Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 904 Lin Caihan Injured

Zhao Yang did not continue to chase and kill those heart eaters.

No need.

He has killed enough.

Returning to the small world of the Enlightenment tea tree, the Enlightenment tea tree pointed to the Qian Kun bag on the table and said, "This is the Enlightenment tea you prepared for you."

Zhao Yang scanned his mind and asked in doubt, "Senior, is the number wrong?"

According to the agreement, every time Zhao Yang kills a saint-level early stage enlightenment tea, he will be given a piece of quasi-emperor-level Enlightenment Tea, killing a mid-level saint-level will give three pieces of quasi-emperor-level enlightenment tea, and killing a high-level saint-level Give nine copies of Enlightenment Tea of ​​Quasi-Emperor Realm.

As for the peak of the saints, I didn't talk about it, but even according to the statistics of nine teas of enlightenment, Zhao Yang got thousands of teas of enlightenment.

But there are only ten copies of quasi-emperor-level enlightenment tea in the Qiankun bag.

Isn't this shit?

"There are only ten copies of Enlightenment Tea in the Quasi-Emperor Realm?" Enlightenment Tea Tree said helplessly.

"Why are there only [-] copies of Enlightenment Tea in the Holy Realm?" Zhao Yang continued to ask.

"There are only [-] copies of Enlightenment Tea in the Holy Realm, and the other [-] copies must be reserved for monks outside." Enlightenment Tea Tree looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Those monks have been fighting outside for so many days, did I finally tell them that there are no more?" ?”

"Then why are there only [-] copies of Quasi-Holy Realm?"

"There aren't many Enlightenment teas in quasi-holy realm. To be honest, I'm not interested in them." Enlightenment tea's explanation left Zhao Yang speechless.

"And don't forget that I gave you the secret technique of the source, do you think the secret technique of the source is equivalent to these enlightenment teas?"

"It's worth it." Zhao Yang said firmly.

The secret technique of the source is the secret technique of the imperial realm.

The value is immeasurable.

"For the sake of your being sensible, I'll give you this." Wudao Tea Tree said and handed a piece of bark to Zhao Yang.

"This piece of bark?"

"This piece of bark is not mine, it belongs to the Enlightenment Tree."

"The Tree of Enlightenment?" Zhao Yang was stunned, "What is your relationship with the Tree of Enlightenment?"

"I should be regarded as the heir of the Enlightenment Tree." The Enlightenment Tea Tree said softly, "This piece of bark can summon the Enlightenment Tree."

"What is the cultivation level of the Enlightenment Tree?"

"Emperor Realm."

"Emperor Realm?" Zhao Yang's complexion suddenly changed.

He didn't understand why the Enlightenment tea tree should be given to him for such a precious thing?

"I did this also to form a good relationship." Wudao Tea Tree seemed to see Zhao Yang's doubts and said with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

"My lineage has already declined, and I may need your help in the future." Wu Dao Tea Tree said leisurely.

emperor son.

Wu Dao tea tree values ​​Zhao Yang's future.

After Zhao Yang was silent for a while, "If I meet your lineage in the future, I will protect you."

"I like you." Wudao Tea Tree patted Zhao Yang on the shoulder.

After a while, Enlightened Tea Tree asked, "Shall I send you out now?"

"You'd better send me far away, otherwise you won't be able to explain it then." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

Zhao Yang has been missing for several days, and suddenly reappeared on the Enlightenment Tea Tree, what will others think then?

It's true that Zhao Yang doesn't care about those guys, but it's good to have less trouble.

Not long after the Enlightenment tea tree sent Zhao Yang away, it also declared the end.

Many monks showed unwilling expressions on their faces, but what can they do?

"I'll give you Enlightenment Tea according to your achievements." The Enlightenment Tea Tree said leisurely, "Four cups of Enlightenment Tea from the Holy Realm, three cups of Enlightenment Tea from the Holy Realm, three cups of Enlightenment Tea from the Holy Realm, three cups of Enlightenment Tea from the Holy Realm, Niu Tau two cups of Holy Realm Enlightenment Tea, Ma Mian two cups of Holy Realm Enlightenment Tea, Bai Wuchang a cup of Holy Realm Enlightenment Tea, Lin Caihan two cups of Holy Realm Enlightenment Tea."

When Wu Dao Tea Tree read this, everyone was startled.

what's the situation?

What about black impermanence?What about black and white double evil?

They looked around only to realize that the three were gone.

"Oh my God, three of the top ten monsters in Fierce Beast Ridge lost?"

"The goal of the top ten evildoers is to enlighten the tea in the holy realm, so they rushed to the upper ranks regardless. No matter how careful they were, they still inevitably lost three of them."

"Why is Lin Caihan, the saint of Taixu Holy Land, so powerful?"

"Yeah, I'm also curious, why did she also get two cups of enlightenment tea from the Holy Realm?"

"Only those whose potential is at the high level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm are qualified to compete against the heart-eating insects at the upper level. Could it be that Lin Caihan has reached such a height?"

When the monks in the audience were discussing, the Enlightenment tea tree continued, "Five cups of enlightenment tea from the quasi-sage realm, four cups of enlightenment tea from the quasi-sage realm, four cups of enlightenment tea from the quasi-sage realm, four cups of quasi-sage realm tea." Three cups of Quasi-Holy Realm Enlightenment Tea, Niu Tou three cups of Quasi-Holy Realm Enlightenment Tea, Ma Mian three cups of Quasi-Holy Realm Enlightenment Tea, Bai Wuchang two cups of Quasi-Holy Realm Enlightenment Tea, Lin Caihan six cups of Quasi-Holy Realm Enlightenment Tea, Bai Xiaobai Three cups of enlightenment tea from the quasi-sacred realm."

When Wu Dao Tea Tree read this, everyone looked at Lin Caihan again.

Because the Enlightenment Tea of ​​Quasi-Holy Realm that Lin Caihan got surpassed that of Chi, the head of the top ten evildoers.

Actually this is normal.

Lin Caihan hasn't been to the high-end stage since Heart Eater made a dirty trick, which is why Lin Caihan got six cups of Quasi-Holy Realm Enlightenment Tea?

But Chi, the head of the top ten evildoers, was upset.

In his heart, he should be number one, what is Lin Caihan?

Considering that the Wudao tea tree is still there, Chi patiently did not lose his temper.

"Two copies of Enlightenment tea from Zhu Ya Golden Fairyland, two copies of Enlightenment tea from Lei Wuyuan Golden Fairyland, one copy of Enlightenment tea from Tianli Golden Fairyland..." After the Enlightenment tea tree finished reading, a brocade box appeared in front of everyone, "Go back and soak in mountain spring water."

Everyone carefully put the brocade box into the Qiankun bag.

Then he realized that the tea tree broke through the sky and went away.

After the Wudao tea tree left, Chi strode towards Lin Caihan, "Hand over the Wudao tea in your hand."

Lin Caihan looked at Qi with vigilance and said, "Don't even think about it."

This was obtained by Lin Caihan's hard work, how could she hand it over to Qi?

Seeing Lin Caihan's refusal, his eyes turned cold, "It seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine." After the words fell, his eyes burst into a glamorous luster.

Lin Caihan only felt that her brain was hit hard by a hammer.

There was darkness in front of his eyes, and his body was swaying.

"With such strength, you still want to fight with me?" After speaking, he slapped Lin Caihan with his big hand.

Seeing that his palm was about to be slapped beside Lin Caihan, Bai Wuchang hurriedly shouted, "Boss, Lin Caihan is Zhao Yang's wife."

Chi's palm paused in mid-air, and then withdrew more than [-]% of its strength.


Lin Caihan was shot down and spat blood all over the floor.

"Caihan." Bai Xiaobai exclaimed.

It's not that Bai Xiaobai doesn't want to save him, it's because Chi's speed is too fast.

She stepped forward to support Lin Caihan, her face was full of worry and said, "Caihan, how are you?"

Bai Xiaobai was very worried, worried that something would happen to Lin Caihan.

With Zhao Yang's love for Lin Caihan, if something happened to Lin Caihan, God knows what crazy things Zhao Yang would do?

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