Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 35 Exchange With God's Help, Hill Swells!

The game continues.

After Anthony scored a goal, he glanced at George with interest.

A rookie dares to compete with himself...

[This is rare. ]

Melon thought to himself.

In the next round, he chose singles again.

This time, Anthony directly attacked with the ball from beyond the three-point line.

George lowered his center of gravity, opened his hands, and was fully alert.

&nbcTraining together.

At the end of each training session, the two will play heads-up for a while.

Compared with Anthony, McGrady's one-on-one ability is not to say a complete victory, but it is by no means behind.

This can be seen from the number of scoring champions of the two (McGrady 2, Anthony 1).

In the duel with masters, George's defensive level has improved rapidly.

Before the start of the preseason, Shen Fei watched several training games within the Rockets.

In the group confrontation, George faced the team's top scorer-Kevin Martin, and he did not lose at all.

On the defensive end, he has repeatedly successfully singled out Martin, making the latter lose face.

After observing for a period of time, Shen Fei made a judgment in his mind——George's progress speed is much faster than that of the original time and space!

Among them, there are not only the buff bonus of [Spiritual Time House], but also the factors of the team environment.

The Pacers team in the original time and space did not have a star like McGrady as a mentor to help George grow faster!

Therefore, although Paojiao is just a rookie who hasn't played a regular season yet, his overall strength has almost reached the level of the third year of normal development.

In the face of Anthony's offense, he was very calm and always maintained a defensive position.

The offensive time passed by every second, and Melon's mentality gradually changed.

In the end, without shaking off the defender, he forcibly pulled out his hand.


The ball hit the front of the basket hard and bounced out of the frame.

Jordan Hill jumped up, ready to take off the board.

And beside him, the Nuggets' brutal striker - Kenyon Martin took off at the same time.

Both of them were running for the rebound.

In a blink of an eye, a burly figure appeared in front of Martin, blocking the latter's jumping space with his butt.

It was Lori who came!

As early as before the game, Mark Jackson had asked him to help Jordan Hill more on the court.

No, Xiao Gangpao is obviously a point guard, but after Anthony made a shot, he rushed to the inside immediately to help Silka.

Jordan - Hill easily picked off the rebound.

Rocket strikes back!

After three passes and two leads, the ball came to Lowry.

He made a ground-up pass that set Hill up for an open shot at the elbow.

The latter stretched his ape's arms lightly and succeeded in the mid-range shot.

Between offense and defense, Jordan Hill scored a rebound and scored 2 points.

In the VIP box, the manager of the Nuggets——Karnisovas's eyes were bright, as if he had discovered a new world.

After another minute, Jordan Hill received a pass from George and made a strong move under the basket, causing Kenyon Martin to foul.

After scoring four points in a row, Hill was extremely excited.

&nbThe game seems to have become easier!

The sense of stagnation of struggling to move last year disappeared without a trace, and the support of his teammates has increased.

[The era that belongs to me is coming? ]

Hill asked himself in his heart.

Looking back, Tony Allen predicted the Nuggets' passing route, completed the steal, and succeeded in a one-stop fast break.

8: 2!

Nuggets coach-Mike Malone frowned, stood up, and considered whether to call a timeout.


Just when the Rockets were about to open the score, the Nuggets veteran Billups stepped forward.

He first shot a cold arrow from outside the three-point line, and used a super long three-pointer to help the team stop the bleeding.

Subsequently, Billups assisted jr-Smith and hit a three-pointer again.

After a 6:0 spurt, the Nuggets instantly evened the point difference.

This time, on the contrary, the mentality of several rookies in the Rockets has changed.

George excitedly communicated with his teammates the details of the defense.

Lowry wants the defense to rotate faster.

Jordan Hill turned and walked away.

But in fact, jr was able to get an open shot just now because Tony Allen was delayed by the pick-and-roll, but Hill did not make up for it in time.

At this moment, the big brother Scola stood up again and pulled the three young people to his side:

"Don't worry, the game has just started, just pay attention to the rotation later on."

George and Lowry nodded when they heard the words, while Jordan Hill turned and left indifferently.

He just wants to rush to the offensive end and continue to get data.

[Defense? ]

[Hasn't the coach always praised the defensive ability of these perimeter players? ]

[Then let them hold up the defense. ]

Jordan Hill thought so.

Seeing the indifference of his teammates, George frowned.

If he wasn't still a rookie in the first grade, he really wanted to go up and teach Hill a lesson.


In the next few minutes, the game entered a tug of war, and the scores of the two teams rose alternately.

With 4 minutes left in the first quarter, the two sides began to send substitutes one after another.

A major protagonist of the game - Chris Anderson also got a chance to play at this time.

The iconic Mohawk head, the exaggerated big bird tattoo, the disdainful smile, this is the birdman - Anderson!

As soon as he played, he attracted cheers from the fans at the Pepsi Center.

Some players are naturally popular with the audience. They don't need to do too many actions to attract the attention of fans.

This was the case with Rodman, the worm of the Bulls, and it is the same with Anderson, the birdman today.

[The main show is coming. ]

Shen Fei in the stands thought to himself.

Mark Jackson saw Anderson on the court and immediately commanded Jordan Hill to match him.

At the same time, Shen Fei breathed out the system in his heart, spent 10 reputation points, bought a [God's Help] card, and used it on Jordan Hill.

The next moment, Hill, who was panting on the field, suddenly felt a strange energy gushing out from the depths of his body.

The fatigue disappeared instantly, and he could clearly feel that his strength, excitement and even concentration had improved!

"Did I have an epiphany?"

Jordan Hill muttered to himself in a low voice.

Since he was a child, he has heard stories of many stars who have suddenly completed their transformation on the court.

At this moment, Hill has an inexplicable feeling that the god of basketball has finally favored him!

"I probably... have entered a whole new realm?"

Jordan Hill thought to himself, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, his confidence bursting even higher.

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