Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 836 Enlightenment Leaf

But then the old man shook his head.

The ten gods are ashamed that they can't turn the tide of the battle.

While the ten gods were ashamed to fight desperately, Zhao Yang took out the formation materials and arranged formations one after another.

A breath passed.

Two breaths passed.

Three breaths passed.

In less than 3 minutes, Zhao Yang's ten gods were all gone.

And the ten gods were ashamed to kill more than 300 ghosts.

Just when the remaining phantoms were about to attack the formation, ten gods appeared beside Zhao Yang.

These ten gods were ashamed to repel those ghosts again.

The phantoms were enraged.

They feel dumped.

Zhao Yang could obviously summon twenty gods at once, but he only summoned ten gods, so these guys didn't dispatch too many masters.


This time, the phantom dispatched twice as many masters as before, and killed the ten gods in less than a minute.

But what they didn't expect was that Zhao Yang summoned ten gods again.

They were dumbfounded, and then went crazy.

A flood of phantoms rushed towards Zhao Yang's formation.

After realizing this situation, Zhao Yang realized that it was unrealistic to delay, so he summoned 170 gods at once.

With these shameful additions, no matter how fierce those phantoms are, they will not be able to break through the defense line for a while.

There was an inconceivable expression in the old man's eyes, "This... this is actually a shame technique!"

There were not many guardians in the lineage back then, but even the Immortal Court did not dare to underestimate it, largely because of this shame technique.

The 180 gods were ashamed to form a battle formation or fight alone. They shuttled among the shadows and reaped their lives mercilessly.

But when the manpower is poor, so is the war puppet.

In less than half an hour, all the 180 gods died here, but at this time, the number of fallen ghosts had reached an astonishing five thousand.


It was at this moment that the formation started.

Thunder came to the world, and the sea of ​​fire was raging.

One phantom was terminated by the formation, but more phantoms rushed forward.

And after losing more than 5000 phantoms, they broke through the three formations that Zhao Yang built hastily and forced them in front of Zhao Yang.

The old man breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Yang has already killed more than ten thousand people.

If you continue to kill, there will not be many resources in the treasury.

What he didn't expect was that another hundred gods appeared beside Zhao Yang.

The old man was stunned.

"This kid is actually hiding it."

Zhao Yang took the battle sword and rushed towards the phantom with the hundred gods.

Zhao Yang's fighting power is much stronger than that of Shen Gui, so none of those phantoms can stop his footsteps.

Every time Zhao Yang swung his sword, the light of the sword was like starlight.

Almost to the extreme.

Those phantoms fell before they had time to react.

"This is the Star Sword Art of the Seventh God General." The old man's eyes revealed a look of astonishment.

"Seal." Zhao Yang formed a seal with both hands.

When the ancient seal was formed, all the phantoms within a radius of [-] meters around Zhao Yang were all sealed.

The energy in their bodies cannot function, and the power of their souls cannot be used.

"Xingjianjue, instant kill." Zhao Yang shouted loudly.

The battle sword in his hand turned into a death scythe, which reaped the lives of thousands of phantoms in an instant.

"The sealing technique of the seventh general." The old man was moved.

Isn't Zhao Yang from the Guardian lineage?

How did you get the inheritance of the two great generals one after another?

"By the way, this kid just said that he was recommended by the sixth general." The old man suddenly thought of something.

In that case, he probably also got the inheritance of the sixth general!

What the old man didn't know was that Zhao Yang also obtained such heaven-defying treasures as the Yin-Yang Wood from the Eighth General.

Zhao Yang is still fighting.

It's just that as time goes by, these hundred gods are gradually reduced.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Zhao Yang looked at the phantom lying on the ground, and Zhao Yang gasped heavily.

Rao is that his fighting power is astonishing, and it is almost at the limit at this time.

But the number of phantoms is still not decreasing, they seem to be endless.

"Senior, how many have I killed?" Zhao Yang asked.

"Ten thousand six thousand two hundred and forty-three."

"Senior, I don't want to challenge anymore." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.


"Immortal stone and holy liquid are useless to me." Zhao Yang said frankly.

Zhao Yang still has a hole card.

But he didn't feel the need to reveal it.

"I forgot to tell you just now, there will be a hidden reward for killing [-]."

"What reward?" Hearing this, Zhao Yang immediately became excited.

"Enlightenment leaves."

"Enlightened Dao Ye?" Hearing this, Zhao Yang showed surprise on his face.

How could he not know the preciousness of Enlightenment Leaf.

"Senior, do you mean that if you kill [-] people, you will be rewarded with a Dao Enlightenment leaf?" Zhao Yang asked hurriedly.

"That's right, after killing 3000 people, one Enlightenment Leaf will be added for every [-] more people." The old man said with a smile, "Don't you want to give up now?"

When the old man said this, Zhao Yang's blood surged instantly.

bloody battle.

When Zhao Yang used this secret technique, his combat power instantly soared three times.

The blood energy art is also one of the top supernatural powers of the guardian lineage.

After his strength soared, Zhao Yang seemed to be in a land of no one, and he kept killing one ghost after another.

After he killed more than 7000 statues, the blood on his body gradually dropped.


Just when the old man felt that Zhao Yangqian's skills were poor, his cultivation soared.

The ninth floor of Golden Wonderland.

The tenth floor of Golden Wonderland.

Golden Wonderland No.11 floor.

Zhao Yang, after his cultivation base soared, exploded with even more terrifying combat power than before.

Every time he made a shot, a large phantom fell.

The old man's face turned green.

"Stop, stop, stop." The old man shouted hastily.

Only then did Zhao Yang stop.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"Who would have thought that you have so many hole cards?" The old man said angrily, "If you continue to fight, I guess these devil cubs are not enough for you to kill."

Zhao Yang smiled shyly.

"That... Senior, I don't know how to calculate my record?" Zhao Yang scratched his head and asked with burning eyes.

"There are 3000 billion immortal stones in the treasury here, and three thousand drops of holy liquid are all for you." The old man said and threw a universe bag to Zhao Yang with a wave of his hand.

Zhao Yang's spiritual thoughts swept away and found that there were mountains of fairy stones and three thousand drops of holy liquid in the Qiankun bag.

In fact, Zhao Yang didn't care much about the 3000 billion immortal stones.

What he cares about is the three thousand drops of holy liquid.

"Senior, how does Wu Dao Ye count?" Zhao Yang continued to ask.

"Resources like Dao Enlightenment Leaf were very precious even in Xianting back then, so there are only ten Enlightenment Leafs here, and I will give them to you." The old man said and threw a jade bottle to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang took it excitedly.

How precious is the enlightenment leaf, how could he not know it?

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