Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 14 The Founder of the Warrior Dynasty, Mark Jackson!

After dialing the phone, Shen Fei quickly expressed his intention to become the coach of the Rockets.

Mark Jackson was very surprised by this, after all, he did not have any coaching experience.

But he did not refuse, but tentatively said:

"In the past few years after retiring from the game, I have indeed been studying the relevant content of coaching, and I have a set of knowledge system of my own."

"If you really invite me, we can have a chat."

The two hit it off immediately, and agreed to meet at a high-end restaurant in Houston at noon tomorrow to meet and talk in detail.

The next day, Shen Fei drove to the agreed place.

After walking into the restaurant, he found that Mark Jackson was already waiting at their reserved location.

Before coming here, Shen Fei did a lot of homework.

Mark Jackson retired from the NBA in 2004. As a player, he served as a point guard.

As the No. 4 player in the history of assists, Jackson has an excellent overall view and organizational skills.

These are the basis and advantages of his transformation into a coach.

It is worth mentioning that Mark Jackson spent the last year of his playing career with the Houston Rockets.

In other words, he has already cooperated with Yao Ming once.

"Hey, Mark."

Shen Fei said hello as he walked towards the dining table.

Mark Jackson got up immediately when he heard it, and greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Young and promising, young and promising"

He patted Shen Fei's shoulder enthusiastically, and said with a smile.

"Thank you. I grew up watching you play basketball when I was a child. When I saw you today, you still look as good as you did back then."

Shen Fei responded with a smile.

The two exchanged a wave of business, and then began to talk about business.

"I still want to know, what do you like about me?"

Mark Jackson wondered.

Although he has no coaching experience, he is a person who has high demands on himself.

If Shen Fei just wanted to find a transitional coach, then he didn't want to take over as the coach of the Rockets.

In his mind, coaching is a sacred profession.

If he takes over a team, he hopes to grow with the team.

Instead of being a firefighter, just coach a few games and get it done.

"Mark, what I say next may surprise you, but please believe that I am telling the truth."

"I want to lead this Rockets team to a championship this season."

Shen Fei's tone was flat, as if he was talking about a very normal thing.

But this sentence was like a thunderbolt, almost scaring Mark Jackson down.

"Win the championship? And this season?"

Mark Jackson looked surprised.

"Manager, although the Rockets fought seven fierce battles with the championship Lakers last year, I have to say that there is an element of the Lakers underestimating the enemy."

"If they play the series against the Rockets with the attitude towards the finals, I think the Rockets will win 1-2 games at most."

Jackson analyzed objectively.

Shen Fei's words made him a little worried.

Does the young Asian in front of you know little about the basketball world?

Will he just watch the series last year and feel that the Rockets only lost one game to the Lakers, and they are also a championship-level team?

"No, you misunderstood, Mark."

"I know very well that if we continue with last year's lineup and style of play, it is impossible for the Rockets to win the championship."

"Since I dare to say that I will win the championship this season, there must be a lot of adjustments and enhancements."

Shen Fei said solemnly.

Mark Jackson felt relieved.

"Okay, I see, what does the team need from me?"

he asked again.

"I watched a lot of your games, and I think you are a player with an excellent overall view and know how to win games. This is something that most coaches in the league don't have."

"In addition, your consistent defense for many years in your career is also what I value."

"So, I hope you bring the defense to the Rockets and build a solid defense."

Shen Fei said slowly.

Mark Jackson nodded upon hearing this.

Defense is really what he's good at.

After retiring, his research on tactics also mostly focused on defense.

He is confident that after taking over a team, he will quickly build a defensive system and maximize the defensive capabilities of the players in the team.

"At the same time, I have a complete offensive system."

"In the future, I hope you will follow this line of thinking to transform the team's offense."

Shen Fei continued.

In the previous life, under the guidance of Mark Jackson, the Golden State Warriors leapt to the forefront of the league in defense, but offense has always been their problem.

Although the Splash Brothers were still in their infancy at that time, their firepower was already very fierce.

It's a pity that Mark Jackson didn't make full use of it. Their offensive talents caused the Warriors to stop in the Western Conference semifinals.

Shen Fei's idea is very simple.

Put Steve Koe's passing and cutting system and small ball tactics under Mark Jackson's defensive system.

Combining the two, a new rocket with both offense and defense is formed.

"What kind of offensive system?"

Mark Jackson asked again.

To be honest, so far, he still doesn't trust the young Asian in front of him.

He was afraid that the other party would utter wild words again, and say some strange and impossible offensive tactics.

Shen Fei knew countless people, and immediately saw the suspicion of the other party from the micro expression.

But he didn't take it seriously, and began to explain the tactical system of "Cosmic Bravery".

In his previous life, Shen Fei was a senior football fan.

In his spare time, one of his favorite things to do is to analyze the advantages of the big hot teams.

Shen Fei has carefully studied the Warriors team that has entered the finals for five consecutive years.

Now, he shared his research results with Mark Jackson like a treasure.

When Jackson first heard about the three-point style of play, he was still a little confused.

But the more he heard the back, the more shocked he felt!

Elevator door tactics; inside players mention the top of the arc to organize offense; and various passing and cutting tactics...

Mark Jackson listened intently, and involuntarily took out the notebook he had prepared, and recorded what Shen Fei said word by word.

After a long time, the Asian youth finally finished speaking.

But Mark Jackson hadn't recovered yet, just staring blankly at his notebook.

After a long time, he suddenly raised his head, looked at Shen Fei and said seriously: "I'm sorry, I offended you just now!"

Mark Jackson is a bit ashamed now.

Previously, he had been listening to what Shen Fei said with suspicion and scrutiny.

But at the end, Jackson realized that the other party was definitely a basketball genius!

The tactics he mentioned are completely different from the current mainstream nba style of play.

This shows that Shen Fei obtained these strategies through his own thinking.

To be able to come up with such an exquisite tactical system is definitely an in-depth study of modern basketball!

"Then what do you think of these tactics?"

Shen Fei looked at the excited Mark Jackson and asked knowingly.

"good, very good!"

"You have a deeper understanding of basketball than I do, you are a great talent!"

Mark Jackson praised.

His tone was sincere, without any sense of bragging.

"In addition to these tactics, I will also provide you with everything you need to win the championship, including players, assistants, etc."

"If you want to make some achievements in your coaching career, you might as well come to our Rockets to try."

Shen Fei threw out an olive branch again.

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