Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 2 is bound to the system, and the new official takes office with 3 fires!


Shen Fei was dumbfounded.

Isn't such a mission a dream for the current rocket?

"The novice gift package is being sent, please pay attention to check..."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining: [Spiritual Time Room]*1; [Bewitching Voice]*1."

Shen Fei was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly asked: "System, let me introduce these two things."

"[Spiritual Time House]: The host can turn an arena into a spiritual time house. Players can train here, and the effect will be 10 times that of normal conditions."

"[Voice of Bewitching]: The host's voice will have its own bewitching buff, which can reduce the other party's vigilance during communication and make it easier to gain the other party's trust. (Note: This skill can only work in face-to-face communication.)"

The cold metallic sound did not contain any emotion, but Shen Fei could hear it like a spring breeze.

With [Spiritual Time Room], it is not possible to develop the potential of players in the shortest possible time and reduce the training time.

In this way, as long as they find a few more potential rookies, they can build a terrifyingly powerful luxury fleet during their rookie bonus period!

However, this skill is a long-term bonus, but if you want the Rockets to win this season, it is far from enough to rely on [Spiritual Time Room].

And [Voice of Bewitching], in Shen Fei's view, is similar to a negotiation skill, which can gain an advantage in transactions.

Two skills, one external and one internal, are very good supplements.

"Note: During the task, the host can use all the functions of this system. If the task cannot be completed after one year, the system will automatically shut down."

The cold metal sound continued to sound.

"Good guy, this task must be completed."

Shen Fei muttered to himself.

He is a very self-aware person.

He knows that in the field of basketball, he is definitely not an expert.

Without the help of this golden finger, it would definitely be much more difficult to become a manager in the future.

"Okay, isn't it just to win the championship..."

"With these two skills, it is possible to win the championship this season."

"However, what is the current configuration of the Rockets?"

Shen Fei muttered to himself, and then he called his personal assistant.

"Give me a copy of the team list, and then notify the directors of each department. A meeting will be held in half an hour."

Shen Fei ordered.

The assistant nodded repeatedly, only feeling that the newly appointed general manager was very motivated and ready to do things right after taking over.

Shen Fei took a look at the team list, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching slightly.

The current lineup of the Rockets seems to be worse than he imagined.

In the case of Yao Ming's injury, the team's current core is the two guns on the back line - Aaron Brooks and Kevin Martin.

The former, nicknamed Little Black Bean, is an offensive guard who is good at speed. He just won the Most Improved Player of the Year last season and averaged nearly 20 points per game.

Kevin Martin is a crooked shooter and a master at drawing fouls. His scoring ability ranks among the top in today's league.

These two are currently the players with the highest trade value in the Rockets.

But Shen Fei knew that Brooks would start to decline this season, and now he was at the peak of his trading value.

In the previous life, one and a half years later, Brooks became Guangdong Hongyuan's foreign aid, and the situation was embarrassing.

"Selling on rallies, the little black bean is my biggest bargaining chip in the next transaction."

Shen Fei muttered to himself.

As for Martin, he did not intend to move yet.

After all, according to the course of history, Martin traded Harden's important bargaining chip.

There are still a few potential rookies in the team.

Kyle Lowry, Chase Budinger and Courtney Lee are all players who will prove themselves in the future.

Among them, the small steel cannon-Lowry has become a frequent visitor to the All-Stars, and also played an important role in the season when the Raptors won the championship.

But other than that, there are only veterans left in the Rockets.

Sean Battier and Luis Scola, two powerful players who are familiar to Chinese fans, still have a lot of fuel in their fuel tanks.

As for Jordan Hill, Chuck Hayes, and Jared Jeffries, Shen Fei didn't expect much.

After briefly sorting out the lineup, the Rockets' executives also arrived in the meeting room one after another.

Shen Fei tidied up his appearance and walked into the conference hall.

The executives present also received a notification from the boss, Alexander, in the morning that they knew that the team had a young Asian general manager.

Even though they knew it was a young man, when Shen Fei appeared, they all showed expressions of surprise.

"My God, he still looks like a college student, can he really be the general manager?"

"Are we going to work under him from now on..."

Hearing everyone's whispering, Shen Fei didn't care, he looked around, the men and women in suits and leather shoes smiled and said:

"Hello everyone, I am the new general manager of the team, and my name is Fei Shen."

"I don't like to talk nonsense. The purpose of bringing everyone together this time is to clarify the team's goals for this season."

Shen Fei had been a corporate executive for a long time in his previous life, with rich experience.

He knows that only by setting clear goals for the team at the beginning can everyone play their best role.

"This season, the Rockets have one and only one goal..."

Said, Shen Fei pressed his hands on the table in front of him, looked at everyone with piercing eyes, and solemnly said a word: "Champion!"


The surprise in the eyes of the executives was even worse.

&nb, you told me that the Rockets are going to win this season?

"Manager, you just took office and you are very passionate. I can understand. However, we still have to proceed from the reality. The team's foundation is relatively weak now, and it is not the strength of 22 consecutive victories back then."

The man who spoke was Bruce Diaw, the Rockets' operations director.

He has worked in the team for many years, and he can be regarded as a person with more say in this group of executives.

Shen Fei shook his head and said with a smile: "With the current lineup alone, there is no way to compete for the championship, so we need to change."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words: "Change, how to change?"

"Let's start with the draft. I have some promising rookies. We need to trade up the picks."

Shen Fei said lightly.

In the original time and space, the Rockets, with the 14th overall pick, chose the space-based insider-Patrick Patterson.

Patterson's strength is acceptable, but obviously not the best choice.

Shen Fei's first goal is the No. 10 pick of the Pacers!

Just because, with the No. 10 pick, Paul George got it!


Saying goodbye to the team's executives, Shen Fei didn't stop, and immediately found the number of the general manager of the Pacers from his assistant, and dialed it.

It is worth mentioning that the current general manager of the Pacers is the legendary NBA star-Larry Bird.

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