Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 16 Surprising new aid, Shen Fei's arrangement!

Three days later, Shen Fei came to the Toyota Center Arena again.

When he walked into the arena, he saw that Mark Jackson was arranging training in an orderly manner.

When the Rockets players noticed Shen Fei's arrival, they all stopped and paid attention.

"Hello manager!"

Lowry greeted happily, with a warm and innocent smile as always.

"Don't worry about me, you guys train hard."

Shen Fei smiled and waved to them, and said lightly.

The players immediately went back to training, and Shen Fei walked over to Mark Jackson.

"After these three days of training, how do you feel?"

Shen Fei asked with a smile.

"To be honest, the kids on the team have given me too many surprises!"

Mark Jackson said excitedly.

"Tell me."

Shen Fei had already guessed that he would say that, but he was still a little curious.

"Let's talk about the rookie first. Paul George, who we selected with the No. 0 pick this year, is definitely a talent!"

"From him, I really saw the shadows of Kobe and Tracy McGrady."

"Paul is by no means just relying on his excellent physical fitness to play as stated in the scouting report. His sense of dribbling rhythm and the degree of stretching of his movements are not bad even compared to those so-called dribbling masters in the NBA. !"

Mark Jackson said excitedly, his tone full of appreciation.

He was born as a point guard and has an absolute say in dribbling.

What George still lacks is the handling of details and the control of mistakes.

But he is still young, these are not big problems!

"There is also Jeremy Lin. From him, I also see great potential."

"Those scouts who are hired by the team with high salaries should be fired. Such a treasure is actually no one cares about in the draft!"

Jackson was filled with righteous indignation, and his expression was very puzzled.

Shen Fei smiled slightly.

The alliance's discrimination against the yellow race has never disappeared.

Jeremy Lin performed so well in the physical test, but he still didn't get the respect he deserved.

In the original time and space, he also went through hardships before he got a chance in the Knicks.

Moreover, D'Antoni, the coach of the Knicks at the time, gave Brother Hao a chance because there was no one on the team.

This is how the later "Linsanity" came about!

"What about the newly signed free agents, how are the three of them doing?"

Shen Fei continued to ask.

"Tony Allen, as imagined, is very good defensively! In the future, he will play a huge role in the championship."

"But what I didn't expect was that this pj-Tucker's defensive ability is so good!"

"In the past few days of training, whether he plays the 4th position or the 3rd position, he can defend the opposing offensive players very uncomfortable."

"I think Tucker may not be able to defend against heavy forwards like James. But against technical wings like Durant and Luol Deng, there may be unexpected effects!"

Mark Jackson said with a smile.

There are two more defensive gates in the team at once. For a coach who is committed to defense, he is really happy!

"However, Tracy's situation is not optimistic. At present, his knee injury has not healed, which limits his movement on both offensive and defensive ends."

"Manager, you may have different emotions towards Tracy. But I still want to remind you that McGrady may really not be suitable for the current NBA."

With that said, Mark Jackson sighed.

Shen Fei understood what the other party meant.

Heroes tend to age, beauties fade, and all good things cannot escape the ravages of time.

With McGrady's current physical condition, let alone lead the team to compete for the championship, it is difficult to be a rotation player in an ordinary team.

It can only be said that playing with injuries in the playoffs the year before last completely destroyed his body.

Fortunately, Shen Fei has a special treatment method!

"You don't have to worry, Mark. I'll fix Tracy."

"You just have to be ready for a McGrady at his peak."

"But this matter, don't mention it to others for the time being."

Shen Fei ordered.

Mark Jackson was taken aback when he heard this.

Will you cure him?

Could it be that this young man not only has a profound understanding of basketball, but is also extremely proficient in medical skills?

&nbcThe injuries on his body basically belong to medicine stones without treatment!

"Manager, I just talked with McGrady yesterday. His knee and back injuries were all diagnosed as irreversible injuries by the best doctors in the United States. Can you really cure them?"

Mark Jackson couldn't believe it.

"You don't have to worry about this matter, I will take care of it."

"It's the summer league starting tomorrow. I need you to do something."

Shen Fei didn't explain too much, but brought the topic to the point of his trip.

"You say."

Mark Jackson nodded, as if listening attentively.

"We are discussing recently about the Clippers No. [-] pick-Griffin deal."

"So, the next game is very important. We have to win and win well."

Shen Fei said solemnly.

"There are a few other requirements."

"First, I'm going to let Tucker guard Griffin."

"You have a private chat with Tucker in a while, and ask him to go all out to defend tomorrow."

Mark Jackson jotted down the key information while listening.

"Second, the Clippers may ask us to put some good young players in the deal."

"So, don't let Paul George play tomorrow, and say that he has suffered some minor injuries."

"You can arrange more tactics for Stephenson and make him the main attacker tomorrow."

Shen Fei ordered.

Mark Jackson was taken aback when he heard the words, but soon understood what Shen Fei meant.

&nb Having been in the arena for many years, he naturally knows that the nba is essentially a commercial league, and the team will adjust the playing time of players at certain moments in order to reach a deal.

There are even special tactics arranged to help this player perform at the best level possible.

Mark Jackson knew that Griffin was the No. [-] pick, and if he wanted to trade him, he would have to pay a lot of chips.

And Shen Fei's meaning is also very clear, Paul George is not for sale, but Stephenson can be traded.

"I understand."

Mark Jackson nodded.

Although Stephenson has also shown good abilities in recent training.

But compared to Paul George, his talent is still slightly inferior.

Tomorrow's task is to let Stephenson perform well and increase his trading value.

"Manager, I know about Griffin. He did well in college, but he was reimbursed for the season just after entering the NBA. Is such a player worth fighting for?"

Mark Jackson asked.

Obviously, he was also affected by the public opinion turmoil arranged by Shen Fei, and felt that Griffin might repeat the mistakes of Auden.

"Take it easy, Mark."

"Griffin is a cross-generational rookie, and this year is his take-off year."

Shen Fei spoke with certainty.

Seeing that the young Asians were so resolute, Mark Jackson stopped talking.

After all, in the past few days of training, the Rockets rookies have performed very well.

Let him feel more at ease about Shen Fei's ability and vision.

Although he still doesn't believe that the Rockets have the strength to compete for the championship this season, Mark Jackson has more trust in Shen Fei than before!

"Understood, I'll arrange it later, don't worry leave it to me."

Mark Jackson said seriously.

"Okay. One more thing, this summer league, my request is very simple - to win the championship!"

Shen Fei continued.

Only by winning the summer league championship can McGrady return to the top.

And Peak McGrady is the cornerstone of the team in Shen Fei's eyes!

This championship, the Rockets must!

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