Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 50 The Button of Death Reappears, Griffin Shocks the World Again

While the two were talking, the first quarter was over.

The Rockets temporarily lead the Lakers by 31 points at 22:9.

At the beginning of the second quarter, both sides sent substitute players to play.

On the Rockets side, Mark Jackson was very bold in employing people. He dispatched four substitute players in one go - Jeremy Lin, Tony Allen, Kevin Martin, and Luis Scola.

Coupled with the young and physically strong Blake Griffin, the strength of the Rockets' bench lineup should not be underestimated!

CCTV commentator Yang Yi lamented:

"Except for Yao Ming, the Rockets' current bench lineup is only stronger than last year's starting lineup!"

"This is the change Shen Fei brought to this team!"

On the other hand, on the Lakers side, Kobe continued to choose to play in order to bite the score.

In other words, from the start of the game to the present, he only rested for 2 minutes.

Odom, who was troubled by fouls in the first quarter, also returned to the court at this time, forming a dual-core with Kobe.

The game continued and the Rockets served.

Jeremy Lin passed the half court with the ball and met Shannon Brown's defense.

Brown is a guard with extremely strong physical fitness.

In his career, he contributed countless wonderful dunks and blocked shots.

The most impressive thing may be that when he played against the Nuggets that year, Brown desperately chased and defended from the backcourt, and finally nailed the opponent with both hands.

That block made the Lakers bench, including Kobe and all the bosses, cover their mouths in shock!

However, in addition to the world's best physical fitness, Brown does not have many advantages.

Unstable projection ability;

The sense of the ball is mediocre, which leads to Kong has unsurpassed explosive power, but rarely achieves ecstasy;

There is also... the overall situation on the court is not good, and the judgment is lacking.

For example, when Brown saw that the opposing player was a yellow man, he had already labeled the opponent in his heart-this person must have poor physical fitness, I will definitely eat him!

Ever since, just after Shuhao passed halftime, Brown made a rash move, trying to steal the opponent directly.

Unexpectedly, the moment he stretched out his hand and leaned forward, Jeremy Lin suddenly switched hands behind his back and dribbled the ball, directly passing Brown cleanly.

Brown realized that he was being played, and turned around quickly, wanting to make amends.

But after running two steps, he suddenly discovered that the other party's speed was even faster than his!

There was a distance of one body between the two, and Brown insisted on not chasing it back.

In the end, he could only watch Shuhao complete the small throw.

At 33:22, the Rockets' lead has reached double digits!

In the transition between offense and defense, Kobe asked for the ball in the low post. Behind him, Tony Allen was defending with his teeth and claws.

Lakers backup guard - Steve Blake hit the ground and passed the ball to the elbow.

The moment Kobe caught the ball, he immediately felt the pressure coming from behind him.

But he didn't panic at all, adjusted his center of gravity, and felt Tony Allen's defense with his back.

The two of them are already old rivals!

In the finals a few months ago, Kobe had fought with Tony Allen many times.

In the series where the physical confrontation reached the extreme, the Black Mamba's shooting percentage was not high under the struggle of the Celtics' defensive champions.

Although the Lakers won the championship at risk in the end, it cannot be denied that Tony Allen still played his own characteristics in the matchup with Kobe, which limited the performance of the Black Mamba to a certain extent.

In this rematch, Tony Allen is also full of confidence.

Compared with Kobe, Allen, who came off the bench, has a physical advantage.

Therefore, even when playing defensively, he still tirelessly tries to get the ball from behind.

Allen's defensive skills are very good.

Some fans might mistake him for the same type of defender as Beverley.

In fact, although he is also known for his defensive aggression, Allen rarely hurts people.

More often, he relies on his super lateral movement ability and a pair of fast hands to interfere with the opponent's rhythm.

As strong as Kobe, under such defensive pressure, it is also a bit uncomfortable.

But as the leader of the Lakers, he knows that at this time, he must stand up and stop the bleeding for the team.

Kobe made a sudden effort and relied on hitting twice in a row.

"Bang, bang!"

Under the intense body collision, Tony Allen snorted.

At this moment, Kobe suddenly shook his shoulders.

Tony Allen was deceived by this realistic fake action. Although he did not lose his defensive position, he hesitated for a second.

Kobe immediately sensed the opponent's hesitation, and then turned over and fell back.

Only then did Tony Allen react, and quickly stepped forward to try to block the shot.

But Kobe's back was so great that even though Allen tried his best, he only touched his fingertips after the former shot.



Goal in, whistle blows.

Two points scored, but also a penalty!

"You can almost stop me."

Kobe Bryant said to Tony Allen indifferently.

Allen smiled helplessly and spread his hands.

In the few times he played against Kobe, he has heard this kind of trash talk too much.

Moreover, Allen thought he had defended well enough just now, so he was not discouraged.

[This ball Kobe played unreasonably, it’s just because of his strong personal ability]

Tony Allen clapped his hands to cheer himself up.

Kobe stood at the free-throw line, and he was greeted by "p" chants all over the Staples Center.

He took a deep breath and made the free throw steadily.

33:25, the Lakers caught up with the score.

But the enthusiasm of the fans has not yet passed, and the Rockets are about to serve the bottom line and start to counterattack!

Shuhao advanced with the ball at high speed, once again throwing off Brown's defense.

On the Lakers side, only Odom and Blake started to retreat in the first place.

Seeing Jeremy Lin break into the penalty area, the Lakers insider - Odom, thought he was going to repeat the same trick, so he quickly moved laterally to supplement the defense.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped out of the penalty area with his front foot, Jeremy Lin threw the ball into the air with his back hand.

The next moment, the white monster came out again!

The moment Griffin caught the basketball, Blake stood in front of him without hesitation, ready to use his body to build the final line of defense.

"Steve Blake is very brave! And this time his position selection is very reasonable, and he should be able to draw an offensive foul!"

Yang Yi commented in a timely manner.

However, at the next moment, Griffin seemed to use China's traditional martial arts in the air - the vertical ladder, and raised some heights out of thin air!

And then...he flew over Blake's head!


After a powerful one-handed dunk, the audience was dumbfounded, and so were the other 9 players present!

Griffin even flew directly over Blake!

This scene seems to be the reappearance of Carter's "death button" many years ago.

(Of course, in terms of difficulty, it is still slightly inferior to the deduction of death.)

"My gosh, what did I see?!"

"This rookie is a monster. Did he really lie in a hospital bed for a whole year last year?"

"I dare say, he is the rookie with the best physical fitness after LeBron James!"

The fans talked about each other, telling their shock.

Meanwhile, Griffin was bouncing his chest wildly with his teammates in celebration.

The "victim" Blake stood there blankly, with a very lonely expression.

Chatting walked to his side, reached out and rubbed his head:

"You acted very manly just now! It's no shame to be dunked. It shows that you are defending seriously and are not timid!"

Then, Bryant passed the ball to Odom on the baseline and motioned for the ball to be passed back to him.

The fans at the scene immediately realized that this was Kobe's response to the opponent!

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