"I am ashamed that you want to improve, it is very difficult." Po Jun told Zhao Yang.

Think about it too.

Shenguijue was created by Chunyangzi.

But even Chun Yangzi didn't reach the peak of cultivation back then.

Zhao Yang wants to improve, how easy is it?

So many things Zhao Yang can only do by himself.

After upgrading the Great Mountain Protector Formation, Zhao Yang personally refined the middle-level quasi-sage formation scroll and the middle-level quasi-sage elixir. It took Zhao Yang a year before he set off for the fourth district.

on the battleship.

Seeing Zhao Yang frowning, Zhu Ya couldn't help asking, "My lord, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking how to increase the power of God's Ashamed Art?" Zhao Yang glanced at Zhu Ya and said.

"Can you tell me?" Zhu Ya said after thinking about it.

Zhao Yang told her about the disadvantages of the God of Shame Jue.

Zhu Ya thought for a long time before saying, "I think you can reduce the number of young masters."

"reduce in quantity?"

"Increasing the number means a decline in strength, and if you want to keep your strength from declining, you must put in more than ten times the effort." Zhu Ya said carefully, "Young master, you have reduced the number of gods, so if you want to increase the number of gods strength, I think the difficulty may be much easier.”

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's eyes lit up.

It was only when Zhao Yang started to operate it that he realized that it was impossible.

Changing the system requires moving the whole system.

The superstructure had already been built, Zhao Yang wanted to modify it halfway, and the result was that the whole system collapsed.

In fact, it's relieved to think about it.

Which of Chunyangzi's disciples is not an amazingly talented and brilliant generation, what Zhu Ya can think of, can't they think of it?

"It's been a waste of years." Zhao Yang finally decided to give up when he reached the fourth district.

Because it is useless to continue thinking about this problem.

Taiqing Holy Land!

A maid pushed open the door, and she looked at the girl in white Sai Xue with a look of sadness on her face.

"Xiaomi, what's the matter?" The girl asked, parting her cherry lips.

"Miss, Holy Land has decided to marry you to the Holy Son of the Cang Clan." The maid said bitterly.

There was a look of shock and anger between the girl's brows and eyes, "Whose decision is this?"


"I'm going to find the old suzerain." The girl said and stood up.

There are two saints in Taiqing Holy Land.

The old suzerain and suzerain.

The girl came to the door and saw a beautiful woman like a flower.

"Chu Jiaren, what are you doing here?" the girl said in a bad tone.

"Tang Yiren, do you want to find the old suzerain?" Chu Jiaren said with a smile, "I'm not afraid to tell you that this matter was approved by the old suzerain."

"How is it possible?" Tang Yiren's face was full of disbelief.

"Tang Yiren, why don't you understand?" Chu Jiaren looked at Tang Yiren with pity and said, "The old suzerain likes your father very much, but so what? Your father has fallen, even if the old suzerain doesn't like me anymore Father, he also has to respect my father's opinion, so do you understand?"

Tang Yiren's face turned pale.

"By the way, Tang Yiren, didn't you come back in a hurry because of your mother's whereabouts? What if I told you this just to trick you into coming back?" Chu Jiaren stabbed Tang Yiren in the heart again.

"What did you say?" Tang Yiren was furious.

Tang Yiren's temperament has always been very quiet, but at the moment he was also irritated.

"If you didn't say that, how could you come back?" Chu Jiaren smiled slightly, "By the way, this time I came to ask you for Fuxiqin."

"Fuxiqin? Fuxiqin was left to me by my father, what right do you have to ask for it?" Tang Yiren said coldly.

"Yiren, you are going to marry Cang Yuan, the holy son of the Cang clan, in a month. Do you think it's appropriate for you to take Fuxiqin away?" At this moment, a middle-aged man appeared beside Chu Jiaren.

When he said this, he was very calm, as if in a discussion tone, but the Tangyi people knew how dirty the person in front of him was?

Tang Yiren even felt that the fall of his father was inseparable from the person in front of him.

"I still say the same thing, Fuxiqin was left to me by my father." Tang Yiren said with a sullen face.

"Yi Ren, give the Fuxiqin to the beautiful woman." At this moment, an old voice rang in Tang Yiren's ears.

Tang Yiren's whole body shook.

If she didn't believe it before, then when the old suzerain said this, she no longer had the slightest doubt in her heart.

"Old Sovereign, you are unfair." Tang Yiren's eyes were filled with tears.

"Yiren, you also know the situation of the Taiqing Holy Land. If the Taiqing Holy Land does not get married, then the Taiqing Holy Land is in danger of being destroyed." The old suzerain said earnestly.

"It sounds good. If that's the case, then why don't you let Chu Jiaren marry?" Tang Yiren was extremely disappointed with the old suzerain at this time.

"Chu Jiaren is a saintess of the Taiqing Holy Land, how could she marry the Cang Clan?" the old suzerain said with a wry smile.

"I clearly defeated Chu Jiaren back then, why didn't I get the title of saint, old suzerain, can you give me an explanation?" Tang Yiren said coldly.

The old suzerain fell silent.

The Tangyi people did win the battle for the saint.

But in the end Taiqing Holy Land chose Chu Jiaren.


The suzerain of Taiqing Holy Land is Chu Jiaren's father, Chu Tianbao.

"Back then you barely beat me by one move." Chu Jiaren snorted coldly.

"Even if it's a half move, it's still a win." Tang Yiren said angrily.

"Tang Yiren, what's the use of looking at the past now?" Chu Jiaren was unwilling to discuss this topic, "Hand over Fuxiqin now, so that everyone will be more respectable."

"Yi Ren, let the past go, and hand over Fuxiqin to the beauty." The old suzerain also said at this time.

There was a cold light in Tang Yiren's phoenix eyes, "I can hand in the Fuxiqin, but I won't marry the holy son of the Cang clan."

"This matter has been announced to the world, so it's up to you not to marry." Suzerain Chu Tianbao said flatly.

Tang Yiren was silent for a while before he said, "I want to remind you, my master has a bad temper, if he knows that you are so difficult for his disciple, whether the Taiqing Holy Land can still exist is in doubt. "

"Yi Ren, are you threatening the sect?" Chu Tianbao sneered.

"I'm just explaining a fact to you." Tang Yiren's tone became calm when he said this, "When the Taiqing Holy Land is overthrown in the future, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"The Taiqing Holy Land has stood in the fourth district for 6000 years. I don't know how many people want to overthrow it, but until now the Taiqing Holy Land is still in good condition." Chu Tianbao said with cold eyes, "To be honest, I really want to meet your so-called teacher." Respect."

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