Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 830 3th God General

That day when Zhao Yang was practicing in his room, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Zhao Yang opened the door.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"An uninvited guest came from the old blacksmith." Zhu Ya said solemnly, "And I feel that the two of you still know each other."

Zhao Yang thought for a while and brought Zhu Ya to the blacksmith's shop.

"Get out." The old man growled, pointing at the young man in brocade.

"Senior, Emperor Grass is useless to you, why can't you give it to me?" The brocade-clothed boy frowned and said.

"What does this have to do with you?"

"The current situation of the human race is at stake. You shouldn't guard the Emperor Grass selfishly. You should let it play a greater role."

"Do you think you are worthy of the Emperor Grass?"

"My father is the third general, why am I not worthy?" The young man in brocade clothes was a little annoyed.

"Will you be able to step into the emperor's realm in the future?"

"I...?" No matter how proud and arrogant the young man in brocade clothes is, he still can't say if he can step into the emperor's realm in the future.

"Since you can't set foot on the emperor's realm, wouldn't it be a waste to give you the emperor's grass?" The old man pointed to the distance and said, "Where did you come from? Go back." After saying this, the old man turned around with his hands behind his back. Back to the thatched cottage.

The young man in brocade clothes looked at the back of the old man, and a gleam of coldness flashed in the depths of his eyes.

And when he turned around, he saw Zhao Yang and Zhu Ya.

There was a look of doubt on his face.

In such a remote village, it was not normal for Zhao Yang and the others to appear here.

"Could it be that these two are also rushing to the Emperor's Grass?" Realizing this, the young man in brocade clothes came to Zhao Yang, "Why are you here?"

"Emperor Grass." What the young man in Jinyi didn't expect was that Zhao Yang actually told him his purpose.

"Emperor Grass? How did you know this news?" The young man in brocade clothes darkened.

"It's inconvenient for me to tell you how I know." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Emperor Grass is mine. If you are sensible, you can leave obediently, otherwise..." He didn't say the next words, but the threat was obvious.

"Emperor Grass is not yours, nor mine, but that senior's." Zhao Yang looked at the young man in brocade clothes and said, "You are not qualified to replace that senior."

"It seems that you rejected me?" The young man in brocade clothes burst out a purple primordial aura when he said this.

The majestic purple energy suppresses all things.

Zhao Yang pushed Zhu Ya to a distance, and then his body also burst into a majestic purple aura.


When the two primordial purple qi collided together, Zhao Yang staggered back a few steps.

"I was actually suppressed." Zhao Yang said in shock.

"There are also grades for the Primordial Purple Qi." The young man in brocade sneered, "Your Primordial Purple Qi is at level five, while mine is at level seven. There are two levels of difference between us, how can you beat me? "As the voice fell, he took a step in the direction of Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang only felt a stormy wave rushing towards him.

He staggered back again.

Seventh level primordial purple energy?

In other words, it means that this guy's future potential is the seventh heaven of quasi-emperor.

No wonder this guy doesn't take himself seriously.

What should we do now?

He did have many methods, but these methods were completely useless under the suppression of the primordial purple energy.

This is also the protection of heaven against evildoers.

What is a monster?

In the future, he will be qualified to become the existence of quasi-emperor.

As the young man in brocade clothes walked towards Zhao Yang step by step, Zhao Yang retreated again and again.

"Too much deceit." Zhao Yang was enraged.

He ignited his own blood.

In an instant, a vast aura that seemed to be punished by the heavens emanated from his body.

This aura is high above, like a master.

The primordial purple energy of the brocade-clothed boy was instantly suppressed, and he staggered back, his face full of disbelief.

He thought he was invincible since he broke through eight thousand years.

But today it was suppressed by Zhao Yang.



At this moment, the eyes of the old man in the thatched hut were wide open, and then he seemed to have thought of something terrible, and he yelled at Zhao Yang, "Hurry up and put away your aura."

Zhao Yang didn't know, so he withdrew his own blood.

The old man appeared in front of Zhao Yang with a flicker, and he stared at Zhao Yang, "You..."

"Senior, what's wrong?"

Just as the old man was about to say something, he saw a young man in brocade clothes not far away, "Nie Yuan, let's go."

Nie Yuan showed unwillingness on his face, "Senior, do you want to give him the Emperor Grass?"

"I can give the emperor grass to whoever I want?" the old man said with a sullen face.

Nie Yuan's lips twitched, and finally he turned and left.

"Follow me." The old man looked at Zhao Yang and said.

After Zhao Yang followed the old man into the thatched cottage, he discovered that there was something hidden inside.

It looked tattered and tattered before, but there is actually a universe inside.

This is simply a paradise.

"Why did seniors escape the world here?"

"In the first battle, I lost too much, and I have cultivated here all these years." The old man said leisurely, "I will contribute to the human race in future wars."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang was in awe.

It is precisely because of these backbones that the human race has always stood among the thousands of races in these years.

"What happened to the blood in your body?" the old man asked suddenly.

Zhao Yang fell silent.

"Is the emperor bloodline right?"

Zhao Yang nodded.

"Which is your ancestor?"

"Zhao Zu."

"Zhao Zu?" The old man was startled when he heard this, "If you say so, your ancestors are still ahead of the Lord of Heaven. No wonder your emperor-level blood is so thin?"

"The Lord of Heaven?"

"Before the Immortal Court is the Heavenly Court." The old man said with emotion, "These restricted areas will be born and harvested at a certain stage." Speaking of this, the old man's eyes showed a ferocious killing intent, "I can't wait to flatten all those restricted areas one day! .”

"How many restricted areas are there?"

"Now there are nine restricted areas on the surface, and there are even more restricted areas in the dark." The old man said softly, "Whether it is the master of the heavenly court or the master of the fairy court, they are all talented and strategic people. At the same time, they leveled out several penalty areas, but it is a pity that they were finally killed by the penalty area."

Zhao Yang felt very heavy when he heard this.

"Which line are you from?" The old man continued to ask.

Zhao Yang pondered.

After a while, he said, "The lineage of the guardian."

Hearing this, the old man was moved, "Really?"

With Zhao Yang's mind moving, the fluctuation of Pure Yang Wuji Kungfu diffused, and the old man felt the pure pure Yang power, and his eyes showed a bright color.

"You said you were from the lineage of Guardians, I would have given you the Emperor Grass." The old man complained.

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