Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 42 New target, Danny Green!

Shen Fei thought about it, and looked at the rosters of each team, but he couldn't find a suitable one.

[Reliable shooters are too hard to find...]

As a time traveler, the first thing he thought of was definitely the "primary school student" of the Golden State Warriors - Curry, Ku Ritian.

But Mengshen averaged 17.5 points, 5.9 assists and 4.5 rebounds in his debut season last season.

Moreover, in the middle and late part of the season, after Monta Ellis was injured and missed, Curry ushered in an explosion.

He not only won the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and three-month rookie of the year, but also averaged more than 25 points per game in April.

Throughout the season, Curry's three-point shooting percentage reached an astonishing 43.7%!

It was said at the time that if the season was extended by two months, Curry would be the rookie of the year.

Moreover, Curry is currently very healthy. He played a total of 80 games last season, 77 of which were starts. The fragile ankle has not affected him yet.

In other words, the current Curry is absolutely not for sale for the Golden State Warriors.

Even if the Rockets give everything they have, they don't have enough bargaining chips.

But as long as the time is right, Shen Fei will try to trade Curry without hesitation.

, "If I remember correctly, Curry will be affected by long-term injuries in his third season. It seems that he played less than 3 games throughout the season."

Shen Fei recalled.

Even if they can't get it this season, Asian youths will trade Curry to the Rockets next season.

[Let's talk about Ty Lawson's data first. ]

Shen Fei thought to himself.

If all goes well, Ty Lawson will be able to average 20 points per game in the middle of the season.

By that time, he will be on par with Curry this season in terms of statistics.

Coupled with a scorer like Kevin Martin who is in his prime, the Rockets still have enough chips available, so they can try it out!

With this thought in mind, Fei Shen put Curry's name in the options.

Now he has to continue to screen shooters who can be traded immediately.

However, famous shooters like Ray Allen and Peja Stojakovic all played important roles in the championship team.

If you want to trade them, firstly, you have to consider the other party's wishes, and secondly, you have to pay a lot of chips, which is currently difficult for the Rockets to do.

In the future small ball era, most of the strongest three-point shooters (such as Klay Thompson) have not yet entered the league.

After much deliberation, I searched hard to no avail.

Just when Shen Fei was planning to temporarily run aground, he suddenly discovered that Danny Green's name was not on the San Antonio Spurs' roster.

"Hasn't Tielin transferred to the Spurs yet?"

Shen Fei immediately became excited.

Danny Green in this period is still in his "infancy".

If I remember correctly, he was selected by the Cavaliers and was teammates with James for a year.

Soon, Shen Fei found Green's name in the Cavaliers' roster.

His name is at the end of the list, which shows Green's status on the team at this time.

But the more this happened, the more excited Shen Fei became.

This means that he can get such a best three-pointer in the finals at a very small price!

Shen Fei clearly remembered that in the finals of the 13-14 season, Green averaged 6 three-pointers per game.

This kind of performance not only broke the historical three-point record in the finals, but also helped the Spurs defeat the Heat sitting on the Big Three!

At that time, he was not only excellent in open three-pointers, but also all kinds of chasing three-pointers and drifting three-pointers were terrifyingly accurate.

That summer, China's Hupu Forum even used "Green's Fairy Tale" to describe Danny Green's performance in the finals.

After the Spurs won the championship, Green was also regarded by many media as the most valuable player in the finals.

However, how to trade to Green with the least cost?

The first two names that Shen Fei thought of were Chuck Hayes and Brad Miller

The former, nicknamed Haiye, is a veteran of the Rockets. His solid style of play and hard-working attitude make him loved by many fans.

However, as a short insider, he has neither excellent skills, nor dynamic qualities such as jumping ability and explosive power..

He can gain a foothold in the NBA, relying on that amazing lower body strength.

But after the arrival of pj-Tucker, he has lost his position in the Rockets.

What Hayes can do (inside defense), Tucker can do it too.

What Hayes can't do, such as defending outside players, defending the opponent's wing star alone, etc., Tucker can still do it!

The Rockets' starting power forward has been locked by Blake Griffin.

The backup power forward position will also belong to Tucker.

Simply put, Hayes is not in Shen Fei's plan and may be traded at any time

Fortunately, there is only one year left in Haiye's contract, and this year's salary is only 197 million US dollars, which is a very cheap contract.

And another veteran, Brad Miller, is also a tasteless existence in the team.

He has rich experience, but his ability has declined a lot compared to his peak period.

Both offensive and defensive ends, Miller has been unable to keep up with the rhythm of modern basketball.

Maybe, sending the old Miller to a weak team, he can still play his spare heat.

But in the Rockets, who are aiming to win the championship, he has no effect.

"However, those two players the Cavaliers probably won't want to..."

Shen Fei muttered to himself.

During the offseason, the Cavaliers just lost the absolute core of the team for many years-the little emperor, LeBron James.

If I remember correctly, in the new season, they will go from No. [-] in the Eastern Conference to a tank team and become the last in the Eastern Conference.

And what's the use of Hayes and Miller for a rebuilding team?

This is like selling a comb to a monk.

But soon, Shen Fei came up with a good idea...

He has always done things vigorously and resolutely, and he does it when he thinks about it.

Ever since, Shen Fei immediately found the number of Cavaliers general manager - David Griffin, and dialed it.

"Hi, I'm Fei Shen, the general manager of the Rockets, and I want to discuss a deal with you."

Shen Fei said straight to the point.

"Oh? It's Shen Fei's manager, I've been looking forward to it for a long time."

Griffin said kindly.

However, at this moment, what he was thinking in his heart was——

Fat Sheep is here!

Who doesn't know now, the young general manager of the Rockets - Shen Fei, likes to make some unpredictable transactions.

But now the Cavaliers, with a lot of waste to do, have a lot of draft picks, and the team doesn't even have a decent training target.

Therefore, David Griffin was very happy when Fei Shen called.

He immediately started brainstorming what he could get from the Rockets.

At present, what the Cavaliers lack most is high-quality young players.

Coincidentally, the Rockets made a lot of money in this year's draft.

Whether it is Paul George, who was selected with the No. 10 pick in the first round, or Jeremy Lin, who was not drafted, they are all players who played very well in the preseason.

Plus their starting point guard Kyle Lowry and last year's No. [-] pick - Blake Griffin.

Any one of these 4 players is very favorite of David Griffin!

Seeing that the other party did not speak for a long time, Shen Fei continued:

"To be honest, our team is in a similar situation to your Cavaliers. They are both teams that are about to enter the rebuilding period."

"So, I hope to exchange some players for your draft picks."

As we all know, James' departure brought the Cavaliers two first-round picks, two second-round picks, and a special case of 1,450 million transactions.

Not surprisingly, the Cavaliers will use these two first-round picks next summer to select the No. 4 pick-Kyrie Irving and the No. [-] pick-Tristan Thompson.

However, Shen Fei's goal is not to pick next year's draft pick at all.

The only thing he pursues now is to lead the Rockets to win the championship this season.

The current rhetoric is just a pretense.

"Our draft picks are priceless because next season... we're going to suck all over!"

David Griffin admitted.

"I understand. But you don't want the team to be full of young players, not even a player in his prime?"

Shen Fei asked with a smile.

"As long as you can get a good lottery, so what?"

David Griffin was unimpressed.

His team-building style has always been tough, and he doesn't care about the evaluation of the outside world.

This is why the Cavaliers won an average of only 20 games per year during the three years James left.

"What if I play Kyle Lowry?"

Shen Fei's words were like a heavy bomb, directly waking Griffin up!

If it was two weeks ago, this chip would not have caused much waves.

But times have changed, Lowry has shown super personal ability in 8 preseason games

Any professional in the basketball world will sigh after watching it-Lowry's ball is up!

For example, the famous ESPN commentator-A-Smith once said in a live broadcast:

"I wouldn't be surprised if Kyle is an All-Star next season. He has the strength to do it!"

It can be seen that Lowry has made great progress!

"We can talk!"

Without any reserve, David Griffin said urgently.

[Hooked. ]

The corner of the Asian youth's mouth curled up in a sly arc.

Danny Green he must.

As for Lowry?

That is absolutely impossible!

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