Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 33 First Negotiation, Fly to Denver!

"Let's put it this way, our Nuggets have only one goal, which is to win this year's championship."

"Chauncey (Billups)'s peak period is only two years away, and we must seize this short championship window."

"So, second-round picks are useless to us."

Karnisova said frankly.

"That's right. However, I have studied your team's lineup. Your insiders include Nene, Kenyon Martin, Koufos, and Mozgov."

"Combined with Chris Anderson, there are substitutes for a table of mahjong."

Shen Fei joked.


Karnisovas wondered.

However, according to the context, he probably understood what Shen Fei meant.

"Shen, our team's internal line is indeed relatively bloated, but this does not mean that we will cut meat at a low price."

"Even if we really don't need Anderson, we can use him for better chips."

Karnisovas said seriously.

"But I must remind you that the inside structure of the Nuggets is not reasonable."

"Anderson has a high degree of functional overlap with Kenyon Martin, Moskoff and others. Among your insiders, only Nene has the ability to shoot. He is old, and he has often been injured in recent years."

Shen Fei analyzed.

As soon as this remark came out, Karnisovas was also silent for a long time.

"Your words make sense."

"If you are willing to play Luis Scola, we can reluctantly play Anderson."

Karnisovas also gave his own price tag.

After hearing this, Shen Fei was somewhat speechless.

Scola and Anderson are completely different types of players.

But in terms of overall strength, Scola is obviously the stronger one.

Last season, when Yao Ming was reimbursed for the season, "Diamond" played 82 regular season games, started each game, and averaged 16.8 points and 8.6 rebounds per game.

On the other hand, Anderson played off the bench in 72 games, averaging only 5.9 points and 6.4 rebounds per game, but 1.9 blocks were recorded.

Putting the data of the two together, they are not players of the same level at all.

In other words, Scola is not in the rocket's plan, just because of the style of play.

In Shen Fei's vision, both Yao Ming and McGrady will return to the team in a fully healthy state shortly after the start of the regular season.

Coupled with the stable development of Paul George, Griffin and Lowry, the Rockets' offensive firepower is very sufficient.

And Scola is a traditional power forward who needs certain possession of the ball and shots, but it is difficult for the team to give him sufficient opportunities.

Shen Fei's plan is to use him and Kevin Martin as bargaining chips to trade for a top star.

If Scola was sold just in exchange for Anderson, it would be too bad a deal!

However, Shen Fei did not directly refuse, but said with a smile:

"Manager Karnisovas, your proposal is very bold. If you really want our Scola, your team may have to offer other bargaining chips."

"How about this, our two teams will have a game next week, when we go to the scene to watch the game and talk in detail, how about it?"

The Asian youth's move is naturally to use the [Voice of Bewitching] to increase the success rate of the transaction.

Shen Fei knows well that negotiation is a dynamic process.

Although the plan is to use Jordan Hill as a bargaining chip, it will take time to give an answer as to where the transaction will go in the end!

Karnisovas readily agreed, and the two agreed to meet in Denver next week.


After hanging up the phone, Shen Fei called Mark Jackson again.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, the young Asians cut to the chase.

"In the next game, continue to support Jordan Hill."

"However, don't let him play the fifth position, otherwise the shortcomings of Hill's inability to protect the frame will be exposed soon."

Shen Fei ordered.

"However, there is already Griffin in the position of power forward. Should he be used as a substitute?"

Mark - Jackson for it.

Griffin is holding back his energy now and wants to prove himself.If he is rushed to the bench at this time, I am afraid it will chill the players.

"No, Griffin is the one we want to focus on."

"However, the intensity of the preseason didn't challenge him much. Let Griffin rest for another game."

"Let Scola start at the five and Hill at power forward."

Shen Fei arranged.

After hearing this, Mark Jackson thought for a while and agreed.

"I understand the manager, it will be arranged properly."

He replied earnestly.

As a rookie coach, Mark Jackson has a certain dependence on Shen Fei.

In his heart, although Shen Fei is only in his early twenties, his vision of people and his thinking about basketball are very unique.

Coupled with the fact that the young Asians are kind to him, Mark Jackson naturally attaches great importance to Shen Fei's suggestion!

Mark Jackson will do his best to complete the tasks assigned by him.

After finishing the call, he immediately went to the arena to interview Griffin, who was training alone.

"The manager is currently pushing for a deal, so you need to take some time off."

"Anyway, in the preseason, the opponent's star players will not do their best. This kind of game is not high-intensity for you. You might as well rest for a few days and prepare for the upcoming regular season."

Mark Jackson said earnestly.

Although Griffin was eager to fight, but seeing what the coach said made sense, he agreed.


Time flies, two days passed in a blink of an eye.

October 10, Beijing time, Toyota Center Arena.

The Rockets continue to sit at home, ushering in the second opponent - the challenge of the San Antonio Spurs.

In this game, Mark Jackson fine-tuned the starting lineup.

He rested veteran Shane Battier, let newly joined Tony Allen serve as the starting shooting guard, and George topped the small forward position.

In this way, the Rockets' perimeter defense has become extremely powerful.

Lowry, Tony Allen, and Paul George are all defensive gates with both defensive skills and physical fitness.

And their opponent, the Spurs, is currently the team with the oldest average age in the league.

A bunch of "old bones", naturally will not waste energy on the preseason.

The gdp combination (Ginobili, Duncan, Parker) only played one game.

It is worth mentioning that in the first quarter of the game, Griffin once again completed a very visually impactful buckle on Duncan's head!

Poor Shifo became the background board again, and he was replaced by coach Popovich without even a chance to get back on the field.

Afterwards, the Rockets took a big advantage in the second quarter and kept leading all the way, easily winning the game.

In this campaign, Jordan Hill once again scored a comprehensive data of 25+10+3.

Discussions about him on the Internet are becoming more and more heated.

Many Rockets fans are sighing: "There are two young insiders with extraordinary talents and completely opposite styles suddenly appearing on the team. Who should we focus on training in the future? This is really a happy trouble!"

Two more days passed.

The Rockets will take a special plane and fly to Denver.

There, they will challenge the Western powerhouse - the Nuggets away!

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