Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 998 Time Crystal

After being silent for a while, Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something.

"Blood Emperor."

That's right.

blood emperor.

This guy is a real strong man in the imperial realm.

It is true that he has not recovered much now, but this guy used to be the existence of the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm, so it may be said that he has some means.

"Take me to the first district immediately." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Tian Dao of the small world made an immediate move.

A huge crack appeared, and when Zhao Yang entered it, the crack disappeared.

And when Zhao Yang walked out of the crack, he found that he had arrived at the place where he saw the blood emperor.

Zhao Yang hurriedly walked into the Scarlet Hall.

"Teacher." Zhao Yang called out.

"What do you want from me?" The figure of the Blood Emperor appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

"How has the teacher recovered over the years?"

"How much can you recover in a few decades?" The Blood Emperor said angrily.

"The major restricted areas want to attack the time restricted area, can the teacher grab some time bugs?"

"Time bug?"

"The time worm contains the power of time." Zhao Yang explained.

"I can build a space channel." The blood emperor said after a while, "but this time channel can only last for three breaths."

"Constructed into the time zone?"


"Teacher is so powerful?" Zhao Yang had an incredulous look on his face.

"Although my current state has fallen, I still have the means." The blood emperor said with a smile, "The reason why I said three breaths is to take many factors into consideration."

"Teacher, do you want space coordinates?"

"give me."

After Zhao Yang passed the space coordinates to the blood emperor, the blood emperor began to build the space channel.

"Teacher, don't we need to wait until the two sides fight to build?"

"They don't have the ability to find out." The Blood Emperor said flatly.

About an hour later, the Blood Emperor looked at Zhao Yang and said, "The space channel has been constructed."

"So fast?" Zhao Yang exclaimed.

"If I wasn't worried about being discovered by them, I could easily build it." The blood emperor said proudly.

"Can I enter the space channel now?"

"Yes." The blood emperor said that Zhao Yang found himself in a dreamlike passage.

And the front is suddenly a familiar time forbidden zone.

And at the entrance of the restricted time zone stood an earth-shattering figure.

That figure has a majestic aura.

Let the heavens tremble and the avenue roar.

On the opposite side of the Time Supreme, there are seven figures standing.

The Supreme of the Fierce Beast Ridge, the Supreme of the Demon Cave, the Supreme of the Abyss Clan, the Supreme of the Wuliang Mountain, the Supreme of the Underworld, the Supreme of the Bone Clan, and the Supreme of the Soul-devouring Beast Clan.

Of these seven figures, the aura emanating from any one of them is inferior to that of Time Supreme.

"Teacher." Zhao Yang shouted in panic after seeing this scene.

You must know that Zhao Yang is on top of their heads at this time.

"The space channel I built is not that fragile." The blood emperor said with a smile, "I will take you to the restricted time zone now."

"Teacher, should we wait for them to fight?" Zhao Yang asked hesitantly.

Three breaths.

Zhao Yang was worried that the three breaths would not get any good things.

"Alright." The Blood Emperor nodded after thinking about it.

What followed was a long standoff.

"Time Supreme, our patience is limited." The Supreme of the Demon Nest said coldly.

"Time Supreme, we don't want to start a war between the restricted areas, but if you insist on forcing us, then don't blame us for being rude." The eyes of the Bone Race Supreme were flickering with a chilling gleam.

Time Supreme laughed when he heard this.

It was obvious that these guys were persecuting him, but why did he get into their mouths and become himself persecuting them.

Can it be any more funny?

"What are you talking about so much nonsense? If you have the ability, break into the restricted time zone." After the Time Supreme said, he flashed back to the restricted time zone, and at the same time, the majestic power of time permeated the audience.

The seven supreme beings looked at each other, and then shot in unison.

The Time Supremes are tough, but they are the Supremes.

Who is afraid of whom?


When the vast power of the seven supreme beings fell on the power of time in the forbidden time zone, the surrounding world exploded.

The Time Sovereign looked gloomy and was about to drop water.

Because of the collision just now, its time zone collapsed by one-tenth.

You must know that it took countless painstaking efforts to create it.

"Come on." The face of the Time Supreme showed a look of madness, "At worst, no one will get it by then."

The Seven Supremes did not expect the Time Supreme to be so decisive that they would fight to the end with them?

After realizing this, they also became ruthless.

Then kill.

Killing the time supreme is timid, killing the time supreme regrets.

"Time spar." The blood emperor said in surprise when the Time Supreme was fighting with the other Supremes.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"Before, I wondered how the time worm was formed? It turned out that the time worm was born after the worm devoured the time spar." The blood emperor said here that Zhao Yang felt a change in the space, and then he appeared in a brand new space. in the channel.

There are crystals one by one below the channel.

This crystal is similar to reality, but the fluctuations it emits are the power of time.

"So many time spars." Seeing these time spars, Zhao Yang's eyes lit up.

"Time crystals can only be mined one by one." What Zhao Yang didn't expect was that the Blood Emperor would say this.

But if this is the case, how many coins can be mined with three breaths?

"The power of time around the time spar mine is disordered. If you don't mine one by one, the power of time will turn into a torrent, and your lifespan may end in an instant." Blood Emperor said solemnly.

"In this case, I might as well catch the time bug?" Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"How many time bugs do you think there are in this passage?" The Blood Emperor said lightly.

Only then did Zhao Yang realize that the time worms in the passageway were gone, and several time worms in the distance also melted, turning into the power of time and pouring into the forbidden time zone.

"Is there any other way?" Zhao Yang smiled wryly.

"Don't waste time."

Zhao Yang had no choice but to dig the time spar.

After one breath passed, Zhao Yang dug two time spars.

After two breaths passed, Zhao Yang dug up five time spars.

After three breaths passed, Zhao Yang dug out eight time spars.

"We should go." The blood emperor's voice sounded in Zhao Yang's ear.

And just when Zhao Yang turned around and was about to leave, a wave of mental fluctuations suddenly came over.

"Human boy, time spar, dig it if you want."


"The seven restricted areas are too deceitful. I want them to pay the price no matter what. I will use this time spar mine when the time restricted area is about to completely collapse." There is still some time to dig spar, hurry up, don't waste time."

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