Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 19 Unexpected situation, Griffin is injured and retired!

Shen Fei wanted to agree immediately in his heart, but he had to act hesitantly because the play had to be a full set.

Just when he was playing his upper body, an unexpected scene happened on the court.

It turned out that after the start of the second quarter, Griffin was eager to prove himself and had a strong desire to attack.

But sometimes, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

On the way to a breakthrough, Griffin stepped on the foot of his teammate, Rasu Butler, who set up a screen for him.

The next moment, Griffin crashed to the ground, clutching his ankle in pain.

Butler froze.

I kindly came up to help with the pick-and-roll, and wanted Griffin to hit one easily, but I didn't expect to be accidentally injured.

He hurried forward to check.

At this time, Griffin was already sweating profusely from the pain, and he didn't have the slightest desire to flex his muscles before the start of the game.

In the VIP box, Frank stood up abruptly with a nervous expression on his face.

Just now he was thinking about how to get more bargaining chips from the Rockets if he really wanted to trade.

It's good now, Griffin's injury, doesn't it confirm the "glass" public opinion?

[It's over, it's over, the transaction value has really fallen to the bottom, or it's better not to sell it...]

[However, if you don't make a move now, if Griffin is really a glass man like Oden, wouldn't it be a waste of a No. [-] lottery?At that time, I will be scolded to death by the Clippers fans. ]

Frank was struggling in his heart and didn't know what to do for a while.

At this moment, a deep voice sounded beside him:

"Manager Frank, don't be too nervous, it shouldn't be too serious."

"Let's move on to the deal."

Frank turned his head to look at Shen Fei with a calm face, took a deep breath, and finally calmed down.

"Blake is really unlucky. The injury just now was a complete accident."

Frank explained.

But the more he said, the more guilty he felt.

In the NBA, collisions are inevitable.

A player, if he is injured once, may be unlucky.

But if there are consecutive injuries, people will only feel that his body cannot withstand high-level confrontation.

Griffin has been in the league for more than a year, today is his first official game, and the result...injured again!

Listening to Frank's explanation, Shen Fei didn't express anything, just looked at him with a smile.

At this moment, there was another noisy discussion from the stands beside.

"fxxk, this Griffin is too brittle, isn't he so strong, and he got hurt again after playing less than two quarters?"

"The Clippers are really screwed. After being in bad shape for so long, they finally got a No. [-] lottery. Now it looks like they're in vain again."

"What's so strange about this? How many professional football commentators said some time ago that Griffin is the next Oden!"


Hearing the "filthy language" from next door, Frank was terrified, feeling that the situation was not good.

"Let's discuss the deal quickly."

Facing Shen Fei, he forced a smile and said.

"Well, just follow the plan we discussed before."

"As long as you get Aaron Brooks, two draft picks, and Lance Stephenson, we are willing to trade Griffin!"

Frank took a deep breath and threw out his terms.

"Manager Frank, I think it is necessary to settle an account with you."

"Aaron Brooks' salary this year is only 202 million, while Griffin's is 536 million. Even with Stephenson, the salary cannot be balanced."

"That is to say, we need to use space to forcibly eat the extra 200 million contracts."

Shen Fei made sufficient preparations, and opened his mouth right now.

"Also, Aaron is only 25 years old this year. The golden age of a point guard is around 30 years old, and he is far from reaching his peak."

"Maybe Aaron is not as talented as Griffin, but he is very healthy and can score about 20 points per game for the team."

"Simply put, he is both a potential stock and an immediate force, and he can help the Clippers reach new heights."

Shen Fei analyzed clearly.

"But Blake (Griffin) has a chance to become a superstar! He has enough talent to become the best player in the league!"

Frank said excitedly.

"If he can't play, even if he is Jordan reborn, it's useless."

Shen Fei said lightly.

His words, like a basin of cold water, poured heavily on Frank's head.

The Clippers manager opened his mouth, but couldn't say any rebuttal.

There is nothing wrong with what Shen Fei said.

For more than a year, Griffin hasn't finished a single game, no matter how talented he is, it's useless.

Shen Fei saw that the other party's emotions were about to collapse, so he stopped suppressing and said instead:

"How about this, the two players you mentioned, I... I make the decision, and it's out."

"However, if we add draft picks, even if I agree, our boss - Alexander will not agree."

Frank raised his head suddenly, looking at Shen Fei, there was some hope of seeing the savior.

"You should also be able to see that Lance's talent is very good, definitely beyond the level of the second round."

"With his physical talent, if he is cultivated properly, it is not surprising that he will become an All-Star in the future."

Shen Fei continued.

Frank's heart was already shaken.

But before coming, he made up his mind to get at least two first-round picks from the Rockets.

It's good now, Shen Fei didn't give a draft pick, and his tone was as if he was doing a loss-making business.

Frank fell silent.

After the Asian youth finished talking about the conditions, he stopped talking, but turned his attention to the court again, without urging him at all.

On the court, the Clippers players retired due to the main injury, and their fighting spirit was a little slack at this time.

On the Rockets side, the young people headed by Stephenson are getting more and more courageous as they fight, and they are as powerful as a bamboo.

With the help of the whole team, the junior brother played very comfortably and was already unstoppable.

Especially in the last attack of the second quarter, he singled Bledsoe with the ball.

I saw Stephenson suddenly start, his right hand made an in&out feint, and then accelerated to kill the opponent's left side.

Bledsoe was shaken, his center of gravity was unstable, and his steps were a little messy in a panic.

But he still moved with all his strength, trying to prevent the opponent's breakthrough.

During the electric spark time, Stephenson suddenly pulled his crotch back, and at the same time put his left hand on Bledsoe's waist, exerting a little force...

The next moment, the latter flew out and sat down on the ground.


There was another exclamation at the scene.

ankle.breaker (ankle terminator)!

After shaking his opponent down, Stephenson didn't rush to shoot, but looked at Bledsoe who fell to the ground for a few seconds, and then shot slowly.


The basketball hit the net, and the audience cheered.

The Rockets' bench has also become a sea of ​​joy at this time.

Ismael Smith celebrated crazily with a hellish expression on his face.

He was bullied miserably by Bledsoe in the first quarter, and he was physically crushed by the latter on both offense and defense.

Stephenson's ball can be regarded as helping him to vent his anger!

At the same time, Frank, the Clippers manager who has been hesitant, finally made up his mind after seeing this scene.

"Another second round!"

he said suddenly.


Shen Fei was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect the other party to lose his composure so quickly.

"no problem."

The young Asian said lightly, but the corners of his mouth curled into a sly arc.

Griffin, here we go!

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