Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 989 Strong Deterrence

The Patriarch of the Dayue Clan watched the monks from the ancestral court leave one by one.

Its face was full of bitterness.

It knows that it is gone, and there is no possibility of coming back.

"Patriarch, it's been two hours, you should go." At this time, an old man came to it and said softly.

"Are there still many things that the ancestral court has not done?" the Patriarch of the Dayue Clan said in a deep voice.

"Leave this to me."

"Third Uncle." The Patriarch of the Dayue Clan said with emotion.

"I'm old, and I don't want to go anywhere?" The old man patted it on the shoulder and said, "You are still young, and the Great Moon Clan still needs you to take the helm. Go, leave the rest to me, and I will take advantage of it." At the last hour, transfer as much as you can."

The Patriarch of the Dayue Clan was silent for a while and then said bitterly, "Third Uncle, take care."

Immediately, Naying sneaked away with hundreds of his clansmen.

As a result, as soon as it arrived at the border between the fifth and fourth districts, it found that a legion that had traveled far before had stopped in place.

"Why haven't you moved yet?" the Patriarch of the Great Moon Clan said with a gloomy face.

"I can't get through." The legion commander said bitterly.

"Can't we get through?" The patriarch of the Dayue Clan said here that the divine mind shrouded the front, and soon it found the purgatory mirror blocking the way, and the aura emanating from the purgatory mirror made his soul terrified.

It suddenly realized that the other party was definitely a terrifying existence in the quasi-emperor realm.

"Senior, why are you blocking the way?" the Patriarch of the Dayue Clan asked solemnly.

"According to my son's order, the frontier is temporarily sealed off, and no one is allowed to go out." Purgatory Mirror said flatly.

"Who is your son?"

"Don't you have an answer in your heart?"

Hearing this, the Patriarch of the Great Moon Clan's heart sank.

Zhao Yang?

Did Zhao Yang take their future into consideration?

"Patriarch, what should we do now?" the legion leader asked.

The Patriarch of the Dayue Clan was in a state of disarray for a moment.

After pondering for a while, he said, "Follow me."

After walking a long distance, he glanced at the audience and said, "From now on, we will break up into pieces."

Only in this way is it possible to survive.

What the Patriarch of the Great Moon Clan didn't know was that when the army fell into pieces, the Emperor Zhun and the Saint who were hiding in the dark secretly marked these soldiers.

Round up to zero?

You have to have this opportunity too.

The Binglu and Xuezhu tribes also adopted the same method as the Dayue tribe after realizing that the frontier to the fourth district was blocked.

round to zero.

On the other hand, Zhao Yang drove the battleship to the Dayue Clan after cleaning the Yinbei Clan's battlefield.

After arriving at the Great Moon Clan, they found that there were only thousands of monks left in the Great Moon Clan.

"These old monks are the only ones of the Great Moon Clan. You can kill them if you want." The old man who had persuaded the Patriarch of the Great Moon Clan to leave said weakly.

Zhao Yang glanced at it.

At this time, most of the resources of the Great Moon Clan had been evacuated, and the rest were those that could not be removed in time.

In other words, it's not worth much.

Zhao Yang summoned the seal of heaven and earth, "Tell Hu Duan, you can do it now."

The seal of heaven and earth broke through the sky and left.

In a desert.

The patriarch of the Dayue Clan and thousands of soldiers are hiding in the depths of the desert.

Not a blade of grass grows here, and creatures rarely set foot here.

But I don't know why the Patriarch of the Dayue Clan is very disturbed.

"Don't worry, no one knows this place except me." A woman said softly while holding his hand.

This woman is his wife.

Over the years, his wife has been in charge of logistics support and other aspects of work.

The Patriarch of the Dayue Clan felt a little more at ease at this moment.

But at this moment, a cold voice pierced the sky, "Yueheng, come out." At the same time, the coercion of quasi-emperor realm permeated every inch of space here.

The Patriarch of the Great Moon Clan showed a look of shock.

He didn't expect to hide so deep, but he was discovered.

He and his wife came out.

In the midair, besides Fox Duan, there were three figures, and the breath of those three figures was not inferior to him at all.

"Yue Heng, my young master invites you to go somewhere." Hu Duan said flatly.

"How did you find us?" Yue Heng asked in a deep voice.

He wanted to know the question very much.

"To be precise, we have been following you since you escaped."

Hearing this, Yue Heng heaved a sigh of relief for no reason.

Fortunately, he broke into pieces.

"I can go with you, can you let them go?"

"Yue Heng, you are not qualified to bargain?" Hu Duan stared at Yue Heng and said, "Let's go."

Hu Duan was silent for a while and could only obediently follow Hu Duan and the others on the road.

It's just that Yueheng soon discovered that their direction turned out to be the ancestral court of the Great Moon Clan.

"Are you taking us back to the ancestral court?"


"What are you going back to the ancestral home for?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

It didn't take long for Yue Heng and other thousands of monks to come to the ancestral court of the Great Moon Clan.

The thousands of monks left by the Great Moon Clan were stunned when they saw Yue Heng.


"Patriarch, why are you back?"

The corner of Yue Heng's mouth twitched.

Does he want to come back?

Didn't you see that he was escorted back?

"Come back when you come back." The old man who persuaded Yueheng to leave before patted him on the shoulder and sighed softly, "Have the rest been arranged?"

"It's broken down into pieces." Yue Heng said softly.

"That's good." The old man nodded.

"Zhao Yang, if you want to kill, do it." Yue Heng looked at Zhao Yang at this moment.

"It's not time yet." Zhao Yang shook his head.

"What do you mean?" Yue Heng looked at Zhao Yang puzzled.

It's just that Yue Heng soon understood.

Because Xiong Tao escorted thousands of soldiers here.

These thousands of soldiers are the younger generation of the Great Moon Clan.

It can be said that they represent the hope of the younger generation, but now they have been found by the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and brought back.

"You..." Yue Heng opened his mouth to say something, but finally fell silent.

It's all come to this point, what else can I say?

Fortunately, the younger generation Yueheng arranged for more than one batch, even if all these batches were buried here, the Great Moon Clan would not be hopeless.

It's just that as batch after batch of soldiers of the Great Moon Clan were escorted here, Yue Heng and other senior members of the Great Moon Clan became extremely ugly.

"How many masters does your Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce have?" Yue Heng said with an ugly face.

You must know that the monks of the Great Moon Clan went to all directions in the fifth area, and the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce wanted to catch them all here in such a short period of time. Without a certain number of saints, it was simply impossible.

"To deal with your Great Moon Clan, we have prepared four hundred saints." Zhao Yang said lightly.

After Zhao Yang's voice fell, everyone in the Dayue Clan was shocked.

Four hundred saints?

Do you want to be so insane?

One must know that there are only a dozen saints of the Great Moon Clan, okay?

And the spies of the major holy places hidden in the dark were almost scared to pee.

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