"Who are you?" The young patriarch of the Yun clan said at this time, "I have to know who I lost to?"

"You are very knowledgeable." Zhao Yang glanced at the young patriarch of the Yun clan and said, "I am not a monk in your fourth district, so it doesn't make much sense for you to know my name."

"Then take your leave." The young patriarch of the Yun Clan cupped his hands towards Zhao Yang, turned and left here with his guardian.

"The relationship between us has been settled." The young patriarch of the Shui tribe stared at Zhao Yang and said, "You have to give me a name."

"Zhao Yang." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Revenge is welcome at any time."

After the young patriarch of the Shui tribe left with the protector, the young patriarch of the Jade tribe pondered for a while before leaving.

He didn't say anything.

But Zhao Yang could see from his eyes that this man would not let it go.

"Master Zhao, the Shui and Jade tribes probably won't care about it." Zhang Aoxue said with some concern.

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

Zhang Ruitu, who was sitting at the top, looked at Zhao Yang and said, "It's not impossible for you to marry Aoxue. My Zhang family needs to know your background? If your background is stronger than those three families, I can decide to marry you now."

"I just met Aoxue by chance." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Then why did you get involved in Zhang Aoxue's marriage?" Zhang Ruitu asked in a daze.

Are you here to make soy sauce?

"Aoxue is nice, I consider her a friend." Zhao Yang looked at Zhang Ruitu and said, "She decides her marriage, you have no right to interfere."

"You..." Zhang Ruitu trembled angrily.

"Zhang Ruitu, don't show off your high-level cultivation as a saint. If you want to test my depth, you might as well call the old man at the door." Zhao Yang's words made the faces of the senior members of the Zhang family change.

Strictly speaking, that old man is not the saint of the Zhang family, he is just the guest of the Zhang family.

The Zhang family didn't know much about this matter, but how did Zhao Yang see through it?

Zhang Aoxue told?


None of Zhang Aoxue and other three generations of disciples knew the identity of this old man?

"Who are you?" Zhang Ruitu asked Zhao Yang with his eyes fixed on him.

If Zhang Ruitu dared to test it before, he didn't dare to test it at this moment.

"Let's go." Zhao Yang looked at Zhang Aoxue and said.

Zhang Aoxue lightly nodded Zhenshou.

Not long after Zhang Aoxue left, Hu Wei and other collateral ran over.

"Where's Aoxue?"

"I heard that Aoxue was forced into marriage?"

"Who is so brave?"

When these guys were shouting, Zhang Junhan walked out with a sullen face.

"What are you screaming for?"

"How is Aoxue?" Hu Wei asked hurriedly.

"The young patriarch of the Yu clan, the young patriarch of the Yun clan, and the young patriarch of the Shui clan came to propose marriage. Who is better than these three?" Zhang Junhan asked angrily.

He has long been disgusted with Hu Wei and his group.

Hu Wei and the others were stunned.

Immediately, embarrassment appeared on their faces.

"Who does Aoxue choose?" A man asked cautiously after a while.

"No one has a choice." Zhang Junhan said lightly.

"Will the old man agree?" the disciple said with disbelief.

"Zhao Yang came over when the old man was persecuting him. He suppressed the young patriarchs of the Shui and Jade clans with his fingers, and even suppressed the two guardians behind them with one move." splendor.

You must know that Zhang Junhan is only a middle-level Quasi-Saint Realm.

"How could he be so strong?" Hu Wei and the others had incredulous expressions in their eyes.

"You seem to have forgotten that his maid is also a quasi-sage." Zhang Junhan said calmly.

Only then did everyone feel relieved.

They thought it was a bit weird before, after all, which quasi-sage would be a maid?

"Is the old man not angry?" Hu Wei then asked.

"The old man dare not be angry." Zhang Junhan left after saying this.

Don't dare to be angry?

These three words really shocked Hu Wei and others.

A terrible possibility occurred to them.

"Could it be that this guy has a great background?" Thinking of this, they suddenly rejoiced that Zhao Yang had really given them face before.

In Zhang Aoxue's courtyard.

Zhao Yang was looking through various information about the Holy Land of the Void that Zhang Aoxue had given him.

After reading it, Zhao Yang had a certain understanding of Taixu Holy Land, "I didn't expect that Taixu Holy Land would have a Holy Son and a Holy Maiden."

"Holy lands are generally owned by the two holy sons. I heard that there are even three or even four holy sons in the second district." Zhang Aoxue said softly, "But I heard that the saintesses in Taixu Holy Land are stronger than the holy sons."

Zhao Yang felt that Lin Caihan's cultivation skills were too strong.

If that technique can support Lin Caihan to the Quasi-Holy Realm, then the technique she practices is definitely not what Taixu Holy Land should have.

"How is Lin Caihan's situation in Taixu Holy Land?"

"Lin Caihan's father has been missing for a long time. It is said that he went to look for Lin Caihan's mother." Zhang Aoxue thought for a while before saying, "But Lin Caihan's strength is too strong, even if it is Shengzi Lin who is amazing, but still He is not Lin Caihan's opponent. Therefore, Taixu Holy Land attaches great importance to Lin Caihan." Zhang Aoxue suddenly thought of something here, "You don't have any thoughts about Lin Caihan, do you?"

Zhao Yang nodded.

"That's a bit difficult."

"How to say?"

"Lin Caihan is an evildoer. Many holy sons came to ask for marriage, but Lin Caihan ignored them." Zhang Aoxue said in a deep voice, "Unless you are amazing enough to make Taixu Holy Land give up a future quasi-emperor, how can Taixu Holy Land let Lin Caihan marry you?"

Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

Maybe Zhao Yang didn't have the qualification back then, but now Zhao Yang is confident that he has the qualification.

Looking at Zhao Yang's appearance, Zhang Aoxue felt a little lost for some reason.

She has only known Zhao Yang for a few days, but Zhao Yang has helped her three times.

In the evening, Zhang Aoxue was sitting in front of the dressing table. She dragged her chin and looked at herself in the bronze mirror. She wondered if she wasn't pretty?

"Since you like it, go for it." At this time, a gentle voice came from Zhang Aoxue's body.

"But Mr. Zhao likes Lin Caihan." Zhang Aoxue said leisurely.

"Aren't you bad?"

Zhang Aoxue fell silent.

"You want to know who you are?" the voice said in a deep voice, "You are the fourth god in the fairy court, Snow God."

"Snow God?" Zhang Aoxue looked into the distance with blurred eyes.

She was lost.

"What are you thinking?"

"I was wondering if I would still be me after recovering the snow god's memory?" Zhang Aoxue said after a long time.

"Back then, I worked hard to protect your remnant soul. I think it is your destiny to restore your memory." The voice said softly.

Just as Zhang Aoxue was about to say something, there was a click in her body, and then a powerful breath burst out from her body.

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