Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 937 1 Gasification 3 Clear

"The senior gave me five Tianhe Spiritual Essences. If my brother consumes another one, will he return to his peak state?" Zhao Yang asked at this time.

Po Jun shook his head and said, "The energy of this Tianhe Spirit is enough. I want to recover to the peak and need to repair the soul trauma, and this is not what Tianhe Spirit can help."

"Where is Senior Brother Greedy Wolf?"

"Your brother Tanlang has just recovered, and encountered this catastrophe again." Po Jun sighed softly, "But his life is not in serious danger, now that he has this Tianhe Spiritual Essence, his strength can also be restored to seven or eighty-eight. , but we will fall into a deep sleep next time." Speaking of which, Po Jun looked at Zhao Yang and said, "This time will be at least a hundred years or more."

"You can heal your wounds at ease." Zhao Yang said seriously.

"Whoever attacked you, you don't want to investigate. We will discuss this matter after we both recover." Po Jun warned, "This matter is probably caused by the restricted area."


Po Jun then closed his eyes.

Zhao Yang then walked out of the small world.

"Senior, what assessment is there next?" Zhao Yang asked.

"Next, I'm going to test your understanding of alchemy." At the same time that the voice fell, 320 eight cheat books appeared in front of Zhao Yang, "Next, you need to read it in a year, and I will read it in a year. You will be assessed."

"At that time, I will ask you ten questions, and you will be qualified if you answer six correctly. If you answer seven correctly, I will send you the formula of the Heaven-Defying Pill."

"Defying Heaven Pill Formula?"

"If the Great Sage wants to set foot on Emperor Zhun, he needs a Heaven-Defying Pill."

Zhao Yang's pupils shrank.

In this way, the formula of Nitian Pill is priceless.

"Answer the eight questions correctly and I will send you the pill formula of the advanced pill in the early stage of Zhundi. Why do I say it is the pill recipe of the advanced pill in the early stage of Zhundi? This is because you have refined a first-grade advanced pill. You You can ascend from the first level of the quasi-emperor realm to the second level, but you will never make any progress in this life. You have refined the best advanced pill, and you can ascend from the first level of the quasi-emperor realm to the second level , your potential has relatively little influence. You have refined a superb advanced pill, and you can upgrade from the second level of the quasi-emperor realm to the third level of the quasi-emperor realm."

"What about super quality?"

"I haven't refined the super-grade ones either."

"What about the second grade?"

"The quasi-emperor level two is equivalent to poison and cannot be improved."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang understood why the elixir in the quasi-emperor realm was scarce.

It is really too difficult.

"If you answer the nine questions correctly, I will give you a copy of the medicinal materials for refining the Heaven-Defying Pill."

The Nitian Pill already belongs to the elixir of the quasi-emperor level.

And this level of medicinal materials is undoubtedly very precious.

"If you answer ten questions correctly, I will give you another batch of medicinal materials for refining Zhundi's early stage advanced pill."

"it is good."

In the following time, Zhao Yang silently studied the more than 300 cheat books here.

He didn't use the Time Domain, nor did he use the Enlightenment Tea.

It is a very stupid behavior to play such a trick in front of the emperor.

A year passed quickly.

This day, the emperor of the alchemy realm awakened Zhao Yang.

"How is it?"

"Senior, you can ask questions now." Zhao Yang said softly.

"The first question is how to avoid the explosion when the fire flower and the ice flame grass are fused?"


As time went by, the emperor raised one question after another.

Before I knew it, ten questions were asked.

And when the Emperor asked No.11 questions, Zhuo Bufan said cautiously, "Senior, Zhao Yang has already answered ten questions."

As a result, the emperor didn't agree with Zhuo Bufan at all.

He asked Zhao Yang a dozen more questions before replying, "Your understanding of alchemy is better than I imagined."

In the next moment, two pills and two medicines appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

These two pill formulas are the recipes of Nitian Pill and Advanced Pill, and these two medicinal materials are the medicinal materials for refining Nitian Pill and Advanced Pill.

Zhao Yang noticed that these two medicinal materials were almost all quasi-emperor level.

"I don't know if the first district has this strength, but the holy land in the second district is definitely not capable of refining Seizing Heaven Pill." Zhao Yang looked at the medicinal materials in front of him and said with emotion.

For example, 36 kinds of medicinal materials are needed to refine Duotian Pill.

And these 36 kinds are all quasi-emperor level, okay?

Can the holy land in the second district collect these 36 kinds of medicinal materials?

Zhao Yang was suspicious.

"Zhao Yang, next is the third test."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang quickly calmed down, "Senior, please speak."

"What do you think of our Dan Dao's combat effectiveness?"

"The combat power is not very good?" Zhao Yang said frankly.

"Yes, alchemists have a very high status in the practice world, but many people look down on alchemists in their bones. Why? It's not because alchemists' attack power is not strong." The emperor sighed and said, "I have devoted myself to Studying alchemy, I have developed a secret technique, and now I will pass it on to you."

"What secret technique?"

"One breath transforms three cleanses." The emperor said here that a divine thought flooded into Zhao Yang's sea of ​​consciousness.

Zhao Yang only felt a large number of runes flickering in his sea of ​​consciousness, and he didn't know how long it took before it gradually calmed down.

"What I gave you is a simplified version. If you can learn it within three years, I will give you the full version." The emperor said lightly.

After Zhao Yang hummed, he began to study the one-qi-transformation-three-purity bestowed by the emperor.

When Zhao Yang's research reached a certain stage, his face revealed a look of astonishment.

The emperor's one qi transforms into three Qings actually talks about using the qi of alchemy in the body to transform into the three gods of Yuqing, Shangqing, and Taiqing.

And the cultivation base of these three is one-third of the deity.

Seeing this, Zhao Yang's face turned green.

This technique is too heaven-defying.

You must know that one-third of Zhao Yang's true self, even the emperor's son, can compete with one or two.

No matter how strong the evildoer is, it is impossible for Sanqing to be an opponent.

Zhao Yang continued to study.

With the deepening of research, Zhao Yang discovered that Sanqing has one-third of the strength of the deity.

But they cannot fight for a long time.

Zhao Yang felt that this was also normal.

To be able to have one-third of the strength of the deity in a short period of time is already against the sky, isn't it?

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

Zhao Yang has been studying here for three years.

Three years later, an old man in a white robe appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang couldn't see the old man's face clearly, he felt that the old man didn't seem to be in this world.

"Zhao Yang met senior." Zhao Yang saluted the old man.

"How is the research on the transformation of one qi into three qings?" the old man asked lightly.

Zhao Yang opened his mouth and exhaled the Qi of alchemy in his mouth.

The qi of alchemy transformed into three figures that were identical to Zhao Yang.

The aura on them is strong, and the light in their eyes is sharp.

After careful induction, the old man said with a smile, "It seems that you have thoroughly studied the simplified version."

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