Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 4 The deal is concluded!

This person not only has a very successful player career, but also has many amazing operations after becoming a management team.

In the original world, under his leadership, the Pacers once became No. [-] in the Eastern Conference.

The call was connected quickly.

"Hi, this is Larry Bird."

A low voice sounded.

"Hello, I'm the general manager of the Rockets——Shen Fei."

"I called you today because I want to discuss a deal about draft picks."

Shen Fei said straight to the point.

When Byrd heard the other party's self-report, coupled with his young voice, he couldn't help being suspicious.

"You can look at the official Twitter of the Rockets."

Shen Fei knew it in his heart and reminded.

Two minutes later, the voice on the other end of the phone rang again.

"Congratulations, young and promising."

Bird sighed, and then continued to ask: "What deal do you want to talk about."

"The Pacers have the No. 10 pick in the first round this year, and we're interested in that."

Shen Fei replied.

He didn't tell the other party all the information at once, only half of it, and he could adapt to the situation later.

"So, where are your chips?"

Byrd continued to ask.

"We're willing to take No. 14 and Chuck Hayes."

From Bird's tone, Shen Fei keenly sensed that the opponent probably didn't have a particularly favorite rookie, and he didn't rule out trading draft picks, so he didn't say Budinger's name as planned.

"Shen, I don't think Chuck can bridge the gap between the 10th and 14th picks."

Bird didn't even think about it, and refused directly.

But Shen Fei didn't panic in the slightest, and said calmly: "How about this, let's meet tomorrow and discuss the specific trading plan."

"It's okay, I happened to be on vacation in Texas recently."

Byrd was noncommittal.

After the two confirmed the time and place, Shen Fei hung up the phone.

His purpose of doing this is just to use [Voice of Bewitching].

This skill can only work when facing each other.

In order to fool an old world like Bird, Shen Fei can only trouble a little bit.


The next day, Shen Fei drove to the high-end restaurant agreed upon by the two.

When he entered the box, he found that Byrd had arrived.

As soon as they met, the two briefly chatted about business, and then got down to business.

"Although the No. 10 and No. 14 picks are both lottery, there is still a big difference."

"For example, last year, the No. 10 pick was Brandon Jennings of the Bucks. He is much better than the No. 14 pick Earl Clark."

Byrd, for example.

Jennings scored 17 points, 9 rebounds and 9 assists in his debut. Half a month later, he scored 55 points against Curry and became the youngest player in NBA history to score more than 50 points. rookie.

In comparison, Earl Clark's performance is not worth mentioning at all.

"You have a point, but... this is just an example."

"Last year was recognized as a big year in the draft. There were many potential rookies in the lottery, but for a parallel importer like Thabeet, he was the second pick."

"And this year, it's an out-and-out small year. Except for Wall, there are no particularly outstanding rookies."

Shen Fei smiled slightly and said.

"I agree with your point of view. This year's draft market is really mediocre."

"However, if that's the case, why would you trade the pick up?"

Byrd asked back.

"We just played seven games against the Lakers in the playoffs last season. If Yao Ming hadn't been injured midway, we might even have been upset and advanced."

"Now that Yao Ming has recovered, we want to fight again."

"I don't hide it anymore. In this draft, I have taken a fancy to Al Aminu who entered Wake Forest University. His immediate combat ability is a great supplement to the Rockets."

Shen Fei said nonsense casually.

Aminu belongs to the age-ready combat force, with average dynamic talent, but good size.

Of course, Shen Fei had no interest in him at all.

"Cough cough..."

Bird almost couldn't hold back his smile when he heard the Asian youth's remarks.

[As far as your lineup is concerned, can you go one step further? ]

[Did the Lakers underestimate the enemy last year, did they release water, can't you see clearly? ]

Byrd complained in his heart.

"You say that, but I can understand."

"However, our Pacers are rebuilding and don't need a veteran like Hayes."

Bird's meaning is obvious, it can be traded, but the chips have to be changed.

"I have a plan, you can listen to it."

"We're missing a wing player, so... I hope you can add Budinger to the deal."

Byrd continued.


Shen Fei's acting skills were on the line, and he said with an angry face.

"Don't rush to refuse, I can add another second-round pick."

Byrd added hastily.

There are two rookies he is optimistic about this year, Gordon Hayward and Paul George, both small forwards.

&nbIt is still unknown to play at the level of the university period.

The Rockets' Zeiss - Budinger, last season has shown the potential of high-quality wing, Bird appreciates him very much.

Shen Fei showed a hesitant expression, but he was very happy in his heart.

So far, the plan has been perfectly realized, and the rest depends on whether we can earn more.


"Or which rotation players of our team do you like, we can discuss it again."

Seeing an opportunity to make a deal, Bird urged.

"Well, Jared Jeffries of our team is dissatisfied with the status quo, but he can't find another home for a while, why don't you accept it."

After much deliberation, Shen Fei came up with a plan.

Jeffries is currently the fourth highest salary in the Rockets, but the average is only a few points per game, a pure rubbish contract.

Coupled with Shen Fei's plan to sign many players in the draft, the team's roster must be streamlined.

If Jeffries can be cleaned up by the way in the transaction, it will definitely serve multiple purposes!

Bird thought for a moment after hearing this.

The Pacers do have salary space at the moment, but for the sake of Budinger and the No. 14 pick, paying for a No. 1 pick and getting a garbage contract, I always feel a little weird...

But judging from the discussion between the two parties just now, Shen Fei has already made a concession, and it seems reasonable for him to take a step back.

"Jeffries only has two years left on his contract, which will not affect your reconstruction."

Shen Fei added in a timely manner.

The voice of the Asian youth was low, without any cadence, and the speed of his speech was neither fast nor slow, but it made people want to listen for no reason.

Byrd pondered for a moment, and finally nodded: "Okay, that's it."

The corner of Shen Fei's mouth curled into a sly arc, he stood up and stretched out his right hand: "We are happy to cooperate."


In the afternoon of the same day, woj, a well-known reporter from Yahoo Sports, announced the transaction information on his personal Twitter:

"The deal is done! The Houston Rockets sent Chase Budinger, Jarred Jeffries and this year's No. 14 pick in the first round to get the No. 10 pick in the first round and the No. 10 pick in the second round from the Indiana Pacers. "

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