Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 44 Green got it, Lowry showed his loyalty!

Early the next morning, Danny Green walked out of his home and was planning to go to the airport to take the nearest flight to Houston.

Just then, his cell phone beeped a text message.

Open it and look, it is Shen Fei's number.

Green opened curiously.

The content of the text message was simple, providing a location for Green to take a private jet there.

The sudden concern made Danny Green a little flattered.

In the beautiful country, it is common for rich people to hire private jets.

For example, Kobe likes to take a private jet to fly directly to the arena to reduce commuting time.

However, it is definitely a rare thing for a "nobody" like Danny Green to receive such care from the general manager.

The flight from San Antonio to Houston was not long, and Green arrived at his destination in no time.

The hatch opened, and Green came out, taking off his sunglasses.

Not far away, a young Asian man in a casual suit stood there quietly with his hands in his pockets.

Green immediately responded that this should be the rumored young general manager from Huaxia.

He dragged his luggage and walked towards Shen Fei quickly.


"Welcome to Team Rocket."

While speaking, Shen Fei stretched out his right hand.

Green quickly put down his luggage and stretched out his right hand.

The two had a chest bumping salute common among black people.

"I will work hard, general manager!"

"In the future, no matter how much time I can get, I will go all out, train hard, and wait for the coach to call my name."

Green said solemnly.

"That's not bad, it took a lot of time to memorize this paragraph, right?"

Shen Fei joked with a smile, he didn't want to make the atmosphere so serious when they met.

Green was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he laughed loudly: "Manager, I did think of these words on the plane, but every sentence is from the bottom of my heart."

As soon as these words came out, Shen Fei had a deeper understanding of Green.

With such emotional intelligence and eloquence, it is no wonder that he became the captain of the Spurs in the original time and space, and he was able to gain a firm foothold in other teams later.

After exchanging simple greetings, Shen Fei personally drove Green to a high-end private restaurant.

The two chatted while eating, and their relationship became closer.

"Danny, before joining the Rockets, I need to tell you what our goal is."

Shen Fei took a sip of the red wine in the glass and said with a smile.

Green was all ears.

"The Houston Rockets have only one goal, and that is to win the championship, and they will win the championship this season!"

Shen Fei said word by word, seriously


Green was a little confused when he heard it, and his eyes widened, trying to confirm whether the other party was joking.

After seeing Shen Fei's firm expression, he couldn't help asking:

"Manager, James has just joined the Heat with Bosh. Three super giants who are in their prime form a team. This should have never happened in the past."

"There are also the Celtics, Spurs, Lakers...all of them are not good! Do we have the strength to challenge them now?"

Green said with concern.

Last night, after receiving a call from Shen Fei, he started researching Team Rocket overnight.

Last season, the Rockets finished ninth in the West with 42 wins and 40 losses and missed the playoffs.

(It is worth mentioning that the Thunder, the eighth in the Western Conference, has a record of 50 wins and 32 losses, which is a team of another level!)

Times have changed, and now Houston has ushered in many young talents.

But relying on them alone, it is still not realistic to let the team rise to the level of the championship in a short period of time.

In Green's view, this season, the Rockets can be comparable to another youth team-the Oklahoma City Thunder, which is already good.

"If you want to win the championship, the teams you mentioned will naturally have to challenge."

"The process will be very difficult, but we will definitely do it."

"And, on the way to the championship, you will play a vital role!"

Shen Fei looked into Green's eyes and said seriously.

"But, I..."

Green hesitated to speak, obviously not having much confidence in his own strength

"In the future, you have to do two things on the court, one is to defend, and the other is to make that damn three-pointer!"

"You have to believe in one thing -- you're going to be the Rockets' best shooter."

"So... train well. From now on on the court, whenever you have a chance to shoot a three-pointer, you will make a bold shot without hesitation."

Shen Fei instructed.

After hearing this, Green nodded vigorously.

At the same time, he was very surprised in his heart.

Because these demands of Asian youths are exactly the same as Green's plan for his future!

Danny Green, as an older rookie, knows very well that his talent is not the best.

For dynamic talents like running, jumping, and explosive power, he only has a pass line level.

Green's advantages are good ball quotient, excellent touch, and good body shape.

And these are enough for him to become an excellent shooter!

However, these ideas of Green have not been recognized by the coaches in the past.

Therefore, he is sometimes confused.

Do you need to practice some ball-handling breakthroughs?

Do you need to practice post-up singles?

For a full year after joining the NBA, no one had an answer for him.

But now, when Shen Fei met him for the first time, he clearly told Green what to do in the future.

This made Green feel valued.

[The manager definitely has studied my game before giving such targeted guidance. ]

[He was really nice to me! ]

Green remembered the phone call last night, the private jet this morning, and the clean-up just now.

Everything reflects the importance that young Asians attach to him.

This also makes Green more confident that he can get a good development in the Rockets.

"Train well, the regular season starts, I want to see your progress."

Shen Fei said with a smile.

Immediately, the two raised their wine glasses one after another and had a toast.


That night, Kyle Lowry posted a long post on his personal Twitter.

In the tweet, he reviewed his NBA career in detail and shared how he rose up in the Rockets step by step.

"Now, my game is getting better and better, and I have found some ways to help the team."

"This season, we have a big goal, but we don't want to tell you yet."

"Tweeting this just to let everyone know that I'm not leaving, Houston will always be my home! I just hope that, one day, my jersey will hang high above the Toyota Center!"

"Handwritten by Kyle Lowry."

Shen Fei watched Lori's tweets in his mansion, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Xiaogangpao has been serving as a substitute for Aaron Brooks before, working hard and working hard.

In the original time and space, after Brooks left the team, he gradually gained a foothold and became an All-Star player step by step.

Now, because of Shen Fei's arrival, Lowry has strengthened his determination to stay in the team.

Young Asians know very well that it is definitely a great blessing for the Rockets to have such an All-Star guard who is both offensive and defensive, sitting in the backcourt!

Ever since, Shen Fei immediately called the general manager of the Cavaliers - David Griffin.

"I'm sorry David, I failed to convince Kyle, his determination to stay in the team is very firm."

"There is a chance in the future, let's cooperate again."

Shen Fei said with "regret".

David Griffin just saw Lowry's tweet as well.

Faced with such a situation, he was also a little helpless.

After hesitating for a moment, Griffin reluctantly accepted the reality.

In fact, when the matter developed to the present, he felt a little strange, but he couldn't tell which link was wrong.

After all, so far, the Cavaliers have only lost Danny Green.

A water fountain patron saint at the end of the bench, and Griffin is fine with that.

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

"Then let's have a chance to cooperate again."

After all, Griffin hung up the phone.


After all this is done, the night is already deep.

Shen Fei leaned on the window sill and looked up at the bright moon in the sky.

Three months later, the Rockets' lineup has undergone earth-shaking changes under his control.

Now, with the addition of Green, the team has a reliable shooter.

"The regular season is about to start, and the first game seems to be against the Lakers."

"Whether this new lineup is a mule or a horse depends on the performance of that day."

Facing the sky, Shen Fei muttered to himself.

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