Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 996 Promise to you

"You..." the fox woman said angrily, "You can also make jokes about the Emperor Xianting?"

Obviously she didn't know about Huang Qingming being beaten by Zhao Yang.

"By the way, not only did I beat Huang Qingming, I even beat your son Nie Yuan more than once." Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something.

The face of the fox woman became ugly.

She knew that Zhao Yang had the strength to beat Nie Yuan. After all, Nie Yuan was not a star behind Huang Qingming.

"Zhao Yang, do you want to give me an explanation for killing my fox patriarch?" The fox woman pointed to the hanging fox and said coldly.

"The Fox Clan came to propose marriage three times, and the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce refused three times. As a result, Hu Su became so angry that he threatened the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and let it go, and even did it on the spot, so we had no choice but to kill him." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Anyway, everyone is dead, so what do you say?" The fox woman said lightly,

"The reason why I explain this to you is not that the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce is afraid of your Fox Clan, but because the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce does things in an upright manner."

The fox woman snorted coldly.

"Don't make any gestures with me here." Zhao Yang pointed at the patriarch of the fox clan and said, "Your fox clan chief came to threaten our Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce. If your fox clan doesn't give us an explanation today, you don't want to leave. gone."

All the masters of the fox clan were shocked when they heard this.

what's the situation?

They come to ask for an explanation.

How did Zhao Yang ask for an explanation?

"Are you sure you're not joking?" the fox woman scolded angrily.

"Are you foxes worthy?" When the voice fell, a terrifying wave filled the audience, and the fox girl felt that an ancient sacred mountain had been added to her body.

Her complexion became ugly.

She didn't expect that there was such a terrifying existence behind Zhao Yang.

To be honest, she doesn't care about Tiandiyin.


She has the means left to her by the third god general in her hands, and she is confident that she will have no problem fighting against the seal of heaven and earth.

But in the face of this, she has no confidence.

"Which one?" The fox woman said here Tanlang came out from the darkness.

"Hu Yun, who gave you the guts to threaten our lineage of guardians?" Greedy Wolf shouted loudly.

Hu Yun only felt dizzy.

She almost fainted.

Her face grew pale.

"Greedy... Tanlang." No matter what, Hu Yun never thought that Tanlang was not dead?

You must know that even the third general was not this opponent back then, okay?

"For the sake of me being the widow of the third god general, let's expose this matter." After a while, Hu Yun bit his lip and sighed softly.

At this time, she had to give up.

Tanlang is too strong.

Back then, he pushed the invincible existence of Zhundi.

She felt that maybe only the number one general could break the wrist with this man.

"Junior brother, you make the decision on this matter." Tanlang looked at Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang immediately understood what Tanlang meant.

Although Tan Lang gave him the initiative, Tan Lang still hoped to forgive Hu Yun, otherwise Tan Lang would have taken action directly.

"Fox Yun, today I will give the third god general a face. You can take away the body of your fox patriarch." Zhao Yang waved his hand and the body of the fox patriarch fell in front of her. "In the future, if your fox clan If you dare to target Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong again, don't blame me for not being sympathetic."

Hu Yun didn't say anything, she turned and left with Hu Su's body.

"I'm afraid Hu Yun will cause trouble in the future." The old Jian Chen said worriedly.

"Xianting still has to give face." Zhao Yang said lightly, "As for the future, she won't be able to make any waves."

Zhao Yang is very confident.

As time goes by, both Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong will become stronger and stronger.

"I won't go to the small world of breaking the army in the future." Tanlang said at this time, "My small world will be entrusted in your sea of ​​consciousness. By the way, I have also opened certain permissions for you. In the future you can freely In and out."

"En." Zhao Yang understood that Tanlang didn't want to be affected by Pojun's small world.

Tanlang disappeared immediately.

Zhao Yang chatted with Lin Caihan for a while before heading to Chunyangzong.

After arriving at Chunyangzong, Zhao Yang came to Xu Huier's study.

In the study, Xu Huier was looking at the distant scenery with her chin resting on her chin.

Zhao Yang stopped Xu Huier's waist from behind, "What are you thinking?"

"I was thinking how long has it been since you came to see me?" Xu Huier said softly.

"Isn't this here to see you?"

"Will you marry me in the future?" Xu Huier suddenly asked after an unknown amount of time passed.

Zhao Yang was taken aback.

Xu Hui'er had never asked such a question before, nor had she ever asked for fame or anything like that.

Why are you suddenly asking such a question now?

Zhao Yang thought for a while and felt that Xu Huier felt a crisis.

Actually it is.

Zhao Yang has spent far more time in Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce than Chunyangzong since he returned to the sixth district.

"Yes." Then Zhao Yang said firmly.

"Really?" Xu Hui'er's eyes showed surprise, and of course there were tears.

"Our fate was doomed from the first time I saw you, and marrying you has always been my dream." Zhao Yang stroked Xu Huier's beautiful hair and said softly.

How could Xu Huier bear such earthy love talk?

She threw herself into Zhao Yang's arms and cried.

Xu Huier was under a lot of pressure during this period, coupled with Yuan Jiner's bewitching, she felt as if she was about to be abandoned.

And today it finally broke out.

Fortunately, Zhao Yang promised her.

Originally, what Zhao Yang thought was to arrange for Xu Huier to practice when he arrived at Chunyangzong.

After seeing this situation, Zhao Yang stayed with Xu Huier for a few days before discussing the business.

"Huangliang Yimeng? Is it so magical?"

"It's amazing." Zhao Yang said softly, "Do you want to experience it?"

"it is good."

Xu Huier woke up after practicing in the consciousness space for a year.

There was a look of shock in her beautiful eyes.

"It's only been a day outside?"

"one day."

"If that's the case, wouldn't I be able to practice the Emperor Realm secret technique you taught me?"

What Xu Hui'er practiced was the Sky Art of the Emperor Bi Luo.

In fact, she also wanted to practice the three thousand incarnations after Zhao Yang's fusion.

It's a pity that this is too time consuming.

She has never practiced.

And after having Huangliang Yimeng, she didn't care anymore.

Isn't it time?

"Just practice."

"In recent years, I have gained some new insights into the three thousand incarnations." Zhao Yang said softly, "Now I will pass it on to you."

Xu Hui'er browsed around and said in a deep voice, "How long will it take to learn?"

"It's okay, just learn slowly."

"Can Huangliang Yimeng only affect one monk?"

"Now it can act on ten monks at the same time."

"In this case, I will let Jin'er, Qingqiu, and Blue Crucian Carp come to practice."

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