When a ray of origin appeared on Zhao Yang's fingertips, the girl's eyes revealed an unbelievable look.

"This... is this the origin of the Medicine King?"

"The origin of the Nine-Aperture Black Lotus."


The girl is the snow lotus fairy of the Hundred Flowers Holy Land.

Among the Baihua fairies, she can be ranked in the top ten, but due to the lack of her own origin, her ranking has always been the bottom one.

There is a king of medicine in the Hundred Flowers Holy Land.

But the only one who is qualified to be the medicine king is the number one existence.

Xuelian wants the origin of the medicine king.


She had to swear allegiance to the number one.

But how can this be accepted by the proud Xuelian?

As for the emperor?

As long as it is the emperor's son, most of them belong to the King of Medicine.

But which disciple has no additional conditions?

"you give me?"


"What do I need to pay?"

"No need."

Fairy Xuelian stared at Zhao Yang intently.

She was trying to distinguish whether Zhao Yang said this sentence sincerely or falsely?

"Why did you help me?" Fairy Snow Lotus asked after a moment of thought.

The origin of the king of medicine.

It's too precious.

Why did Zhao Yang give it to himself for no reason?

"What do you say about Medicine King Benyuan? Maybe it's very precious to you, but to me, that's all." Zhao Yang said carefully, "If I don't need it, it's actually useless, right? ?”

"If you have to give a reason, I think you shouldn't lose such a beautiful woman before you become enlightened." Zhao Yang continued.

Fairy Xuelian was startled, then smiled and said, "If that's the case, I'll accept it."

After Fairy Xuelian took a strand of the original essence of the Nine-Aperture Black Lotus, her incomplete essence was quickly completed, and Fairy Xuelian even felt that she was a little bit stronger than when she was at her peak.

Her fighting power is at least [-]% stronger than before.

Don't underestimate the [-]%.

You must know that after reaching a certain point, [-]% is already a terrifying number.

"Thank you." Fairy Xuelian stood up to thank Zhao Yang.

"Send the Buddha to the west, and I will take you for a ride." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Okay." Fairy Xuelian smiled.

On the next trip, the three encountered some wild animals.

When Fairy Snow Lotus made a move, Zhao Yang helped to block it, so Fairy Snow Lotus soon passed the eighth level.

When the exit appeared, a volume of supernatural power appeared in front of her.

"Wuliang Jue." Looking at the supernatural snow lotus fairy in front of her, she murmured.

"Is it true that everyone who breaks through this checkpoint gets the Infinite Art?" Zhao Yang asked curiously.

"You don't know?" Fairy Xuelian looked at Zhao Yang in surprise.

"I came from another district."

"No wonder." Speaking of this, Fairy Xuelian showed a sudden realization on her face.

"It is said that all the infinite arts are the same." Fairy Xuelian continued.

Zhao Yang nodded, "Then let's leave now."

"Let's leave now? I still want to see what's in the ninth level?" Fairy Xuelian looked at Zhao Yang with some dissatisfaction.

How does this guy drive people away?

"Alright." Zhao Yang nodded after thinking about it.

Not long after leaving, Zhao Yang also got the reward of the eighth level.

Infinite decision.

Zhao Yang took a glance and put it away.

Ninth pass.

After reaching this point, Zhao Yang also felt a little pressure.

Fortunately, this pressure did not cause Zhao Yang to collapse.

Two hours later, after Zhao Yang beheaded a wild beast, a cold voice rang in his ears.

"Congratulations, young man." At the same time as the voice fell, the three of Zhao Yang disappeared in place.

When they got used to it, they found they were standing in a palace made of colored glaze.

There is a colorful throne in the palace, and an old man sits on the throne.

He waved his hand, Zhu Ya and Fairy Snow Lotus fell uncontrollably towards the distance.

"Don't worry, I just sent them out of the palace." The old man could see Zhao Yang's thoughts at a glance, "You are the fourth person who broke into this place during this time."

"The fourth one?" Zhao Yang was startled, "Who else is there besides me?"

"The youngest son of the Lord of the Immortal Court, the judge of Yan Luo's lineage, Tongyou of the Soul-devouring Beast lineage." The old man said lightly.

"The reward of the eighth level is boundless."

"That's right, only those who have reached this point are eligible to get the full version of Wuliang Jue." The old man stared at Zhao Yang and said, "But how complete you can get depends on your own ability."

"what for?"

"How much complete Wuliangjue you can get depends on how long you can last in my hands?" At this moment, a tall figure came out from the darkness.

The breath of this figure is so majestic, and his voice is like thunder, making the space here tremble.

Zhao Yang smelled danger from him.

"Are you...?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"My son of Wuliang Mountain is Wuyan." The old man introduced, "If you persist in his hands for 6 minutes, you can get 7% of the complete version of Wuliangjue; if you persist in his hands for [-] minutes, you can get [-]% The full version of Wuliangjue, and so on."

"Of course, if you fail to last 6 minutes in his hands, I'm sorry, but you are not eligible for the full version of Wuliangjue."

Zhao Yang looked at the old man in surprise and said, "Are you too confident in your son of Wuliang Mountain?"

We are all emperors.

Why is the emperor of your Wuliang Mountain better than other emperors?

"The youngest son of the Lord of the Immortal Court lasted 7 minutes in the hands of Wu Yan, the judge of Yan Luo's lineage lasted 8 minutes in Wu Yan's hands, and Tong You of the lineage of Soul-devouring Beast also persisted for 8 minutes." The old man smiled. Said, "I'm not afraid to tell you, once Wu Yan's boundless field is opened, it will always maintain its peak state in this field."

"Maintain the peak state all the time?" Zhao Yang was stunned, "Can I understand that he can always magnify his moves?"

"That's right, unless you can break through its limitless domain, he will keep using his moves." The old man nodded and said.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's expression became serious.

"If I can defeat Wu Yan, is there any reward?" Zhao Yang looked at the old man and asked after a while.

There was a look of surprise in the old man's eyes.

He didn't expect that after he said that, Zhao Yang would still want to defeat Wu Yan?

"If you can defeat Wu Yan, I will make a shot for you unconditionally." The old man thought for a while before saying.

"Senior is the emperor?"


"In this case, let's come." Zhao Yang said with burning eyes.

With a wave of his hand, the old man sent Zhao Yang and Wu Yan to his own small world.

"This is my small world, you can toss about it as you like." The old man said without a word, and stood up with his hands behind his back, "You take action, otherwise, when I do, you will have no chance."

"Okay." Zhao Yang rushed towards Wu Yan when he said this.




As Zhao Yang rushed over, nine avatars appeared in different directions.

"Ten Days Locking the Sky Formation." Zhao Yang shouted loudly.

The nine figures turned into ten suns with Zhao Yang as the core.

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