At 5 minutes into the second quarter, Thunder coach Brooks waved his hand and replaced Dewey's second youngster on the field again.

After a 5-minute rest, the two young men have recovered to full stamina.

Coupled with Harden in good form, the Thunder began to stage a youthful storm in the next few minutes.

First, Durant faced the defense at the top of the arc and hit a catch&shoot three-pointer.

Afterwards, Westbrook once again hit Parker one-on-one, went to the inside and caused the Spurs to foul, and made two free throws.

Both the eldest brother and the second younger brother have contributed, and the third brother Harden is naturally unwilling to be lonely.

He used the pick-and-roll to rush to the free throw line and attracted the Spurs' double-team.

Just when people thought there was nowhere for Harden to escape, the bearded player flicked his wrist and made a no-look pass to help fly Ibaka who was ambushing on the baseline.

The latter jumped up, caught the basketball in the air, and slammed it into the hoop...


A powerful one-handed dunk helped the Thunder hit a 7-0 shock wave, and the point difference between the two teams further widened.

Not only that, the morale of the young Thunder team soared after this wave of small climax.

In the following games, both the offensive and defensive ends, the boys were very excited, and their input was even higher than at the beginning.

The Spurs have been trying to interrupt the rhythm of the Thunder.

But once young people gain momentum, it is very difficult to suppress them.

At least in this game, the Spurs didn't do it.

At the end of the first half, the Thunder led the Spurs by 70 points 50:20.

In the second half of the game, the Spurs adjusted their strategy and began to try more three-pointers.

In this way, their offensive efficiency has indeed improved.

But back to the defensive end, the Spurs still have no good way to take the Thunder's third, so the point difference has not narrowed much.

After the third quarter, the score became 93:78, and the Thunder entered the final quarter with a 15-point advantage.

It can be said that the balance of victory has fallen to this young team from Oklahoma.

ESPN broadcaster - A-Smith commented:

"The team defense that the Spurs are proud of doesn't seem to be effective in the face of the super individual abilities of the Thunder teenagers."

"There is a saying in the NBA that the first game of the series is just a test for the two teams."

"But we all know that if the top team loses the first game, it means that the home field advantage they have worked so hard for in 82 regular season games will disappear. This will undoubtedly have an impact on the mentality of the players."

"The Spurs have rich experience and may be able to minimize this impact, but they will definitely not have no impact."

"Of course, the game is not over yet, they still have 12 minutes to give it a go!"

Look at Parker in good times, Duncan in adversity, and Ginobili in desperation-this is a saying that Spurs fans often say.

And now is the moment of desperation.

In the long-awaited, Ginobili really stood up!

The fourth quarter started, and the game once again entered the transition period.

On the Thunder's side, the two juniors took a rest, and Harden once again took on the burden of leading the team.

The Spurs here, Parker and Manu Ginobili debut together.


Thunder attack.

Harden held the ball at the top of the arc and directed his teammates to move.

Soon, Ibaka stepped up and set up a cover according to the tactics.

The simplest pick-and-roll tactic has been tried and tested by the Thunder today.

Especially with Harden and Ibaka's pick-and-roll, the Spurs have almost nothing to do.

But this time, it was Ginobili who defended Deng Ge.

Yaodao noticed Ibaka's arrival from the corner of the eye early, moved ahead of time, and seized

vantage point.

Ginobili takes a sharp sideways step as Harden rolls around the screen.

Ibaka wanted to help his teammates block the defender, and subconsciously turned his shoulder slightly.

Naturally, he made physical contact with Ginobili on the move.

The next moment, the demon knife flew out...

He "flyed" far away, screamed loudly, and had a painful expression, as if he was not hit by Ibaka, but was attacked by a truck.


The whistle sounded and the Thunder screened for a foul.

Ginobili was lying on the ground, and after seeing the referee's penalty, the corners of his mouth secretly raised, and then changed back to a painful expression.

Acting plays a full set.

The Pampas Demon Knife knows this well!

With the support of his teammates, Ginobili got up "difficultly" and came to the bottom line to catch the ball.

Ten seconds later, he turned into a bolt of lightning and went straight to the penalty area of ​​the Thunder. Against Ibaka's defense, he made a layup.

93:80, the Spurs narrowed the point difference slightly.

Ginobili silently clenched his fists to cheer himself up.

Harden not far away has a complicated expression.

Offensive and defensive transition, Deng Ge played singles with the ball at the top of the arc.

After a series of dizzying dribble "scrambles", he managed to shake Ginobili away.Kill the Spurs hinterland.

I saw Deng Ge holding the ball with straight arms, and suddenly raised it in the process.

McDyess, who was defending seriously, snapped and was hit by Harden.

McDyess has been in the league for many years, and this is the first time he has been "violated" by an offensive player on defense.

But before he had time to react, Harden jumped up with a pained look on his face, and then threw the ball to the basket...


The referee blew his whistle again, but this time, it was a Spurs defensive foul.

McDyess was stunned, he spread his hands and looked at his teammates, then at the referee.

No one responded to him.

Ginobili on the side showed a dignified expression.

[Good fellow, a fellow of the same mind!At such a young age, he has such skill, and the method of making fouls is also unique. Heroes are born in youth! ]

Yaodao sighed in his heart.

Harden smiled slightly, stood on the free throw line, and made two free throws steadily.

In an offensive and defensive transition, Parker passed the half court with the ball.

He took advantage of his speed, passed the opposing defender, and scored the ball after reaching the inside.

Ginobili catches the ball from the outside, opens his hand and throws...

After the basketball left his fingertips, it spun at a high speed, drawing a beautiful arc in the air...


Hollow into the network!

95:83, the point difference is still more than ten points.

After 1 minute, the Spurs completed a wonderful defense.

Through their excellent rotation, they forced the Thunder to make a hasty shot at the last moment of 24 seconds.

After the basketball bounced out of the basket, McDyess took off the rebound.

The Spurs counterattacked.

During the fast break, Ginobili flicked his wrist and found Parker with a long pass.

The latter turned into a sharp knife and went straight to Thunder's hinterland.

He turned around without slowing down, passed Sefolosha neatly, and then made a layup!

95: 85.

Only 10 points left.

At this point, just 2 minutes into the fourth quarter.

10 minutes, 10 points difference.

The Spurs will see the hope of a comeback!

At the same time, Thunder coach Brooks turned to look at the bench.

Dewey and the two young masters stood up at the same time.

After the three of them exchanged glances, Brooks immediately signaled for a substitution to the technical desk.

Soon, with the help of a dead ball, Dewey's second young master appeared again.

In the following games, the Thunder once again took the absolute initiative.

Under the joint attack of the three young men, the old Spurs' defensive line lost sight of one another and retreated steadily.

Even if Ginobili and Duncan hit difficult goals several times, it is difficult to stop the decline.

When the red light on the timer was on, the score of the two teams was fixed at 121:107.

The Thunder won Game [-] of the series at the AT&T Arena!

After the game, the Thunder teenagers hugged and celebrated on the field.

Every player's face is full of joy and excitement that cannot be hidden.

At the same time, the Rockets generals in Houston also finished watching the game and began to make a final summary.

"The strength displayed by Thunder is indeed much stronger than expected. But this is the first game, and it is still uncertain who will win."

"But we have to take the Thunder into the observation range in the follow-up. They are the kind of team that can explode with amazing energy."

Mark Jackson looked at a page full of notes and analyzed.

The players nodded upon hearing this.

"It's normal for Durant to be unable to guard against this. Few wings in the league can limit him."

"The problem is that the Spurs' guards Parker and George Hill, when they meet Russell (Westbrook), they are delivering food."

"Hill is better. Parker meets Russell on the defensive end. It's basically a cash machine."

Lowry added.

"Let's see how the Spurs adjust."

"I hope they can help us find an effective defensive plan, and we can reap the benefits."

Yao Ming said with a smile.

Why do nba teams strive for the top in the regular season?

In addition to the home court advantage, another big advantage is that you can play weaker opponents in the first round.

In this way, the strength can be preserved as much as possible without showing all the "hole cards".

In the fourth and fifth games, the two teams are similar in strength. If they want to advance, they must use all their skills.

This means that even if you pass the risk, many of your tactics and the strengths and weaknesses of the team will be exposed.

Sometimes even the weaknesses of the core players, and how to target them, will be thoroughly studied.

In this way, the opponent in the next round is equivalent to taking an open-book exam, and can prepare reference answers in advance!

"That's the reason, let them fight in the dark."

Lowry nodded in agreement.

"Okay, it's getting late, pack up and go back to rest."

"Half a day off tomorrow, and gather in the video analysis room at night."

After all, Mark Jackson closed his notebook.

After the Rockets player left, his mobile phone suddenly rang a text message.

When I opened it, it turned out to be the information of my own boss.

"The Spurs have no hope of advancing, study the Thunder."

Shen Fei spoke concisely and directly gave Mark Jackson a conclusion.

[good guy...]

Mark Jackson couldn't help being surprised.

The series has only played one game, and the two teams are also evenly matched, fighting fiercely until the last quarter...

Even the most senior scouts dare not come to such a firm conclusion!

If other people said so, Mark Jackson would just laugh it off, or refute its arbitrariness.

But this is a text message from Shen Fei...

Mark Jackson really wanted to persuade himself to question, but he put his finger on the screen and didn't press a word.

Obviously, deep down in his heart, he already believed in the conclusion given by Shen Fei.

"Okay, who told you to be Shen Fei?"


Ke Jackson muttered to himself, then opened his notebook, and marked the page that recorded Thunder's information with an asterisk.


Shen Fei never draws conclusions lightly.

The reason why he thinks that the Spurs can't pass the Thunder is mainly based on the additional information of the traverser.

Shen Fei clearly remembered that in the original time and space, the Spurs were the top team in the Western Conference in the 10-11 season.

But in the series, they unexpectedly lost to the Grizzlies.

Although the Grizzlies are strong, but the Spurs' upset out is more of their own reasons.

Among the team's core players, both Duncan and Parker were injured, and the lack of new generation strength in the team was the main reason for their defeat.

(Two years later, the healthy Duncan led the Spurs to eliminate the Grizzlies 4-0 in the series, killing every game.)

In other words, the Spurs may not even be able to display [-]% of their strength this season.

How can such a state defeat the rising Thunder?

This is why Shen Fei dared to give such a decisive conclusion!

[The Lakers are also finished, right?take a look...]

Shen Fei clicked on the webpage.

The title that catches the eye is: "The momentum is like a broken bamboo!"Kobe Bryant scores 42, Lakers beat Nuggets at home".

Clicking on the details page, Shen Fei discovered a detail from the report - Kobe made 12 of 10 free throws.

This means that he should kill the inside several times and draw fouls.

In the original time and space, Kobe suffered from a serious knee injury this season, his breakthrough ability was almost zero, and he could only rely on shooting to output firepower.

"The wheels of history are turning in different directions..."

Shen Fei murmured.

If Kobe is healthy, this year's Lakers are actually very strong.

Then, when the Mavericks meet them in the second round, they will certainly not be able to take advantage of it.

There is bound to be a big battle between the two teams!

"Things are getting more and more interesting..."

Shen Fei murmured with a smile.

After that, he swiped his phone again, and then went to bed to rest.

Tomorrow morning, Shen Fei still has one more important thing to do - see Sun Yue.

Since the Rockets signed Sun Yue, Shen Fei has not found time to meet and communicate with the former.

The purpose of the meeting is also very simple, which is to tell Sun Yue that the Rockets will reuse him in the future, not just because of his Chinese nationality.


In the early morning of the next day, Shen Fei got up very early and drove to the training hall.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard the sound of dribbling one after another.

In addition to Sun Yue, Curry, George, Griffin and other young people have chosen to practice more.

"You are still young and energetic."

Shen Fei sighed.

Soon, everyone noticed Shen Fei's arrival.

Everyone paused the training and said hello.


"Good morning, manager!"

"Boss, I have a new idea for dunking, do you want to discuss it?"

Finally, this has attracted Shen Fei's attention.

He looked around, and it was neither Griffin nor George who spoke, but Stephen Curry.

Shen Fei couldn't help but laugh.

In his previous life, Golden State LaVine was famous all over the world.

And in this time and space, Curry has not yet had a connection with the "deductor".

"Next time, next time I will dunk with you."

Shen Fei said with a smile.

Immediately, he signaled everyone to continue training, and he himself walked to the field where Sun Yue was.


Seeing Shen Fei approaching, Sun Yue hurriedly

Say hello.

"How about it, will you still get used to it after coming to the Rockets?"

Shen Fei asked with a smile.

"pretty good."

"Brother Yao and Brother Yi often give me pointers, and I also got a lot of playing time in the Development League."

Sun Yue replied.

"Ah That's good."

"I came to you today mainly to discuss the contract with you."

"You are now signing a two-way contract, which will expire after the end of the season. Do you have any career plans in the future? Do you want to stay in the Rockets?"

Shen Fei asked.


Sun Yue originally wanted to express his desire to stay in the team, but when the words came to his lips, he was worried that he would be overwhelmed.

After all, he hasn't played well in the development league recently.

Sun Yue felt that Shen Fei probably knew about his performance, and maybe he came here today to persuade him to leave.

Everyone is from Huaxia, and it would be somewhat embarrassing if they got cut off.

"My strength may not be enough to stay in the team..."

Sun Yue thought over and over again, and said helplessly.

"You didn't hear my question clearly."

"I was asking if you want to stay in the team, not about your ability."

Shen Fei corrected.


Sun Yue looked at Shen Fei suspiciously.

After reacting, he said firmly, "I think!"

"Then I need you to fully cooperate with my training arrangements in the next offseason."

Shen Fei continued.

"Training arrangements? No problem! As long as you can stay in the NBA, it doesn't matter if you vomit every day in the training hall!"

Sun Yue quickly promised.

"That's not necessary."

"Okay, your attitude is enough. During the playoffs, follow the team and feel the atmosphere of the game more."

"Next season, you'll get a lot of playing time."

Shen Fei said lightly.

After Sun Yue heard this, although she still couldn't believe it, she still nodded firmly.

After that, the two chatted for a while, and Shen Fei left the arena.


In the evening, the playoffs continued.

The Heat sit at home and beat the Pacers again.

The Mavericks also maintained the good state of the previous game and also defeated the Hornets.

After seeing the two major opponents have achieved a 2:0 advantage, the Rockets are also sharpening their swords, waiting for the rematch with the Grizzlies!

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