Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 808 Password lock

Zhao Yang was stunned.

Where is this unfeeling request?

This is clearly for their own benefit.

"Master Zhao, the reason why our Nalan family can become a holy place is actually because I once broke into a secret realm, and I got a lot of inheritance in that secret realm." This was the core secret of the Nalan family, but now Nalanjie still told Zhao Yang, "There are quite a few secret tomes of formations among them, but there are some that even I can't understand. I think Mr. Zhao may be able to display its value."

"So, thank you very much." Zhao Yang thought about it and expressed his gratitude to Nalanjie.

Zhao Yang has swept through several holy places in recent years, and has also obtained a lot of array secret arts from the holy places, but they are not as professional as the Nalan family after all, Zhao Yang thought that maybe it would be helpful to him.

At this time, Dong Ruojun walked in from the outside, "Sovereign, the King Kong clan sent an elder to send the resources on the list."

Zhao Yang got up and went outside the study.

An elder of the King Kong tribe stood at the door uneasily. When he saw Zhao Yang walking out, he shuddered for no reason.

"Here's the resource on the list."

After scanning Zhao Yang's divine sense, he nodded slightly, "Go back and tell your patriarch, remember to abide by the agreement between us, otherwise I won't guarantee that I will do any irrational behavior."

"I will." The elder of the Vajra Clan hurriedly said, "Well... can I go now?"

The elders of the Nalan family looked at the elder's nervous expression and sighed.

When will the rebellious Vajra Quasi-Sage be so panicked?

"Let's go." Zhao Yang waved his hand.

After the vajra quasi-sage left, Nalanjie asked curiously, "These resources are...?"

"Extortion." Zhao Yang replied.

Nalanjie smiled wryly.

All these years, the alien race has always blackmailed the human race. When did the human race blackmail the alien race?

"Actually, I don't blackmail much, which is equivalent to the treasury of a quasi-sage force." Zhao Yang smiled slightly, "Wait until the strength of the Pure Yang Sect improves, and then go to blackmail."

Nalanjie opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

It didn't take long for the Nalan family to leave here one after another, but Nalan Rulan stayed here.

This is also Nalanjie's intention.

He thought about letting Nalan Rulan and Zhao Yang get along for a long time, maybe some sparks could be collided.

Half a day later, Nalanjie personally delivered a large amount of medicinal materials and classics collected by the Nalan family.

The retreat of the King Kong clan was blocked by the King Kong clan.

So not many people know about it.

No one bothered Chunyangzong anymore.

Zhao Yang, apart from occasionally opening forums to give lectures and refining alchemy, spent most of his time studying the classics sent by the Nalan family.

He found that the formations recorded in these classics were very mysterious, and gradually many thoughts in Zhao Yang's mind collided together.

His thoughts collided with sparks.

In just that moment, Zhao Yang entered the state of enlightenment.

He is in a mysterious and mysterious, wonderful and wonderful situation.

"Enlightenment?" Bailian Furnace asked in astonishment.

But Wan Gu Changqing and the others were no longer surprised, "This is the third time he has entered the state of enlightenment."

"The third time?" Bailian Furnace was speechless.

You must know that even if you are a genius, it is difficult to enter once in a lifetime.

As a result, this guy Zhao Yang entered three times?

What is Enlightenment?

In this state, his logic, his thinking, will continue to collide, and the flowers of the avenue will bloom.

His perception will soar ten times and a hundred times in an instant.

One minute of comprehension is worth hundreds of years of practice.

Is it that scary?

Is that overbearing?

I don't know how much time has passed since Zhao Yang opened his eyes, which were as bright as stars.

He has an indescribably out-of-this-world aura, like a banished immortal who breaks away at any time.

"If I arrange the formation now, even if it is a high-level Jinxian, I can seriously injure or even kill it." Zhao Yang said lightly with his hands behind his back.

The Hundred Refining Furnace was moved, "How is it possible?"

"In these years, I have always relied on formation materials and the power of runes for alchemy, but I have never thought of incorporating the power of mountains, rivers and rivers." Zhao Yang's eyes shone with wisdom.

The Everlasting Green Lantern said excitedly, "Congratulations, your formation has reached another level."

How could the Evergreen Lantern fail to see Zhao Yang's transformation? It was terrifying.

He became deeper and stronger.

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yang pushed open the door of the room and went outside.

Zhu Ya hurriedly greeted her with her sword in her arms, "My lord."

"Where is Nalan Rulan?"

"Is Nalan Rulan teaching the disciples of the Pure Yang Sect how to practice formation?"

"You call Nalan Rulan."


Not long after, Nalan Rulan rushed to Zhao Yang's study.

"Young Master Zhao, are you looking for me?" Nalan Rulan's face was no longer pale, replaced by the blush of a daughter.

"Can I go where your patriarch goes?" Zhao Yang said softly.

"Yes." Nalan Rulan said immediately, "The patriarch still said a few days ago that Mr. Zhao, you can go there at any time."

"Huh?" Zhao Yang didn't expect the Nalan family to be so generous.

"If you want to enter there, you need a very high formation talent." Nalan Rulan replied, "No one from the Nalan family has been able to enter these years."

"In this way, I'm going to go in three months, and you can ask Nalan Jie to make arrangements then."

"Okay." Nalan Rulan said with a smile, "By the way, Mr. Zhao, the Nalan family has an unfeeling favor?"

"You said."

"The Nalan family wants to send a thousand elites to train the disciples of the Pure Yang Sect."

"Thank you." Zhao Yang couldn't see that it was because the Nalan family wanted to repay their kindness.

"You are welcome."

After Nalan Rulan left, Zhao Yang began to upgrade the formation of Chunyangzong.

After the upgrade, the power of the defensive formation is three times higher than before.With the help of Zhao Yang, the formations that allowed the Pure Yang Sect to improve its perception and speed of practice have also increased by more than two to three times.

What does two or three times mean?

Meaning they can save two or three times the time to rise faster.

Furthermore, Zhao Yang's investment in resources is even scarier than that of the Holy Land.

Three months later, Zhao Yang came to the Nalan family accompanied by Nalan Rulan. Nalanjie put down his work and accompanied Zhao Yang to the forbidden area of ​​the family.

"Your inheritance is actually in your family's forbidden area?" Zhao Yang said in surprise.

"This kind of inheritance should not be obtained by other forces." Nalanjie said with a smile.

"How do I get in?"

"You need to crack the formation at the door?"

"It's that simple?"

"The formation at the gate is changing all the time, so it's actually not simple at all." Nalanjie shook his head.

Zhao Yang came to the door.

He looked at the ever-changing runes at the door, and gradually his mind was immersed in them.

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