Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 25 Bullfighting!George vs Maddie!

Time flies, and seeing that an hour is about to come, Shen Fei exhales the system in his mind, and uses the [Withered Trees in Spring] card on Mai Di.

The next moment, TC in the bathtub suddenly felt a hot current gushing out from the depths of his body.


"Has it started to take effect?"

Maddie was ecstatic in his heart, trying hard to soak his body in the potion as much as possible.

Soon, the heat began to flow through his limbs.

Maddie only felt a burst of numbness.

This feeling is most obvious on the severely injured back and knees!


TC couldn't help but snorted.

After a while, the numbness gradually subsided.

dong dong dong.

Just at this time, there was a knock on the door of the bathroom, and Shen Fei pushed the door open and entered.

"It's almost time, you can come out."

he said with a smile.

While talking, Shen Fei put the prepared Rockets No. 1 jersey on the table.

This is McGrady's former jersey, and now it has been returned to its original owner.

After putting down his clothes, Shen Fei went to the door and waited.

Soon, Maddie also walked out of the room.

"How does it feel?"

Shen Fei asked with a smile.

McGrady raised his hands, feeling the changes in his body, and his excitement was beyond words.

"I feel, everything is back, everything is back!"

McGrady seemed to be answering Shen Fei's question, and also seemed to be talking to himself.

"Manager, I want to play basketball!"

McGrady came back to his senses and said excitedly.

At this time, the sound of a basketball hitting the wooden floor happened to be heard from the court on the first floor.


Shen Fei said lightly.

When McGrady heard the words, he rushed down immediately.

Maybe it's because of the excitement, or maybe it's because his physical function has returned to his 23-year-old state. His running posture doesn't look like a 30-year-old veteran at all, but more like a fledgling rookie.


On the court, several rookies of the Rockets are conducting individual training in twos and threes.

George just completed the 500 three-pointer project and is doing dribbling training at this time.

Then, he saw a figure rushing down the stairs quickly.

George looked up, and it was the big brother of the team—Tracey McGrady.

As soon as McGrady ran to the court, he opened his hands to make a ball.

George understood, flicked his wrist, and passed the ball.

After Mai Di received the ball, he accelerated and rushed towards the basket.


He rushed to the vicinity of the restricted area in an instant, pulled green onions from the dry land, and lifted off vertically.

"Shua".Then he jumped to the height where the top of his head was level with the basket!


George stared at McGrady with a look of astonishment, and completed a powerful tomahawk snap!

The stretch of this dunk, the speed of the bullet, the horror of the jumping height...

George felt a little ashamed when he saw it!

[Isn't McGrady seriously troubled by injuries? ]

George asked inwardly.

After the dunk, McGrady hung on the basket and refused to come down for a long time.

If there was a camera in front of him, it would be able to clearly capture his eye sockets, which were already slightly reddened.

The long-lost sense of power came from his feet, and McGrady was already a little unfamiliar with this power.

For two years, he has been plagued by knee injuries all the time.

McGrady has gradually gotten used to the feeling of having his feet filled with lead.

How long?He finally felt this lightness again!

McGrady breathed a sigh of relief, slightly calmed down his excitement, and then let go of his grip on the basket and returned to the ground.

Then, he turned his head, smiled and said to the young George, "Play two balls?"

Paul George was a little surprised. He didn't expect McGrady to propose a bullfighting invitation.

You know, although his idol is Kobe Bryant, he has also watched a lot of McGrady's games since he was a child.

For this big brother, he has great admiration in his heart.

But George is also very clear that McGrady's body has long since deteriorated.

He was very puzzled, how did the dunk just now be completed?

However, since the other party has already raised a challenge, George will naturally not evade.

He nodded and accepted the invitation.

The movement of the two also attracted the attention of other players in the arena.

Griffin, Jeremy Lin, and the coach who just arrived - Mark Jackson, came to the sidelines to watch the game.

Griffin and Shuhao have been training with George for several days, and they have a full understanding of the latter's strength.

To put it simply, Pickled Pepper is the strongest small forward the two of them have seen so far!

[Maddie, who has been seriously injured, can deal with such a young opponent? ]

Such doubts arose in the hearts of the two of them.

The game starts soon.

McGrady passes the ball to George.

According to the rules of the rivers and lakes, novices serve first.

After a simple shuffle (where the heads-up players exchange the ball to make sure the other side is ready), George goes on the offensive.

He first assumed a three-threat posture, and then stepped on a series of tentative steps.

George's tentative steps are very powerful, and his stride is much larger than in the summer league. The progress is visible to the naked eye!

McGrady lowered his center of gravity, opened his arms, and defended seriously.

Anyone who is familiar with him knows that the tentative step is a very important technique in McGrady's arsenal.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

Relying on his knowledge of tentative moves, he was not deceived by feints.

Several attempts failed to achieve results, and George immediately changed his tactics and began to look for opportunities by dribbling.

I saw that he dribbled the ball continuously under the crotch first, and then seized the right moment and suddenly accelerated.

But the strange thing is that the veteran McGrady's reaction speed is very fast.

He took a step sideways and directly blocked George's path.


George slammed his head into the opponent's chest, and the direct attempt still failed.

But he is very good at adapting to the situation, turning around with the opportunity, and then leaning back to shoot after resisting the backward force.

Who knows, McGrady's reaction is also very fast.

He stepped forward with a lunge, kicked his feet, as if stepping on a spring, and ejected to start.

George secretly thought something was wrong, but at this moment his feet were off the ground, and there was no possibility of changing his moves.


McGrady took a big risk and slammed the fan out.

This time, not only was it difficult for George to accept, but Jeremy Lin and Griffin on the sidelines also looked shocked.

[George was blocked directly face to face? ! ]

[His actions just now are clearly connected very cleverly. ]

[If I were to defend, I'm afraid I can only watch him complete the shot. ]

Jeremy Lin thought so in his heart.

But McGrady reacted too fast just now, and the speed of the bullet was also terrifying.

George obviously took the lead in jumping, but before he reached the commanding height, McGrady had already set up a big net in the air.

[Did he really hurt his knee? ]

Griffin had such doubts in his heart.

Unlike Jeremy Lin, it was the first time he saw Tracy McGrady play live.

In Griffin's impression, McGrady is still the Rockets' omnipotent No. 1.

It's just that he was silent for two seasons because of injuries.

The two rookies looked shocked, and Mark Jackson on the side smiled knowingly.

As early as when McGrady just joined, he and Shen Fei had discussed the role of the former.

At that time, Shen Fei told Mark Jackson very firmly that McGrady will soon return to the top and become the core puzzle of this Rockets team.

Looking at it now, it really does!

[The goal of winning this season is not true...]

In Mark Jackson's heart, he was already inclined to believe Shen Fei's words.


The game continued and McGrady served.

After the routine washing of the ball, tc held the ball with one hand in his right hand and made a three-threat pose.

The same three-threat pose, when McGrady makes it, has an indescribable freehand feeling.

Seeing this scene, Shen Fei on the stand on the second floor smiled and murmured:

"Basketball poet, coming back..."

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