Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 858 Killing the Cang Clan

Chu Jiaren's face suddenly changed, "How is the strength of that saint?"

"I don't know."

Chu Jiaren thought for a while and said, "Well, Sixth Elder, let's go to the Cang Clan first to see how the situation develops?"

"Alright." The Sixth Elder nodded.


After the Tang Yi people arrived at the Cang Clan, they found that the ostentation of the Cang Clan was even bigger than that of the Taiqing Holy Land, because there were as many as twelve saints who came to the Taiqing Holy Land.

From here we can see the strength and influence of the Cang Clan.

Cang Yun, the patriarch of the Cang Clan, looked at Cang Yuan with a smile, "Cang Yuan, Yi Ren is the jewel in District [-], you have to treat her well in the future."

"Patriarch, don't worry, I will definitely regard it as a treasure." Cang Yuan said with a smile.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's start to tell the world." Cang Yun said softly.

Enlightening the heaven and the earth is equivalent to saluting.

Cang Yuan saluted Dongfang respectfully, but Tang Yiren bit his lip and did not move.

"what's the situation?"

"Is Tang Yiren unwilling to marry Cang Yuan?"

"If Tangyi people don't worship today, the Cang clan will make a joke."

Cang Yun's face darkened, and he sent a voice transmission to Cang Yuan, "What's the situation?"

"I don't know." Cang Yuan's heart is also furious at this time, what is Tang Yiren doing at this time, are you hungry?

"Tell Tang Yiren that she won't be able to bear the consequences if you don't behave politely." Cang Yun said indifferently.

"Tang Yiren, what's your situation?" Cang Yuan stared at Tang Yiren beside him and said, "Are all the guests watching?"

Tang Yiren's eyes showed strong unwillingness, and at this moment a woman's voice transmission sounded in her ears, "Tang Yiren, if you want Xiaomi to die, then you don't ask."

This girl is the new maid arranged by the Taiqing Holy Land for the Tangyi people. Of course, her main task is to monitor what the Tangyi people are doing.

Tang Yiren let out a long sigh.

And just when she was about to salute, a cold voice pierced the sky.

"My disciple of Zhao Yang, which one dares to persecute him?"

The sound rumbled and exploded above the Cang clan.

At the same time, a door of space appeared, and Zhao Yang, Zhu Ya, and Liao Fan walked out of the Hundred Refining Furnace.

Tang Yiren's eyes turned red when she saw Zhao Yang, and the grievances she had suffered for so many days brought tears to her eyes.


Zhao Yang lightly landed beside Tang Yiren, and he helped Tang Yiren gently wipe away the tears on his face, "Master is late."

Tang Yiren hugged Zhao Yang wrongedly.

Cang Yuan's hair suddenly exploded, "Let go of Yi Ren."

"Get lost." Zhao Yang scolded.

Just as Cang Yuan was about to say something, he felt an overwhelming coercion crushing towards him.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell back weakly.

"Today is a day of great joy for our Cang Clan. Are you sure you want to touch our Cang Clan's head at this time?" Cang Yun, the patriarch of the Cang Clan, said with a gloomy face.

"Tang Yiren is my disciple, and you Cang Clan are persecuting her. Don't say that I am here to make trouble today, so what if I wiped out your Cang Clan?" Zhao Yang said coldly.

The audience was in an uproar.

No one thought that Zhao Yang would be so domineering and arrogant?

Chu Jiaren, who had just arrived here, almost dropped her jaw when she saw this scene.

"Why is he so crazy?"

"The Cang Clan will never let him go." The Sixth Elder said in a deep voice, "The Cang Clan has three saints, and the strongest one is the Great Saint."

An elder of the Cang clan was furious. He pointed at Zhao Yang with red eyes and said, "Shuzi, you are arrogant." At this point, his big hand patted Zhao Yang.

Many monks who saw the elder's attack felt that suppressing Zhao Yang was a sure thing.


This elder is the seventh elder of the Cang clan, and his cultivation is at the middle level of the quasi-sacred realm, not far from the high-level quasi-sacred realm.

Zhao Yang waved his hand impatiently, "Get lost."

What no one expected was that the big hands gathered by the Seventh Elder with the power of rules were crushed by Zhao Yang in an instant.

The point is, it's not over yet.

Zhao Yang's remaining strength made the Seventh Elder vomit blood.

"how is this possible?"

"He's too young."

"How can such a young man have such tyrannical strength?"

Many saints present were very surprised.

"Boy, don't think that your strong fighting power can be tyrannical in our Cang Clan?" The Great Elder of the Cang Clan stood up.

It is the existence of the pinnacle of the quasi-sacred realm, an existence that is close to invincible in the quasi-sacred realm.

When the voice fell, his body was filled with monstrous quasi-holy pressure, and he wanted to force Zhao Yang to surrender to him through the quasi-holy pressure.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhao Yang's mouth.

It's true that Zhao Yang didn't have much time to set foot in the quasi-sage middle class, but didn't the elders of the Cang clan say that they could be suppressed if they suppressed it?

"When will cats and dogs be arrogant in front of me?" Having said that, Zhao Yang took a step towards the elder.


Zhao Yang's whole body exuded a dazzling primordial aura.

The primordial spirit suppresses all things.

The Great Elder only felt a wave of coercion coming towards him to suppress him, and he suddenly felt like an ant in front of this coercion.

He fell to his knees with a bang.

"Hongmeng Purple Qi."

"He is a monster."

"Tang Yiren's master turned out to be a monster."

"I don't know how the Cang Clan will respond next?"

Tang Yiren's eyes were full of small stars, "Master, mighty."

Cang Yun stared at Zhao Yang, and said slowly after a while, "Since you are an evildoer, I, the Cang Clan, will give you face. Now you retreat immediately, and my Cang Clan can pretend that nothing happened. .”

"Haha." Zhao Yang couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Cang Yun asked angrily.

He thought he had given Zhao Yang enough face, but now it seems that Zhao Yang doesn't appreciate it.

"You Cang Clan bullied my disciple so much, and you Cang Clan want to expose it lightly?" Zhao Yang said with a smile on his face, "How could such a good thing happen?"

"How are you doing?" Cang Yun asked after a moment of silence.

"This guy dares to covet my disciple, then he must die." Zhao Yang pointed at Cang Yuan.

"Do you know who he is?" Cang Yun looked at Zhao Yang angrily and said, "He is the holy son of my Cang clan."

"It's fine not to let Cang Yuan die, you still have a choice." Having said that, Zhao Yang looked around and said, "Everyone in the Cang Clan will die."

"Arrogance." Cang Yun pointed at Zhao Yang and said, "It's not that the monstrous sage can't be killed, it's just that he doesn't want to kill him. I'm going all out to damage my fortune today, and I'm going to destroy you."

"Crush me to ashes?" Zhao Yang's face burst into murderous intent when he said this, "Kill me."

After Zhao Yang's voice, a figure appeared in front of Cang Yun strangely.

His appearance is the same as that of Zhao Yang.

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