Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 929 Red Gold Stone

Zhu Ya is not proficient in Qi Dao, but it does not mean that he does not understand.

Hearing what Zhu Ya said, the vendor knew that he had met an expert, "Take this piece of turquoise thirty thousand immortal stones."

"Three thousand." Zhao Yang looked at the vendor and said.

The vendor's face turned green when he heard this, "Did I say you were the one who bargained like this?"

"Two thousand." Zhao Yang continued.

"I said why did you lower the price?" the vendor looked at Zhao Yang speechlessly and said.

"One thousand." Zhao Yang said again.

"Yes, one thousand." The vendor said hurriedly.

He was asking for a lot of money, but in fact he picked up this stone.

Zhu Ya gave the vendor a thousand fairy stones, and then picked up the turquoise.

"My lord, why did you spend 1000 yuan on this rubbish piece of turquoise?" Zhu Ya asked puzzled.

"I think this stone is beautiful." Of course, Zhao Yang would not tell Zhu Ya on this occasion that he could smell the red gold stone on the turquoise skin.

"Wait." Just as Zhao Yang was about to leave, a clear voice stopped him.

A middle-aged man ran to Zhu Ya's side quickly, "Can you show me the turquoise in your hand?"

Zhu Ya put the turquoise away, looked at the middle-aged man vigilantly and said, "I've already bought this piece of turquoise."

"How much did I pay for this piece of turquoise?" The middle-aged man asked hurriedly.

"One thousand." The vendor replied.

"Well, I'll give you ten thousand." The middle-aged man stared at Zhu Ya and said.

"Not for sale." Zhu Ya is now more and more sure that this piece of turquoise is not easy.

"One hundred thousand." The middle-aged man raised the price again.

Hearing this, the vendor was stunned, "Did I miss it?"

"100 million." Seeing that Zhu Ya was unmoved, the middle-aged man raised the price again.

"I've said it before, I won't sell it." Zhu Ya said lightly.

"1000 million." When the middle-aged man said this, his eyes were fixed on Zhu Ya.

He was wondering if Zhu Ya saw something?

Zhu Ya looked at Zhao Yang at this moment.

Zhu Ya wondered if this piece of turquoise was worth the price?

"Let's go." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Just as Zhao Yang and the others were about to leave, the middle-aged man blocked their way.

"I'm going to order that piece of turquoise." The middle-aged man said as a universe bag appeared in his hand, "There is a hundred million in the universe bag."

Zhu Ya was about to say something before she was interrupted by the middle-aged man, "I have done my best, if you still want a higher price, I guarantee you will regret it."

At this time, Tensor came here under the leadership of Song Kangchi.

"Isn't this the number one refiner under the command of the Lord of Yongcheng?" Song Kangchi asked in surprise.

"Why did Song Kangchi have a conflict with that person?" Tensor was also looking at Zhao Yang at this time.

He found that Zhao Yang was really young and looked like a younger generation.

"According to what you said, I still have to sell you the turquoise?" Zhao Yang looked at the middle-aged man and said.

"You paid 1000 yuan for immortal stones, and now I'll give you [-] million yuan. I've already given you a lot of face." The middle-aged man said with a sneer, "Besides, you've made a lot of money."

After hearing this, Tensor and Song Kangchi understood what was going on?

It turned out that Zhao Yang fell in love with a piece of turquoise, and now the middle-aged man wants to buy it at a high price.

They guessed that the piece of turquoise was probably not simple.

"What's hidden under the turquoise? I don't think you don't know?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "One hundred million? Are you sure that one hundred million can be bought?"

Hearing Zhao Yang say this, Barlow's eyes showed surprise, "It seems that my induction is correct, hand over that piece of ore."

"What if I don't pay?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"If you don't pay..." Barlow said that he was about to do something here, but an old man came here, "Baluo, this place is Jubaozhai."

Barlow looked at the old man apprehensively and said, "Are you going to take this muddy water in Jubaozhai?"

"No one is allowed to forcefully buy and sell in Jubaozhai. This is the rule." The old man said indifferently.

The old man is a holy man in Jubaozhai, and his strength is even higher than that of Barlow.

Is this why Barlow is afraid?

"Boy, I'm going to put my words here today." Barlow pointed at Zhao Yang and said, "If you don't give me that piece of turquoise, I guarantee you won't be able to get out of Yong City."

"Really?" Zhao Yang's figure appeared in front of him like lightning at the same time that Zhao Yang's voice fell, and at the same time, his big hand was strangling Barlow's throat.

There was a look of horror in Barlow's eyes.

It was a mid-level existence in the Holy Realm, but at this moment in front of Zhao Yang, he didn't even have the strength to fight back.

"Believe it or not, if I kill you, even Yongcheng can't do anything to me?" Zhao Yang looked at Ba Luo who was close at hand and said lightly.

"I am Baro, the number one alchemist under the command of the Lord Yongcheng."


What no one expected was that Barlow's whole body was suddenly ignited by a hot flame.

He was reduced to ashes within a few breaths.

Seeing this scene, both the tensor who came and the elders of Jubaozhai were stunned.

No one thought that Zhao Yang would be so ruthless?

Even Barlow said he would kill him.

"If you kill Baro, you offend Yongcheng." The elder of Jubaozhai said with a wry smile.

"If Yong Chengcheng mainly wants to die, I don't mind giving him a ride." Zhao Yang glanced at the elder of Jubaozhai and said.

"For a piece of turquoise, is it worth it?" The elder of Jubaozhai shook his head.

"Do you think it's just an ordinary turquoise?" Zhao Yang glanced at Zhu Ya at this point.

Zhu Ya handed the piece of turquoise to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang squeezed lightly.

The turquoise stone coat peeled off, revealing the true face inside.

A golden radiance spread around.

"This is... the red gold stone?" the elder of Jubaozhai exclaimed.

"To be precise, this piece of red gold stone can upgrade the quasi-emperor's magic weapon from the first level of the quasi-emperor realm to the second level of the quasi-emperor realm. Do you think I might sell this piece of red gold stone to Barlow for [-] million?" Zhao said. Yang said lightly.

The elder of Jubaozhai opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

But then he looked at the red gold stone in Zhao Yang's hand with burning eyes, "Are you interested in selling this red gold stone to Jubaozhai?"

"It's useful for me to keep it for myself." Speaking of which, Zhao Yang summoned the Thunder Orb.

When the figure of Thunder Pearl appeared beside Zhao Yang, he released a faint quasi-emperor pressure.

"Aren't you bitter about the promotion of the Hundred Refining Furnace to the second level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm? Now I will give you a chance." Zhao Yang pointed to the red gold stone in his hand.

"I knew the master would miss me." Thunder Pearl said very humbly.

Both the Hundred Refining Furnace and the Thunder Pearl had shown off their qualifications in front of Zhao Yang before, but after Zhao Yang stepped into the Holy Realm, they also honestly called their masters.

"Take it and refine it." Zhao Yang glanced at Lei Tingzhu.

After the Thunder Bead took the Chijin Stone, it turned into a beam of light and entered Zhao Yang's body.

Tensor and others heard an important message from Zhao Yang's words.

Zhao Yang has two quasi-emperor magic weapons.

Among them, the Hundred Refining Furnace has already set foot on the Second Heaven of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, and now Thunder Pearl is about to set foot on this realm.

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