Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 987 Just Beginning

Would Zhao Yang still worry about those holy places in District [-] today?

In his opinion, it's just a chicken and a dog.

In fact, even if Zhao Yang didn't have such so-called means, he still had enough confidence to suppress these holy places.

There is no quasi-emperor in the fifth district.

And Zhao Yang's fighting strength could already compete with the ordinary second-tier quasi-emperor.

"Release this news in the name of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, I want to let the fifth district know about it."


"What the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce wants to do is aboveboard, which is very important to our early reputation." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Since the five holy places have provoked a dispute, we must clearly tell the fifth district that our Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce is ready to take revenge. .”

After returning to Yanhuang City, Tang Yiren took Zhao Yang around Yanhuang City.

"Yanhuang City is well built."

Tang Yiren, who was affirmed by Zhao Yang, had a smile on his face.

"Tell me about the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

"Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has reached [-] branches in the sixth district, and as many as [-] branches in the fifth district."

"So the number of quasi-sages exceeds a thousand?"

"There are currently 120 high-level quasi-sages, 350 mid-level quasi-sages, and 960 early quasi-sages." When Yi Ren said this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. ''

The structure of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has already taken shape.

As long as Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce is given enough time, it is only a matter of time before it becomes a giant in the future.

"The Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce is already a giant in the sixth district. No one dares to challenge the status of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce." Tang Yiren said softly, "Perhaps it is because of this that the holy land in the fifth district is targeting us."

"After the five holy places are uprooted, the development of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce in the fifth district should be unimpeded." Zhao Yang said lightly.

It didn't take long for the five robots sent by the Tangyi people to bring back news one after another.

"Apologize? Don't even think about it."

"Is the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce taking itself too seriously?"

"Believe it or not, the five of us joined forces to get your Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce out of the fifth district."

"The Fifth District is not the territory of your Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce. Get out as soon as possible while there is not much investment."

"Ultimatum to us, who gave you the courage?"

When the five holy places rejected the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, they also issued a joint statement.

In the future, within the sphere of influence of the five holy places, the business groups of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce are prohibited from entering and leaving, otherwise they will be killed without mercy.

At this time, the monks in the fifth district realized that the five holy places were going to compete head-on with the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

Just when everyone was watching the show, Zhao Yang's battleship of the Great Saint Realm carried tens of thousands of soldiers from the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce to the Black Fox Clan.

"You are responsible for sealing off the surrounding areas of the Black Fox Clan." Following Qi Ling's order, tens of thousands of soldiers rushed towards all directions.

"what is that?"

"Soldiers of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

"What does the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce want to do?"

"Could it be that they want to wipe out our black fox clan with these tens of thousands of soldiers?"

Just when the soldiers of the Black Fox Clan were stunned, the battleship turned on the secondary gun mode.

In an instant, tens of thousands of bombs fell on the ancestral courtyard of the Black Fox Clan.


Tens of thousands of bombs directly buried hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Black Fox tribe.

The black fox tribe was stunned.

what's the situation?

Just when they were in a daze, the second wave of bombs came again.

At this moment, the patriarch of the Black Fox Clan woke up from the retreat, and it tore apart the void and appeared in midair.

"What kind of enmity does my black fox clan have with you?" the patriarch of the black fox clan said coldly.

Zhao Yang stood on the battleship with his hands behind his back, "Your Excellency is really a noble man who forgets things. It seems that it hasn't been long since I destroyed the Li tribe and other holy places?"

"Why did you come back?" the patriarch of the Black Fox Clan changed his face drastically.

In his opinion, Zhao Yang will basically never come back.

"You don't need to know about this." At this point, Zhao Yang's eyes turned into two flames, and then the patriarch of the Black Fox Clan who had reached the Great Saint Realm was actually ignited.

It turned into ashes without even taking a breath.

This frightened everyone in the Black Fox Clan.

The patriarch of the Black Fox Clan at the Great Sage level killed as soon as he said he would.

"Bombard me indiscriminately." Zhao Yang said with his hands behind his back.

Zhao Yang got too much energy.

Therefore, he doesn't care about the consumption of battleships at all.

Besides, this is also his intention.

He just wanted to tell the monks in the fifth district in this way, Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce can not be provoked by anyone?

The shells of the battleship were too loud, and it was not long before they were detected by the intelligence personnel of some forces.

These intelligence officers reported to the forces behind them.

The forces behind these rushed here at the first time, and when they saw the corpses scattered all over the field, they fell silent one by one.

All the black fox tribes were dead.

At this time, the monks of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce are cleaning the battlefield.

"Zhao Yang."

"This guy Zhao Yang has returned."

"This battleship seems to be of the Great Sage class."

"This battleship is at the level of the Great Sage, but it cannot be stopped by the Great Sage."

"What shall we do next?"

"The Black Fox Clan is definitely not over."

"I think the four of us need to hug each other to keep warm at this time."

"I think so."

After some discussion, the patriarchs of the Yinbei, Dayue and other four holy lands decided to go to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce to negotiate.

Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce!

After the four great sages came to Yanhuang City, they asked to see Tang Yiren by name.

Tang Yiren received the four great saints in the living room.

It's just that when Tang Yiren appeared, Lei Tingzhu appeared behind her.

And Thunder Pearl intentionally or unintentionally exudes the coercion of the third heaven of quasi-emperor realm.

This coercion caused the hairs on the four great sages to explode, and after they looked at each other, they all saw bad premonitions from each other's hearts.

"Is there anything the four of you want from me?" Tang Yiren said calmly after sitting down.

The patriarch of the Yinbei tribe was silent for a while before he said, "Our Yinbei tribe had some misunderstandings with your Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce before. In this way, your Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce will be able to move freely in our Yinbei tribe's territory in the future, and our Yinbei tribe will never stop it."

"When I wanted to talk to you before, you didn't want to talk to me. I'm sorry, but now I don't want to talk to you either." Tang Yiren glanced at everyone and said, "Master said, this time Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce will kill chickens and monkeys."

"Isn't a box of Black Fox Clan enough?" the Patriarch of the Dayue Clan said in a deep voice.

"Don't you think the fifth district is a bit crowded?" Tang Yiren said calmly, "I think it's good to lose your five holy places."

"Our Four Great Sacred Lands are not at the mercy of your Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce." The patriarch of the Snow Bamboo Clan snorted coldly.

"My master will go to the Yinbei tribe after cleaning the black fox tribe, then the Dayue tribe, the Binglu tribe, and finally the Xuezhu tribe." Tang Yiren said with a smile, "If I were you, I would go back now , maybe I can block it for another three to five minutes."

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