"Idiot, I can't even answer this question, and I don't know how you got to this level?" Lingxu asked three questions in a row, but found that Bai Xiaobai didn't answer.

He cursed and looked at Lin Caihan, "Let me ask you a few questions."

Lin Caihan answered the first question.

Lin Caihan answered the second question.

Lin Caihan gave a general answer to the third question.

Lin Caihan answered half of the fourth question correctly.

At this time, Lingxu's complexion improved a bit, "It seems that your understanding of this exercise is still a little lacking, let me tell you about it."

After Lingxu told Lin Caihan patiently, he was about to leave.

"Senior, why don't you tell Bai Xiaobai too?" Lin Caihan couldn't help but said when she saw Bai Xiaobai who was scolded not far away and was ashamed.

"That trash, why waste time with her?" Lingxu snorted coldly.

"It's really not easy for Bai Xiaobai to come to this day with the blood of a snow rabbit." Lin Caihan said softly, "She didn't have the support of her clan, and secondly, she didn't have expert guidance. The road will become more and more crooked."

Lingxu stared at Bai Xiaobai, "For Lin Caihan's sake, I'll tell you."

A look of surprise appeared on Bai Xiaobai's face.

Lingxu explained to her some knowledge points of the exercise, and then Bai Xiaobai asked some questions about practice.

How does the spirit void exist?


His understanding of Dao had reached an astonishing level, so he easily answered Bai Xiaobai's question.

Bai Xiaobai had a feeling of seeing the sun through the clouds.

Days of confusion have finally been resolved.

After Lingxu left, Bai Xiaobai saluted Lin Caihan, "Thank you."

She knew very well that if Lin Caihan didn't intercede for her, then Lingxu would never talk to her.

"You are Zhao Yang's friend, and that is also my friend." Lin Caihan said softly, "I have no reason not to help."

A light flashed across Bai Xiaobai's beautiful eyes.

She looked at Lin Caihan, who was all over the country and city, and a warm current surged in her heart.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

Under his day and night research, he finally succeeded in practicing the second stage of divine art before the transformation was completed.

Lingxu asked a lot of questions this time, and Zhao Yang answered them all patiently.

Only then did Lingxu confirm that Zhao Yang had really completed the second stage of cultivation.

"Zhao Yang, to put it bluntly, the divine art is just a method, and it doesn't help you improve your own combat power." Lingxu pointed at Zhao Yang's eyebrows, "This is the eye art."

"The technique of the eyes?"

"Wherever the eyes look, everything freezes; where the eyes look, everything burns." Lingxu said in a deep voice, "This is the supernatural power of the emperor."

"I will definitely practice hard." Zhao Yang said solemnly.

Lingxu nodded, "I'm going to see how the two girls are practicing?" Lingxu left after speaking.

And at the moment Lingxu left, a leaf of enlightenment appeared in Zhao Yang's hand.


The majestic energy of Enlightenment Ye made Zhao Yang enter the state of Enlightenment.

In fact, there is no need for Zhao Yang to cheat at this time, but the more amazing Zhao Yang's performance at the moment, the more benefits Lingxu can give Zhao Yang.

In addition, the art of the eye is a supernatural power of the emperor, Zhao Yang does not know how long it will take to master it, but with the guidance of Lingxu, it will be different.

But if you want others to give advice, first you have to find out the problem.

This is also the reason why Zhao Yang used Wu Dao Ye?

With the help of Wu Dao Ye, Zhao Yang's comprehension at this moment is ten times and a hundred times that of before.

About half an hour later, Zhao Yang put away the Enlightenment Leaf.

Because Lingxu taught Lin Caihan and Bai Xiaobai every time at the same time.

But Zhao Yang can't take the risk of comprehending for an hour.

It's not good to be self-defeating at that time.

Three days later, the leaf left by Yaodi was exhausted by Zhao Yang, and at this time, Zhao Yang's origin had really reached its peak.

At this moment, Zhao Yang felt that he was more than ten times stronger than before.

"Emperor, your background at this time has really reached the level of an emperor." Lingxu smiled slightly.

"I also want to thank the seniors for their cultivation." Zhao Yang bowed his hands to Lingxu and thanked him.

"How is your mastery of the eye technique?" Lingxu asked with a smile.

"It has been initially mastered, and is now being studied in depth."

Lingxu nodded, "Ask me if you can." Lingxu thought for a while and said, "I'll go to the treasury to see if there are any treasures, and I'll give you two."

Zhao Yang showed surprise.

He really wants to say that Lingxu is very particular.

Thinking of giving something to myself.

Thinking in this way, Zhao Yang took out the Enlightenment Leaf and studied the Eye Art.

But soon Zhao Yang put it away again.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Lingxu came back, "Don't tell me, I really found two good things." He pointed to a mirror and said, "This mirror is a purgatory mirror."

"Purgatory Mirror?"

"Anything caught by the purgatory mirror will be taken into the purgatory world in the mirror." Lingxu explained, "This mirror was severely damaged back then, and it has not recovered until now, but it can deal with those below the quasi-emperor level. It's still fine."

"Is it okay to deal with people below the quasi-emperor level?" Zhao Yang was already very excited when he heard this.

This is undoubtedly another hole card.

"This bead is a small world." Lingxu pointed to a bead and said.

"Small world? The quasi-emperor's small world?"

"I killed a quasi-emperor of the Yaozu back then, but his small world was preserved." Lingxu said with a smile, "I noticed that its small world was a bit magical, so I kept it and now give it to is you."

"Is there any danger?" Zhao Yang asked hesitantly.

"I'll help you refine this small world, and after refining, you will be the master of this world." Lingxu replied.

Only then did Zhao Yang feel relieved.

With the help of Lingxu, Zhao Yang easily refined that world.

At the moment of refining, a lot of information from that world was transmitted to Zhao Yang's mind.

"There are hundreds of millions of living beings in this small world?" Zhao Yang was extremely surprised.

"Now you are the master of this world." Lingxu said softly, "The life and death of the creatures in this small world depend on your thought."

"I have time to study and study."

Lingxu nodded.

"Senior, do you have any unnecessary holy land medicinal materials and array materials?" Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something.

Zhao Yang has no shortage of quasi-sage materials.

But he doesn't have many saint-level materials in his hands.

Even for sects like Taixu Holy Land, there are not many medicinal materials and formation materials in the holy land.

"You also practice alchemy and formation?" Lingxu looked at Zhao Yang in surprise.

A ray of alchemy appeared at Zhao Yang's fingertips.

Lingxu stared at this ray of elixir for a while, looked at Zhao Yang solemnly and said, "Can you refine a super-grade elixir?"

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