Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 923 Lost business

"I won't say such things in the future." Xu Huier's words brought Yuan Jiner back to the past.

Back then, Yuan Jin'er's wish was to become a golden fairy.

But what is Jinxian in her eyes now?

Yuan Jin'er suddenly realized that he was a little drifting.

"Hui'er, you are right to teach me a lesson." Yuan Jin'er continued, "I will pay attention in the future."

"It's good for us to compete with the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, but in the final analysis we are one family." Xu Huier smiled slightly.

Xu Huier is not against competition.

Competition can make each other better.

The premise is healthy competition.

Yi Ren's previous potential was at the second level of the quasi-emperor realm, but in the quasi-sacred realm she took a lot of super-grade pills, so her potential was raised to the fourth level of the quasi-emperor realm.

But quasi-emperor level four heavens are not qualified to survive the Great Perfection Tribulation.

The standard for the perfect catastrophe is 360 thunders, and the standard for the great perfection is 99 thunders.

Therefore, there was no difficulty for Yiren to complete the Heavenly Tribulation, but what stunned everyone was that Yiren also sprinted for the Heavenly Tribulation and insulted God.

After resisting two hundred thunders, Yi Ren was no longer able to resist.

So Yi Ren took out a formation scroll and blocked it.

Seven hundred ways.

Eight hundred ways.

Nine hundred ways.

What stunned everyone was that none of the formation scrolls were broken until the nine hundred and ninety-nine thunders fell.

Yi Ren successfully survived the Great Perfection Tribulation.

"The formation scroll is so terrifying?"

"How can the first thousand thunders compare with the ones after two thousand? I think this formation scroll can block another one or two hundred thunders."

"Then doesn't it mean that with such a formation scroll, I can also challenge God?"

"That being said, the question is how do you get it? Do you think Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce might sell it?"

"I don't know how much Yi Ren's potential can be improved this time?"

"At least it's a first class."

"I think there may be two heavens."

After the auspicious aura descended from the gods, Yi Ren found that her background had increased by nearly ten times when she stepped into the holy land.

"The sixth heaven of quasi-emperor realm." Yi Ren's eyes showed surprise.

Double God.

Normally, how many opportunities do you have to encounter to improve so much?

But now it's easy to get.

"Master, Master." Yi Ren landed in front of the two, his face was full of excitement.

"You can continue to improve after reaching the holy realm." Zhao Yang said softly.

It is absolutely impossible for Yi Ren to ascend to the second level of heaven after taking the Super Pindan after the Holy Realm.

But there are still many problems in ascending to the first level.

At this moment, Qiongqi hesitated for a while and still shouted at Zhao Yang, "Zhao Yang, I wonder if you will sell the formation scroll?"

"The formation scrolls in our hands are gone." Zhao Yang said after thinking for a while, "The greater the power of the formation scrolls, the more precious materials will be consumed. Of course, the more runes will be inscribed."

Zhao Yang, this is nonsense.

The problem is that no one else knows.

After a pause, Zhao Yang continued, "In the future, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce may consider selling formation scrolls, but those like you who need nearly ten scrolls at a time should not wait."

Zhao Yang doesn't mind selling scrolls.

But the premise is to look at the relationship.

For ethnic groups that have a good relationship with the human race, Zhao Yang can consider selling them, and of course the price will be very high.

Groups that have a poor relationship with the human race will not sell them no matter how high the price is.

On the way to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, Zhao Yang said to Xu Huier, Yuan Jiner, and Fairy Mingyue, "You three take advantage of this time to raise your cultivation to the peak of the Quasi-Saint Realm, and then prepare to cross the Great Perfection Tribulation. "

"Isn't the formation scroll gone?" Yuan Jin'er said subconsciously.

"That's just an excuse to tell others." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Don't you think I will only prepare these."

Xu Huier's previous potential was the third level of the quasi-emperor realm, but now her potential is the fifth level of the quasi-emperor realm.

The potentials of Yuan Jin'er and Fairy Mingyue were both in the first level of the quasi-emperor realm before, but now their potential has been raised to the third level of the quasi-emperor realm.

Therefore, their potential can be further improved after crossing the catastrophe.

Lin Caihan and Yi Ren retreated after returning to the chamber of commerce, and they wanted to digest the insights of the holy land.

A month later, the two daughters left the customs one after another.

After leaving the customs, the patriarchs of the various ethnic groups came to discuss the purchase of the formation scroll and the quasi-sage peak magic weapon.

Lin Caihan stated here that the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce will sell formation scrolls or magic weapons, but the buyer needs to agree to several conditions of Yanhuangzong.

First, it must be a group that is friendly to the human race; second, it only accepts payment for the materials of the quasi-sage peak; third, the array scrolls or magic weapons you buy must be used to fight against the catastrophe; fourth, Yanhuang The scrolls sold to you by the Chamber of Commerce are weakened versions, that is, the power is only one-third of the normal scrolls. Fifth, no matter how many scrolls are left after the calamity, they must be returned to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

Hearing the conditions proposed by Lin Caihan, all the saints were stunned.

Each of these conditions is more than one excessive.

You said that it’s fine if you give a weakened version, and you have to give you the rest after you use it up?

Why don't you go to heaven?

These guys expressed their unacceptability and left one by one, but what no one expected was that the patriarch of the white ape clan turned around and came to the door.

The patriarch of the White Ape clan fully accepted the five conditions put forward by Lin Caihan.

"This is the material needed to buy the scroll." Lin Caihan handed it to the patriarch of the White Ape Clan and said, "When it is ready, tell me when it is ready."

The patriarch of the White Ape clan glanced at it and asked, "If some materials are not available, can I use other materials instead?"

"Yes, but the value must be the same or slightly higher." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it.

It took the White Ape Clan three months to gather the materials on the list.

After checking it, Lin Caihan said, "The formation scroll needs to be specially customized. When will your holy son pass the tribulation?"

"The holy son of our white ape clan has just stepped into the late quasi-sage stage. This time, it is an elder who is a peak quasi-sage of our white ape clan who needs to cross the catastrophe." The patriarch of the white ape clan said softly.

"That means you can cross the catastrophe at any time, right?"


"In this way, the formation scroll needs to be customized. Today, one year later, you choose to cross the tribulation, and then notify us."

"it is good."

A year later, the patriarch of the White Ape Clan personally came to inform them that the place they chose to cross the catastrophe was near the White Ape Clan.

Lin Caihan ordered Yiren to go with the array scroll.

After arriving at the destination, Yi Ren handed the formation scroll to the patriarch of the White Ape Clan, "Remember, return it after use."

The Patriarch of the White Ape Clan nodded.

And when the elders of the White Ape Clan crossed the catastrophe, they attracted many masters.

When they saw Yi Ren, they immediately understood something.

"I said, Lao Bai, what do you think? For a scroll, you emptied out all the materials in the quasi-sacred state of the treasury?"

"Yes, Lao Bai, is it worth it?"

"I think you're in a losing business."

It's just that the show operation of the White Ape clan shocked all the clans.

This elder of the White Ape Clan is capable of stepping into the high-level holy realm in the future, but this one provoked the Heavenly Tribulation twice in a row, abruptly raising his potential to the quasi-emperor realm.

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