Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 851 Xu Huier's Promotion

Zhao Yang came to Nalanjie and expressed his thanks to Nalanjie.

Nalanjie sighed and said, "It's a pity that I didn't help much."

"No, you have already helped a lot." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Did he say that you really didn't help much?

That would chill Nalanjie's heart.

"I've just passed through the tribulation, and I need to stabilize my realm. In this way, after I stabilize my realm, we can talk freely." Zhao Yang said softly.

Immediately, Zhao Yang returned to the Pure Yang Sect to practice quietly.

He wants to take advantage of the moment when he breaks through this stage to consolidate well.

Time passed slowly.

one day!

two days!

Three days!

What the disciples of the Pure Yang Sect did not expect was that Zhao Yang's retreat lasted for three months.

You must know that the Chunyang Sect held a celebration ceremony after Zhao Yang returned to the sect.

As a result, wait and wait.

"How much have you realized?" Po Jun asked after Zhao Yang finished the retreat.

"32 times." Zhao Yang replied.

Po Jun showed surprise, "32 ways?"

"what happened?"

"Many quasi-sage mid-level experts have not mastered so many laws." Po Jun said with emotion.

You must know that Zhao Yang has just stepped into the realm of quasi-sage.

If he wants to break through, God knows how many laws he needs.

When Zhao Yang pushed open the door of the room, he saw Zhu Ya holding a sword in his arms.

These years, as long as Zhao Yang practiced in closed doors, Zhu Ya would guard the door.

This is her habit.

Nothing has changed over the years.

"My lord, is your retreat over?" Zhu Ya asked softly.

"Go and rest." Zhao Yang nodded.

Zhu Ya responded.

When Zhao Yang appeared in front of the disciples of the Pure Yang Sect, the disciples of the Pure Yang Sect burst into thunderous cheers.

Zhao Yang is their spiritual belief.

Today Zhao Yang officially became a quasi-sage.

In the future he will become a saint, quasi-emperor.

Zhao Yang will lead them to a higher glory.

Xu Huier stood beside Zhao Yang, her face was full of happiness, "When will the celebration ceremony be held?"

"A month later."

"A month later?"

"The Nalan family used up the formation scrolls of the Golden Immortal peak in the family to help this time, and this favor from the Pure Yang Sect has to be returned." Zhao Yang said softly, "I am going to take advantage of these seven days to refine a hundred Zhang Jinxian's peak formation scroll, and ten scrolls of the Nalan family's early quasi-sage."

How can Zhao Yang's Golden Immortal peak formation scroll be comparable to that of the Nalan family?

"In addition, I will give the Nalan family a bottle (nine pieces) of pills that can step into the quasi-sage." Zhao Yang continued.

what does this mean?

This means that Zhao Yang sent nine quasi-sages from the Nalan family.

Of course, normally speaking, there is no such a high success rate of crossing the catastrophe, but didn't Zhao Yang give them a hundred scrolls of the Golden Immortal peak formation?

These formation scrolls can ensure that they can survive the thunder disaster safely.

"There are quite a few of the Pure Yang Sect who have reached the peak of the Golden Immortal."

"Once a monk reaches the quasi-sage realm, his mentality will change." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Nalanjie can suppress those ambitious guys, but you are still only the eighth floor of the Golden Wonderland, are you sure? Can you suppress a group of quasi-sages?"

It is true that Xu Huier has the saint Bawangdun behind him.

But you can't let Overlord Shield come forward for everything, right?

"what do you mean……?"

"You and Jin'er didn't consider the promotion of the disciples of the Pure Yang Sect before they set foot in Zhunsheng."

"But in this case, the development of the Pure Yang Sect will be greatly hindered."

"Chunyang Sect wants to improve, and it can be promoted at any time." Zhao Yang said calmly, "But if you can't control the sect, then the sect will fall apart sooner or later."

This kind of thing is easy to understand.

I am a quasi-sage, you are a golden fairy, you order me?You teach me how to do things?

It doesn't matter if one or two quasi-sages think so, but what if dozens of them think so?

Anyone have ambitions?

There are stronger existences above, and their ambitions dare not breed.

But once Xu Hui'er can't hold back, God knows what will happen to these quasi-sages?

"I understand your desire to improve the strength of the Pure Yang Sect, but the premise is that you can hold on to the situation." Zhao Yang said, holding Xu Huier's hand and came to her study, "I will give you a chance."

"Fate?" Just when Xu Huier was curious, Zhao Yang handed Xu Huier an Enlightenment Leaf.

"Now your potential has reached the first level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, so the supernatural powers you practiced before are no longer suitable for you." Zhao Yang said softly, "This leaf is the enlightenment leaf, which can make your understanding a hundredfold elevated."

"It's too precious." Xu Hui'er immediately declined when she heard this.

"Now my potential has reached the ninth level of quasi-emperor realm, to be honest, Daoist Enlightenment has not helped me much." Zhao Yang's words made Xu Huier's face reveal a look of disbelief.

Xu Huier knew Zhao Yang's background.

Before leaving the sixth district, Zhao Yang's potential was only the fifth level of the quasi-emperor realm, why did he reach the ninth level of the quasi-emperor realm after going to the fifth district?

The Nine Heavens of the Quasi-Emperor Realm is the pinnacle of the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

"I will teach you the Sky Art now."

"Is it the original skill that Yi Ren practiced?"


"It must take a long time for me to modify the original exercises now?" Xu Huier said with some worry.

Zhao Yang took out a brocade box, and there was a worm in the brocade box.

"This is a time bug, and the time in its body is about 800 years old." Zhao Yang explained, "That is to say, you can practice unscrupulously for [-] years in its time domain, while only [-] days have passed in the outside world." That's all."

"There are such heaven-defying existences?" Xu Huier revealed a look of surprise.

If there is a time bug, it doesn't matter if it is delayed for three to fifty years.

"There are two supernatural powers and one secret technique in the Sky Art." Xu Huier said after studying it for a while, "And these two supernatural powers and secret techniques are very powerful. I think they are extremely powerful even in the quasi-emperor realm." exist."

"Cang Qiong Jue is an emperor-level kungfu of the same level as Chunyang Wuji Kungfu." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Emperor-level exercises?"


"Then I don't know if I can learn it?"

"That's why I enlightened you to Dao Ye?" Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Besides, you also have time to spend recklessly."

"it is good."

After Xu Huier handed over the affairs of the sect to Yuan Jiner, she retreated in Zhao Yang's study.

And she has practiced in the field of time worm structure for 30 years.

In the past 30 years, her original cultivation method has been replaced by the Sky Art, and at the same time, the Sky Art has also practiced to a level that matches her own cultivation.

"Before I knew it, my cultivation had reached the ninth floor of the Golden Wonderland." Xu Huier said with emotion.

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