Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 821 Goodbye Zhu Yan

"What do you mean?" All the elders present were surprised.

"Zhao Yang gave me an array map after he went to the forbidden area of ​​the array. This array map can kill the existence of saints in the middle stage and counter the existence of high-level saints." Nalanjie said in a deep voice, "I take Going forward with this formation, it can counteract the existence of two high-level saints." After a pause, Nalanjie continued, "Zhao Yang said at the beginning that he had a better formation in his hand, if it is a high-level saint If you have the formation diagram, then you will be able to compete against the Great Sage."

"If it's a Great Sage-level formation, then there's no need to worry about the alliance of the great holy powers." An elder said in surprise.

"Whether it is true or not, you have to ask to know?" Nalanjie stood up at this point, "I will go to Chunyangzong now and ask about the situation?"

Pure Yang Sect!

When Zhao Yang was discussing the loss of the war with Xu Huier and others in the study room, the voice of Bailian Furnace suddenly rang in Zhao Yang's ears.

"A terrifying existence has descended."

At the same time as the voice fell, the Hundred Refining Furnace turned into a beam of light and slapped the existence that had just arrived.


The hundred refining furnace retreated and spurted blood.

It looked at the peerless young girl in the courtyard, with an incomparably dignified look in its eyes.

"Great Saint."

Zhao Yang signaled to Xu Huier and others not to come out, he opened the door and came to the courtyard.

"Your Excellency must be the colorful phoenix, right?" Zhao Yang looked at the stunning woman in the courtyard and said indifferently.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Colorful Phoenix stared at Zhao Yang with a pair of amber eyes.

"Why are you afraid?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"It seems that you have a lot of hole cards in your hand." Colorful Phoenix smiled and said, "Can you let me see a thing or two?"

Zhao Yang took out the sword talisman of the Seventh God General, and the moment he tore a corner, a destructive sword intent rushed towards the colorful phoenix.

Colorful Phoenix only felt that his soul was swaying in the wind and rain, and it seemed that he might be buried in it in the next moment.

Zhao Yang put away the kendo talisman with some distress.


A few more times of pretense, the kendo talisman will be useless.

Only then did the colorful Phoenix's face regain some color, "The sword talisman in your hand is...?"

"The Seventh God will leave it to me."

"Is it the seventh general of Immortal Court?"


"But this kendo talisman has usage restrictions, right?"

"After the energy in it is exhausted, it will be useless. At that time, the Seventh God General said that it is no problem to kill a middle-level quasi-emperor with this sword talisman. Since I got it, I have only killed a great sage. How can I use it three or five times?" Zhao Yang said uncertainly.

Hearing this, the colorful phoenix's face turned green.

What do you mean by the word Dasheng?

"The great saints are joining forces and want to deal with the Pure Yang Sect." Colorful Phoenix pondered for a while and said, "Do you want me to help mediate?"

"Don't." Zhao Yang said hastily, "If you mediate, how can I rob you?"

"Robbery?" Colorful Phoenix was startled.

"Don't you think there are too many saint-level forces in the seventh district?"

"They all shoulder the responsibility of guarding the beasts."

"The loss of three or five holy places is not a big deal." Zhao Yang said lightly, "I thought the beasts were powerful before, but now I realize that the beasts are intentionally indulged by various clans, otherwise they would have eradicated the beasts long ago. "

"Aren't you afraid that the human race will be targeted by all races?"

"The purpose of my establishment of the Pure Yang Sect is to prevent the human race from being targeted by all races." Zhao Yang looked at the colorful phoenix and said, "The human race is willing to live in peace with all races, but if anyone wants to fight the Pure Yang Sect, then I will knock it off." its teeth."

At this time, Nalanjie came to the courtyard accompanied by an elder. When Nalanjie saw the colorful phoenix, his whole body tensed up.

He didn't expect the colorful phoenix to come here first.

"No problem." Zhao Yang glanced at Nalanjie and said.

Nalanjie breathed a sigh of relief.

"Our Phoenix family will not participate in this matter." Colorful Phoenix said in a deep voice after being silent for a while.

Zhao Yang was noncommittal.

"When the human race grows stronger, give me a way for the Phoenix clan to survive."


Colorful Phoenix was startled and said, "What do you mean?"

"You colorful phoenixes don't participate in the grievances and grievances of the human race and other races, but you think that you won't target you when the human race is strong in the future? I just want to know why?" Zhao Yang sneered, "The things that the human race has fallen into trouble over the years, your Phoenix family will do. There is also a lot of land, right? If I remember correctly, your Phoenix family was auspicious beasts bestowed by the fairy court back then, but what did your Phoenix family do after the fairy court collapsed?"

"How are you going?"

"Your Phoenix clan needs to get involved in this matter and stand on our human race's side." Zhao Yang said seriously.

The face of the colorful phoenix revealed a look of struggle.

To be honest, she doesn't want to get involved in this matter, she wants to maintain a neutral posture.

Because as long as they stand with the human race, the Phoenix family will be isolated in the future.

After a while, the colorful phoenix let out a foul breath, "When the saints of all races descend, I will firmly stand by the human race."

"Actually, if it wasn't for your beauty, I would have killed you just now when you were probing." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The colorful phoenix shivered involuntarily.

Zhao Yang's eyes were very calm, as if he was describing a very ordinary thing.

"Zhao Yang, are you sure you can fight against the saints of all races?" Nalanjie asked softly.

"I have the Emperor Zhun behind me." Zhao Yang said softly.

Nalanjie was startled, then smiled and said, "Then I can rest assured."

"Go back and take charge of the Nalan family, the Pure Yang Sect can handle it completely."

"it is good."

After Nalanjie left, Zhao Yang looked at Bailianlu and said, "Senior, are you alright?"

"It has calmed down a lot now." Bailian Furnace replied.

"You take the colorful phoenix to the VIP room." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The colorful phoenix is ​​an existence at the level of a great sage, and it must have an existence like the hundred refining furnace to be able to stand it.

Dozens of figures descended on the Chunyang Sect early in the morning of the next day, and at the same time overwhelming coercion swept in all directions.

Zhao Yang and the senior officials of Chunyangzong came out of the room.

He looked up at more than 20 saints in mid-air and said, "Everyone, why did you come to my Pure Yang Sect?"

The patriarch of the Zhu Yan clan was about to say something when little Zhu Yan suddenly cried out.

"Brother, why are you here?"

All the monks in the audience looked at Xiao Zhuyan in astonishment.

Xiao Zhu Yan is the young patriarch of the Zhu Yan clan.

What did he just yell?

His name is Brother Zhao Yang?

what's the situation?

The patriarch of the Zhuyan clan frowned at little Zhuyan and said, "Why are you yelling?"

"Patriarch, this is the elder brother I told you about." Xiao Zhu said impatiently.

"Are you referring to the human race who obtained the quasi-emperor's skills in front of the wall of Xuanxuanzong's supernatural power?" the patriarch of the Zhu Yan clan said in a deep voice.

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