Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 56 The curtain has come to an end, hidden missions!

Shen Fei in the stands, seeing this scene, subconsciously thought that overtime was inevitable.

After all, based on his years of watching football in his previous life, whoever George defends at a critical moment will get a buff in his hit rate.

There was a fan of a good thing back then, who edited the moment when George became the background board at a critical moment into a highlight.

Turns out, that video was a whopping 10 minutes long!

Shen Fei was deeply impressed by the collection.

In the video, George tried his best for every ball, and basically defended to the extreme.

But for some reason, the opponent's star can often hit extremely difficult shots under such defensive pressure.

The most classic one is probably the series between the Thunder and the Trail Blazers.

At that time, the two teams were tied.

Lillard-Lee directed George to play singles with the ball, and stepped back for a three-pointer after hitting a super long-range hit.

This goal not only ended the game, but also ended the Thunder's season. In the end, it caused the Thunder's Big Three to disintegrate directly!

At this moment, George is experiencing the first critical moment of his career.

As in his previous life, he still marks the opponent's arrow figure.

Moreover, today's opponent is one of the strongest key men in NBA history-Kobe Bryant!

However, reality is always full of surprises.

Just when Shen Fei was giving up hope, Kobe's difficult shot finally hit the back edge of the basket and bounced out of the basket.

Griffin jumped up and took the rebound.

The moment he landed, the red light on the timer also lit up.

competition is over!

The Rockets narrowly beat the defending champion-the Lakers with a 3-point advantage!

In the stands, Yao Ming raised his arms and shouted.

Shen Fei also showed a satisfied smile.

At the same time, the system's cold metallic voice came from his mind:

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for winning the first regular season of his career!"

"Special rewards are being issued, please pay attention to check..."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining: (1) $10 billion; (2) s-level random star skill pack*1!"

Shen Fei was greatly surprised when he heard this!

Among other things, the 10 billion US dollars alone instantly transformed Shen Fei from a middle-class man into a rich man!

"Ring Ling Ling ~"

The phone's text message beeps.

Shen Fei opened it and saw that it was a text message from a high-end Swiss bank.

The text message said that the bank will send him a top-level black card with 10 billion US dollars in it in the near future.

[There are really 10 billion, this system is too generous...]

Shen Fei sighed in his heart.

Just won a game, and there will be a reward of 10 billion US dollars.

In his previous life, he had been in the business world for many years, and he had never owned so much wealth.

And in this life, Shen Fei had received the high salary that Alexander gave him from the very beginning of his time travelling, and his life was pretty good.

But he knows that he is still just a worker in essence.

But after today, everything will be different!

[Maybe, I can do more things in the future. ]

Shen Fei secretly thought in his heart, with such a windfall, he has a lot of confidence!

With this in mind, the Asian youth turned his attention to the next reward.

[This random star skill pack, what is it? ]

Shen Fei was puzzled and immediately asked the system.

"After opening the random star skill pack, the system will draw a corresponding star skill according to the level of the skill pack."

"The host can use it on a certain player at will, and can even use it on himself."

"After the player acquires the skill package, he will form muscle memory of the skill in a short period of time and master it."

The system's voice was still cold, but it made Shen Fei feel like a spring breeze.

This is a good thing!

With it, some functional players will usher in a qualitative change!

Like Tony Allen.

His defensive ability is one of the best in the league, but lacks effective offensive means.

This caused him to have to rest on certain occasions.

In case you get a Curry shot bag, use it on Tony Allen...  

Didn't the Rockets just get one, the top 3D player in the league? !

Of course, Shen Fei is not in a hurry to use this skill pack right now.

He plans to use it according to the actual situation after the future team lineup is basically formed.



Dayao's voice sounded beside him, and Shen Fei realized that he had been wandering for a long time.

"what happened?"

The Asian youth touched his nose and asked as if nothing had happened.

"I mean...is my treatment date set? I can't wait to get back on the team now!"

Yao Ming asked excitedly with anticipation in his eyes.

Obviously, the potential that the Rockets showed by defeating the defending champion in the opening game allowed Yao Ming to see the possibility of competing for the championship!

This also made his desire to return stronger.

"Come on, just these two weeks."

"But the exact date is still uncertain, and there is still a very important medicinal material."

Shen Fei pretended to be mysterious and said.

"All right..."

"To be honest, seeing Tracy return to the game in such a good state, I am very happy for him and very envious."

Yao Ming looked at McGrady, who was exchanging jerseys with Kobe off the court, and sighed.

"You'll be fine too, I promise."

Shen Fei said lightly.

As he spoke, his gaze also turned to the court.

Bryant and Tracy McGrady have exchanged jerseys and are talking with smiles on their faces.

It was also the first time for Shen Fei to see Kobe on the scene.

Although the Lakers lost this game, their performance is still strong.

Aside from the missed three-pointer at the end, he played flawlessly in the fourth quarter.

Score 8 goals in a row and score 20 points!

This kind of scoring explosive power, the entire league can match it, no more than three!

Kobe on the court was "vicious", but after the game, he was able to congratulate his opponent generously.

With such a demeanor, it's no wonder that it attracts countless fans.

But immediately, Shen Fei remembered the accident many years later...

A generation of legends ended up with no bones left, and even his most beloved daughter died together.

Such a tragedy, even after so many years, Shen Fei still find it hard to accept.

[If possible... I'm going to try to save him! ]

Shen Fei made up his mind.

Just then, the system beep sounded again:

"Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the hidden mission - saving the legend!"

"Mission content: prevent the helicopter accident 10 years later and save the lives of Kobe's other daughter Gigi."

"Task Reward: Unknown (depending on the completion effect)."

Shen Fei was taken aback when he heard the words.

This system has not appeared once in a few months, but it appears frequently today.

However, Shen Fei was very happy to accept this task.

He has the will to save people, and now there is an unknown reward waiting for him, Shen Fei is naturally disrespectful.

[There is still a long time before that accident, so take your time. ]

Shen Fei thought to himself.

Immediately, he and Yao Ming left the Staples Center together.

The next day, Shen Fei returned to Houston.

What he didn't know was that during the short time he was resting, all major sports platforms and social media were discussing the Rockets, and the heat was explosive!

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