this game.

McGrady didn't hesitate, and signaled his teammates to pull away, he wanted to play singles.

Then, tc put on a three-threat pose, and took a series of tentative steps.

The defensive Anthony can be regarded as the star of the new generation who likes to use tentative steps the most.

Experienced, he was not deceived and remained in the defensive position throughout.

However, before Anthony could be happy, McGrady suddenly accelerated and made an explosive first step.

Melon didn't even have time to react, his feet seemed to be nailed in place, and he could only watch his opponent walk away.

McGrady hit the inside line again, and took off directly against the Nuggets center who was supplementing the defense.

The bodies of the two collided in the air. TC relied on his strong core strength to control the center of gravity. With a flick of his wrist, he wiped the board and made a layup!

After another minute, McGrady made a comeback again.

This time, he singled Billups with the ball on the outside.

Chauncey has rich experience and knows that if he is too close, it is easy to be passed by McGrady with one step, so he deliberately left half a step away.

Unexpectedly, as soon as McGrady got the space, he immediately pulled up and took off to complete the shot.

The basketball drew a rainbow-like arc in the air and hit the net!

In less than 3 minutes, McGrady has scored 7 points in a row, and the difference between the two sides has also come to 20 points.

Moreover, his next two goals were scored by singles on the heads of the two main players of the Nuggets-Anthony and Billups!

1 to 1 defeat the opponent's main general...

This is very helpful for improving team morale!

After this time, the Rockets never gave the Nuggets a chance to counterattack.

With McGrady's continuous output, at the end of the third quarter, the Rockets stabilized the difference to more than 3 points, and the game also entered garbage time.

In the end, the Rockets beat the Nuggets 120:101 at home.

Since the start of the game, they have won three consecutive victories!


In the vip box on the stand, Shen Fei stood up with satisfaction.

After today, his accumulated reputation has reached 90 points.

As long as you win again in the next round, you will be able to collect enough points to purchase [Holy Light Healing]!

"Come on, the full-fledged Team Rocket... is coming."

The Asian youth muttered something to himself, and then left from the Toyota Center.

On the sports car, Shen Fei called his assistant and asked him to arrange for an editor to make a collection of Lawson and Courtney Lee's performance today and post it on the Internet.

So far, Shen Fei's two major goals - curing Yao Ming and trading Roy - are proceeding smoothly according to the plan!

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