"Are there many quasi-emperors in the third district?"

"The third district is called the upper three districts, and only the forces in charge of Emperor Zhun are qualified to be called holy places here." The girl in Tsing Yi explained, "There are eighteen holy places in the third district."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's heart moved, that is to say, there are at least eighteen emperors.

"Do you know Taixu Holy Land?" Zhao Yang asked after a while.

"The Holy Land of Taixu is the Holy Land of the human race, how could I not know?" The girl in Tsing Yi said softly, "Are you old with the Holy Land of Taixu?"

"I'm just curious about Taixu Holy Land."

"The Holy Land of the Taixu has recently been in a state of affairs."

"How to say?"

"There is a lake in the forbidden area of ​​Taixu Holy Land, and there are koi in the lake that can benefit the soul." The girl in Tsing Yi said with a bright light in her eyes, "I don't know how many geniuses have gone to the entire third district."

"Benefit the soul?"

"Koi is divided into one-tailed koi, three-tailed koi, and five-tailed koi. Among them, three-tailed koi is equivalent to the ultimate soul pill, and five-tailed koi is equivalent to the ultimate soul pill."

"Peerless Pill?" Zhao Yang asked in his heart, "Is there a Peerless Pill in the third district?"

"Although they are rare, they still exist." The girl in Tsing Yi nodded.

Zhao Yang's eyes showed a scorching color.

Zhao Yang's alchemy is now stuck in a bottleneck, maybe the third district can help him.

And if the third area can't do it, Zhao Yang can only go to the forbidden area of ​​Dan Dao.

"It is said that the saintesses of Taixu Holy Land will also attend this feast." The girl in Tsing Yi said slowly.

"Who is the saint of Taixu Holy Land?"

"Lin Caihan."

"Lin Caihan?" Zhao Yang's heart slowed down half a beat when he heard the name.

"Lin Caihan is hailed as the sweet girl of the heavens. I don't know how many holy sons have proposed and failed." The girl in Tsing Yi giggled.

"Are there many strong people in Taixu Holy Land?"

"The Holy Lord of Taixu Holy Land is Lin Caihan's grandfather, Lin Hongyun, who is said to be very powerful in the quasi-emperor realm."

"Could it be the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun?" Zhao Yang was startled.

"How can there be such a level in the third district?" Hearing this, the girl in Tsing Yi shook her head and said, "Most of the quasi-emperors in the third district are in the first heaven, and Lin Hongyun seems to be in the second heaven."

Zhao Yang asked a few more questions, and the girl in Tsing Yi answered them patiently.

Half an hour later, the boat shook violently, and a huge fish monster jumped out of the water, and rushed towards the crowd with its bloody mouth wide open.

The bamboo pole in the old man's hand was pointed at the fish demon, and the fish demon exploded with a bang.

"The fish demon in the early stage of the saint." Zhao Yang was startled.



Who would have thought that there would be such a terrifying existence lurking in the weak water?

Not long after, the water surface in front suddenly became restless, and then thousands of fish monsters appeared around the boat.

Everyone's faces turned green.

"what's the situation?"

"I've been back and forth more than a dozen times, and I've never encountered such a situation?"

"Are you going to die here today?"

Just when these monks were panicking, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the old man in coir raincoat.

"Back then, you were sealed with weak water, but I didn't expect you to be ready to move again after thousands of years have passed?" The old man in coir raincoat said, stepping hard on the boat with his right foot.

With the flat boat as the center, a terrifying avenue texture spread in all directions.

Thousands of restless fish monsters were crushed into powder in an instant.

After finishing the work, the old men in coir raincoats continued to drive the boat forward as if nothing had happened.

"The cultivation of this old man in coir raincoat is terrible. I think he may be at the same level as your senior brother." The sharp gun cautiously transmitted voice to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang nodded.

Thousands of holy and quasi-holy fish demons were killed by the old man with one kick.

Even with your toes, you can imagine how terrifying this person is?

The rest of the trip went smoothly.

After arriving at the side of the weak water, there was no attack from the fish demon again.

After disembarking from the boat, a girl who looked like a maid hurriedly greeted her, with a little uneasy expression on her face, she said, "Miss, Guo Jia is dead."

"Guo Jia is dead?" The girl in Tsing Yi exclaimed, "What's going on?"

"Guo Jia was killed by the Holy Son of the Great Japanese Clan during the hunting process." The maid said in a low voice, "Now the Guo family is blaming you for this incident."

Just as the maid said this, a large number of officers and soldiers ran towards here aggressively in the distance.

"People from the Guo family are here." The maid said timidly.

The girl in Tsing Yi calmed down for a while and then protected the maid behind her, "I'll handle this matter?"

"Zhang Aoxue, my young patriarch died because of you, come with us." A middle-aged man in brocade clothes looked at the girl in Tsing Yi with piercing eyes and said.

"I'll go with you." Zhang Aoxue said after pondering for a while.

She knew it was unavoidable.

When Zhang Aoxue was about to leave, she found the maid holding her arm.

"Miss, you can't go, the Guo family wants you to marry Mr. Guo Jia and Mr. Guo in a yin marriage." The maid whispered.

"What?" Zhang Aoxue was shocked.

Yin marriage means that he and Guo Jia's corpse are buried together after worshiping heaven and earth.

In other words, you have to die yourself.

"Is the young patriarch of my Guo family not worthy of you, Zhang Aoxue?" the middle-aged man said coldly.

"Isn't this a matter of being worthy or not?" Zhang Aoxue said in a deep voice, "Guo Jia's death has nothing to do with me. You want to seek revenge from the Japanese clan."

"If you marry Guo Jia honestly, how can Guo Jia participate in hunting?" The middle-aged man waved his hand and surrounded Zhang Aoxue.

"Stop." Zhao Yang said at this time.

Everyone looked at Zhao Yang one after another.

Only then did they notice that there was a male companion beside Zhang Aoxue.

The middle-aged man's eyes turned cold, and he pointed at Zhao Yang and shouted angrily, "Zhang Aoxue, is it because of this adulterer that you didn't marry my patriarch?"

Zhao Yang's whole body is not well.

Why is he an adulterer?

"Be careful what you say." Zhao Yang said angrily, "I met Miss Zhang by chance."

"Since we met by chance, just stay on the sidelines honestly, and don't get involved if you shouldn't be involved." The middle-aged man warned.

"The death of the young patriarch of your Guo family may have something to do with Ms. Zhang, but in the final analysis, it is because of the holy son of the Dayi clan." Zhao Yang said softly, "It is reasonable for the Zhang family to give some compensation, but you let Ms. Zhang It’s a bit too much to pay for your life.”

"Our Zhang family is doing things, what kind of mouth are you talking about?" The middle-aged man said unceremoniously.

"The holy son of the big Japanese clan killed the young patriarch of your Zhang family, why don't you dare to fart?" Zhao Yang was irritated by the middle-aged man's words, "Why? Do you think Miss Zhang is easy to bully?"

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