Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 823 Massive Resources

"And this." Zhao Yang pointed at a donkey-faced man just when some saints were lucky.

"Why did you kill me?" The donkey-faced man lost his mind.

It was very low-key just now.

"Because you are ugly." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Before the donkey-faced man was about to say anything, he was killed by a flash of sword light.

Now the remaining saints could not calm down anymore.

Zhao Yang is going to kill them all.

Zhao Yang's eyes scanned the remaining sixteen saints one by one, and then his eyes fixed on Old Zhu Yan.


Upon hearing this, little Zhu Yan hurriedly stood in front of old Zhu Yan and said, "Brother, can you do me a favor and spare the patriarch of my clan?"

"If your patriarch gave you face just now, why should I give you face now?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"But if the patriarch of our clan falls, our Zhuyan clan will lose the lineage." Xiao Zhuyan said bitterly.

"But have you ever thought that if I didn't have this sword talisman, the Chunyang Sect would be wiped out from the sixth district today?" Zhao Yang said leisurely.

A look of regret appeared on Lao Zhuyan's face.

If he had listened to Xiao Zhuyan's words just now, how could he have the current result?

"Kill." Following Zhao Yang's words, Lao Zhu let out a morose snort, and his body fell weakly downwards.

"Little Zhu Yan, for the sake of calling me big brother, I will keep Zhu Yan's family for you." Zhao Yang looked at Xiao Zhu Yan and said.

"Thank you." Xiao Zhuyan said with a sob.

He knew that Zhao Yang had given him a lot of face, otherwise, how could he let Zhu Yan's family go?

"I gave them a way to live for the Zhu Yan tribe, but if they dare to retaliate and deal with my human race in the future, don't blame me for not being sympathetic." Zhao Yang looked at Xiao Zhu Yan calmly and said.

"Don't dare, the Zhuyan tribe will be the allies of the human race in the future. I will kill anyone in the Zhuyan tribe who is not good for the human race." Little Zhuyan promised, patted his chest.

Zhao Yang was noncommittal.

Little Zhuyan hasn't grown up yet, but when he grows up, how far will Zhao Yang reach?

Furthermore, since little Zhu Yan lost the old Zhu Yan's protection, it is still unknown how far Zhu Yan's family can go.

"As for you, do you want to die or live?" Zhao Yang glanced at the remaining fifteen saints.

Zhao Yang's words contained strong humiliation.

But the fifteen saints still honestly answered that they wanted to live.

"I'll give you a list." Zhao Yang handed each of them a list.

Looking at the rows of resources on the list, their faces turned green one by one.

"Jade Immortal Realm's initial and high-level foundation building resources, and Golden Immortal Realm's early to high-level foundation building resources must be ranked in the top [-], and three copies are required."

"Isn't this asking us to give them three quasi-sages in disguise?"

"Fifteen holy places, 45 quasi-holy ones."

"For the remaining medicinal materials, formation materials and device materials, at least [-]% of the treasury must be emptied."

"It's blood sucking."

Just as the hearts of these saints were bleeding, the voice of the seventh general rang out in the air, "I gave you this talisman of swordsmanship to kill the Emperor Zhun, not rubbish like killing saints." Yes." After saying these words, the Seventh God General turned into a sword talisman and fell into Zhao Yang's hands.

The fifteen saints present didn't know what to say for a while?

When did saints become trash?

However, the words of the Seventh God General also reminded them that as long as they were disobedient, Zhao Yang would sacrifice the butcher's knife again.

"Send the resources on the list within three days." Zhao Yang said lightly, "If they are not delivered by then, I will come to pick them up in person."

Are you kidding me?

Who dares to let him pick it up?

After the departure of many saints, the colorful phoenix also bid farewell to Zhao Yang.

"This time, the Pure Yang Sect has killed five saints, but there are only three on our side." Zhao Yang looked at the colorful phoenix and said, "So I need your help to go to the clan."

"Okay." Colorful Phoenix took a deep look at Zhao Yang and said.

Couldn't the three saints plunder the resources of these five clans?

the answer is negative.

Zhao Yang deliberately let the colorful phoenix take action.

Only in this way can the Phoenix clan truly stand on the side of the human race.

Zhao Yang sent [-] soldiers to the Black Donkey Clan with the colorful phoenix, [-] soldiers to the Mantis Clan with the Bailian Furnace, [-] soldiers to the Blood Wolf Clan with the Evergreen Lantern, and three Thousands of soldiers followed Bawangdun to the wombat clan, and he personally led three thousand soldiers to the Shanmei clan.

When Zhao Yang arrived at the Shanmei Clan, he directly opened the formation of the Great Sacred Realm and blocked the entire Shanmei Clan.

"You wait outside the formation." Zhao Yang stepped into the formation after giving orders to the three thousand soldiers.

At the same time, he took out the World Bead.

"Senior brother, it's your turn." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Following Po Jun's urging, the cultivators of the World Beads and the Shanmei Clan flew towards the World Beads uncontrollably, and after the World Beads were refined, they turned into pure energy and replenished into the world.

Zhao Yang's expression didn't change much, he just watched quietly.

He knew that one day after the existence of the restricted area was born, the people who hunted and killed would only be crazier than Po Jun.

After all the members of the Shanmei clan fell, Zhao Yang ordered three thousand soldiers to enter the plunder.

A day later, Zhao Yang returned to Chunyangzong with three thousand soldiers, and then broke the army to cast the gate of space, and he rushed to the black donkey clan without stopping.

The black donkey clan had almost been looted at this time.

Colorful Phoenix saw Zhao Yang coming and said, "Can I go now?"

"Please also help me send these three thousand soldiers back to Chunyangzong."

"it is good."

After the colorful phoenix left, Pojun started refining again.

I don't know how long it took for Pojun to devour all the creatures in the five forbidden areas.

"It's not far from [-]%." Po Jun told Zhao Yang the news.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang wished he could bring Po Jun to sweep up the rest of the Holy Land.

"Forget it, if you can't do this kind of thing, don't do it." But Po Jun refused.

You can't just slaughter other people's groups in order to restore your strength.

"Okay." Zhao Yang nodded.

Not long after Zhao Yang returned to Chunyangzong, the fifteen holy places successively sent the resources on Zhao Yang's list.

"The treasury needs to be expanded." Xu Hui'er said softly.

"The resources we got in this battle are equivalent to ten holy places." Zhao Yang looked at Xu Huier and said, "The three holy places have helped us a lot, and I plan to donate the resources of one holy place respectively."

"It should." Xu Huier nodded.

Only when the human race improves as a whole can it be recognized by all races.

"The matter of the dark guards must be kept secret. This matter should be carried out slowly. In addition, what we want is the elite."

"I know."

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