Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 849 Terrifying Thunder Tribulation

"Who let this guy die?"

"Haha, I really want to see the scene where this guy dies?"

The saints in the distance looked at this scene and felt very happy. They knew that Zhao Yang was the spiritual belief of the Pure Yang Sect. If Zhao Yang was over, the Pure Yang Sect would also collapse.

"Let those guys in the distance go away." Zhao Yang looked at the sharp gun at this time and said, "Anyone who dares to spy again will be killed without mercy."

The sharpshooter shot immediately.

The mighty coercion of the quasi-emperor pressed down on the secretly spying saint and quasi-sage.

"Within three breaths, kill without mercy if you don't roll."

The words of the sharp gun spread into their sea of ​​consciousness.

Even if these saints want to spy again, they have to tear the space and leave here.

The divine sense of the sharp spear directly blocked this world, of course it couldn't block the central part of Zhao Yang's Dujie.

Just as the great saints were leaving, three hundred gods appeared beside Zhao Yang.

The three hundred gods were ashamed to stand around, they stepped on different positions, and joined forces to form a formation.

"Three hundred gods are ashamed? How did I forget that Zhao Yang still has this method?" Xu Huier said in surprise.

Po Jun's expression was not very good-looking.

"You don't seem to be optimistic?" Shenqiang asked puzzled.

"The most terrifying of the three thousand thunder calamities is the last nine." Po Jun said solemnly, "The nine thunder calamities are the real test, and these are just appetizers."

Hearing this, the sharp gun's face changed involuntarily.

With the arrival of three hundred thunderbolts, more than 80 formations were shattered, and dozens of magic weapons were also annihilated.

But it was blocked by the three hundred gods.

That's right.

The formation formed by Sanbai Shengui together blocked the rest of the thunder.

This made the senior officials of the Pure Yang Sect very happy.

In their opinion, Zhao Yang has a great possibility of surviving the Three Thousand Thunder Tribulations.

Zhao Yang looked at Sanbai with shame.

The cultivation base of Sanbai Shengui is only two small realms lower than Zhao Yang, which is also the reason why they joined forces to resist this wave of thunder calamity?

"I just don't know how long these three hundred gods can hold back?" Zhao Yang murmured.

Not long after, another wave of thunder came.

Zhao Yang's Three Hundred Gods teamed up again to create a guardian formation.

When this wave of thunder dissipated, more than 30 of Zhao Yang's three hundred gods were vomiting blood, and the rest had more than 60 with low breath.

But luckily I kept it.

At this time, the thundercloud deep in the sky suddenly changed color, and at the same time, a terrible depression filled the hearts of every monk.

Zhao Yang had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Zhao Yang, the next nine thunder tribulations will be the real test." Po Jun's voice rang in Zhao Yang's ears.

Zhao Yang restrained his mind.

Could it be that the previous thunder robbery was just a small fight?


A purple thunder fell from the depths of the sky.

The formation formed by Zhao Yang's three hundred spirits was broken after only blocking two breaths, and then dozens of spirits rushed towards the purple thunder desperately.

The moment these gods touched the purple thunder, they were shattered into pieces.

But under the ashamed perseverance, the purple thunder was blocked abruptly.

After the purple thunder completely dissipated, there were less than thirty gods present.

Seeing this scene, all the monks in the audience fell silent.

At this time, 92 thunderbolts have descended, in other words, there are still eight thunderbolts that have not yet descended.

Regardless of whether the power of the next thunder will increase, even if it is this level of thunder, Zhao Yang can't stop it.

Zhao Yang looked at the purple thunder that was accumulating power in the depths of the sky, and his expression became extremely dignified and cautious.

"I don't know if I can stop it in the future?" Zhao Yang knew very well that he would be ashamed that he couldn't count on it.

These thirty gods are almost useless.

Thinking like this, Zhao Yang ignited his own blood, and at the same time his cultivation skyrocketed.

The seventh floor of Golden Wonderland No.20.

The eighth floor of Golden Wonderland No.20.

The ninth floor of No.20 Golden Wonderland.

At the same time that he reached this point, Zhao Yang used the Blood Qi Art.

His combat power has nearly tripled from the original level.

This time Zhao Yang wanted to challenge Tianlei head-on.


When the purple thunder came, the thirty gods turned into a barrier in front of the deity.

But they were as fragile as a piece of paper in front of Lei Ting.

Broke easily.

Zhao Yang gave a loud shout, swung his fist and swung towards Lei Ting.

Pure Yang Fist.

The Chunyang Fist is mighty and mighty, blooming with the light of the sun, and it pushes back crazily.

The power of thunder and the power of pure yang clashed fiercely in mid-air, and I don't know how long it took for the power of thunder to dissipate, and Zhao Yang seemed to have lost all his strength, panting heavily.

"No, Zhao Yang probably won't be able to stop the next thunderbolt." Bailianlu said worriedly.

"The power of the next thunderbolt is twice that of the previous one." Overlord Shield's face revealed a look of despair.

Even if Zhao Yang can block the next thunder, but what about the next one?

Can you still hold back?


Not long after, the third purple thunder came.

This purple thunder was even more terrifying, and Zhao Yang instinctively felt afraid.

But then he took a step forward, "It's just a thunderbolt, you want me to be afraid? Who do you think you are?" Zhao Yang urged all the mana in his body, and swung his fists towards the thunderbolt fiercely. hit it.

But this time, the power of pure yang was destroyed after only holding on for three breaths, and then the power of thunder drove straight into Zhao Yang's body.

Zhao Yang screamed and fell from mid-air.

At this time, there was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, the thunder had severely injured his internal organs, and his meridians were even more damaged.

In other words, he has no power to fight anymore.

The problem is that there are still six purple thunders next!

How to block it?

"Senior Brother Po Jun, Junior Brother can't stop it anymore." Xu Huier looked at Po Jun with pleading expression on his face.

"Zhao Yang still has a hole card in his hand." Po Jun replied, "It's just..."

"It's just that the hole cards are not enough to support him through all the thunder disasters." Po Jun said leisurely.

Not long after, the fourth thunder came.

It's just that when the thunder struck Zhao Yang, it didn't cause much damage.

This made many high-level officials of the Pure Yang Sect not understand.

"I can only help you once, otherwise my origin will be damaged, and I will be unable to climb to a higher level in the future." At this moment, the voice of Nine-Aperture Black Lotus rang in Zhao Yang's ears.

The purple sky thunder had indeed struck Zhao Yang's body, but while the sky thunder was destroying Zhao Yang's body, the energy blooming from the Nine-Aperture Black Lotus was also constantly repairing.

Both maintain almost the same speed.

This is why Zhao Yang didn't seem to have suffered much damage?

"The fifth sky thunder has immortal grass, and the sixth sky thunder has primordial grass." Zhao Yang thought to himself, "Then what about the seventh sky thunder, the eighth sky thunder, and the ninth sky thunder?"

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