Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 866 The Power of Battleships

The secondary gun has two modes.

One is the quasi-holy mode. Under the quasi-holy mode, the secondary gun can lock [-] to [-] targets at a time.The difference in the number of targets is related to the quasi-sage's cultivation base.

One is the golden fairy mode. In the golden fairy mode, the secondary gun can lock 1 to [-] targets at a time.

After the battleship descended on the Tianmu clan, Zhao Yang started the first mode.

Battleships have extremely strong search capabilities, and they can search for what they want in an instant.


The secondary gun turned on quasi-holy mode, and then fired 26 lasers in an instant.

Poor quasi-sages were wiped out before they realized what was going on.

Then the secondary gun turned on the second mode, and this time it fired shells, because the lethality caused by this was huge.

All of a sudden, the entire ancestral home of the Tianmu clan turned into a sea of ​​flames.


"Who is attacking our Tianmu clan?"

"Want to die?"

The members of the Tianmu clan roared loudly.

But what greeted them was more violent artillery fire.

Tens of thousands of shells detonated everything around them like small nuclear bombs.

"Isn't it too wasteful?" Bailian Furnace asked at this time.


"Do you want more resources under such indiscriminate bombardment?" Bailian Furnace asked.

"I was too busy looking at the power of the battleship, but I forgot about that." Zhao Yang quickly ordered the battleship to stop bombing.

"Clean the battlefield." Zhao Yang continued.

A thousand robots flew out from under the battleship, and they cleaned the battlefield in an orderly manner.

The Hundred Refining Furnace used the rules of Heaven to kill all the remaining monks of the Tianmu clan before the robot reached the battlefield.

"A thousand robots is not enough?" Zhao Yang murmured.

"The combat effectiveness of these robots is not very good, but they are definitely good at cleaning the battlefield." An illusory figure appeared beside Zhao Yang and said softly.

This figure is the central system of this battleship.

"Master, there is a special manufacturing center on the battleship. If you have the materials for refining robots, the manufacturing center will make more robots." The illusory figure continued.

"You mean you can make robots?"


"What level can you make?"

"Below the Quasi-Holy Realm."

"Later, you will pick from the trophies of the Tianmu Clan and see how many robots you can make?" Zhao Yang said in a good mood.

If this warship can manufacture robots on a large scale, then Zhao Yang doesn't have to worry about not having enough younger brothers in the future.

As time went by, Zhao Yang found that the efficiency of these robots was much higher than his own.

They can communicate with each other, and they will never waste time. The efficiency is at least three times that of God's shame.

Three hours later, the thousand robots returned to the battleship.

"Go to the Chisha tribe." Zhao Yang said lightly.

When the battleship came to the Chisha tribe, the monks of the Chisha tribe had fallen to the ground.

Xiaomi stood with the sharp gun very well.

Neither of them took action to clean up the battlefield, because for the huge battlefield, the two of them couldn't do anything.

Zhao Yang ordered the robots to clean up the battlefield.

Tang Yiren drove her battleship here when the robot cleaned halfway.

"Master, the White Camel Clan has been cleaned up." Tang Yiren said that he was going to give the resources to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang refused, "Take these resources, you can use them if you need them, and give them to your little aunt when you don't need them."

"Alright." Tang Yiren said after thinking about it.

"Master, the consumption of holy liquid by the battleships in the holy land is too terrifying." Tang Yiren immediately thought of something, "I just made some statistics and found that the consumption of the battleships in the Taiqing Holy Land and the White Camel Clan reached an astonishing three hundred. Drops of holy liquid."

"The battleship of the holy realm is not something that can be played by the strength of the holy realm." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "How many drops of holy liquid are there on your battleship?"

"Seven hundred drops." Tang Yiren replied, "In addition, I searched 760 drops in the White Camel Clan this time."

"Keep these holy liquids." Zhao Yang said softly.

Zhao Yang left several thousand drops of holy liquid for the Chunyang Sect. It can be said that the Pure Yang Sect has no shortage of holy liquid for thousands of years.

Therefore, there is no need for Tangyi people's holy liquid.

After the robots wiped out the Chisha Clan, Zhao Yang asked Qi Ling, "How many robots can be refined from the materials used for refining?"

"What level of robot do you need?"

"Golden Wonderland."

"According to the data analysis, the refining materials in the two holy places can be used to refine 640 robots from the two Golden Wonderlands."

"Then refine another [-] robots to make up [-] robots." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Okay, master."

"How long will it take?"

"ten years."

"Then you refine it." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

Ten years is ten years.

He wasn't in a hurry anyway.

"Master, I can also refine the robots in Golden Wonderland." Tang Yiren said softly.

"I refine robots just to clean up the battlefield." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "You don't need to waste your time on this." At this point, Zhao Yang changed his voice, "Will eating alchemy help them? ?”

The red gold given by Chu Tianbao appeared in Tang Yiren's palm.

"This piece of red gold can only advance to the early stages of the Holy Realm. The cultivation base of the Hundred Refining Furnace has reached the high stage of the Holy Realm, but it is unable to advance." Tang Yiren looked at Zhao Yang and said, "But since there is a piece of gold in that vein The pure gold proves that there may be even rarer materials in it."

"Go to Taiqing Holy Land." Zhao Yang said softly.

After Zhao Yang appeared in the Taiqing Holy Land with a battleship, Chu Tianbao and others hurriedly greeted him.

The news of the fall of the four major ethnic groups has spread, which makes the ethnic groups in the fourth district have to consider the strength of the human race.

If there were still some ethnic groups who were eager to make a move before, then they have given up such thoughts at this time.

"Where is the vein?" Tang Yiren said straight to the point.

"I'll take you there." Before Chu Tianbao could speak, Chu Jiaren said immediately.

"Lead the way." Tang Yiren glanced at Chu Jiaren.

Chu Jiaren jumped onto Zhao Yang's battleship.

"Yi Ren, I did a lot of wrong things to you back then, whether you forgive me or not, I will say sorry to you." Chu Jiaren said and bowed deeply to Tang Yiren.

Tang Yiren's expression didn't change much, "Let the past pass."

"Can you go back to Taiqing Holy Land in the future?" Chu Jiaren bit her lip and said, "I am willing to give you the position of saint."

Tang Yiren looked at Chu Jiaren in astonishment, she did not expect Chu Jiaren to say such a thing.

"You are more suitable to be a saint than I am. Today's incident woke me up. I am not worthy of virtue." Chu Jiaren said with red eyes, "Only you can take Taiqing Holy Land farther."

"I've said it before, let the past go." Tang Yiren said lightly.

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