The [-] soldiers of the Pure Yang Sect looked at the flame bird clan who was ready to go, and many monks' calves were shaking.

Although their strength has improved a lot over the years, they still inevitably feel frightened in the face of the quasi-holy-level legion.

"What are you afraid of?" Zhu Ya glanced at the audience wearing purple armor and said, "The Chunyang sect established by the suzerain was built towards the rules of the holy land from the beginning, but now you are facing a legion of quasi-holy forces Are you cowardly?"

"If you are afraid, you can throw away the weapons in your hands and go back. I won't blame you." Zhu Ya said indifferently, "Cowards are not worthy of staying in Chunyangzong."

Hearing this, the [-] soldiers shuddered.

If you are afraid of death, you are not qualified to stay in the Pure Yang Sect?

Realizing this, their eyes hardened.

Big deal.

Who is afraid of whom?

And when the two sides really collided, these soldiers suddenly discovered that the flame bird family was far less powerful than they imagined.

They can beat, they can beat, they can kill.

What they don't know is that the resources that Zhao Yang has spent on them in the past few years are equivalent to a quasi-holy power. Not even a holy place.

Zhao Yang, Guo Xiaoyue, and Dong Ruojun even opened the altar to preach.

Guo Xiaoyue and Dong Ruojun are holy sons, but Zhao Yang is the quasi-emperor son.

Furthermore, the magic weapon in their hands is also the Forge Pavilion, which is specially made in this sacred place for forging, so their combat effectiveness may be weak?

God ashamed is also making a move.

Their goal is the master of the flame bird family.

In just a quarter of an hour, the tens of thousands of troops of the flame bird clan lost one-third. After realizing this, the elder of the flame bird clan said angrily, "Do you humans want to die?"

"You old bastard, what are you talking about?" Dong Ruojun pointed at the elder and scolded.

"Old miscellaneous hair?" Hearing that the elder here is in a bad mood, "I'm going to kill you."

It's just that he was torn apart by a pair of big dry hands just as he rushed into the air.

But it was Dongruojun's protector who did it.

"The second elder is dead."

"It's incredible."


"Run like a jerk."

The flame birds chose to run away after seeing this scene, and the disciples of the Pure Yang Sect shot even more fiercely after seeing this scene.

It turns out that the disciples of the quasi-holy sect would also run away?So they are so vulnerable?

Thirty thousand disciples of the Pure Yang Sect pursued and killed him.

This is a great escape.

After chasing after the disciples of Chunyangzong, they reached the territory of the flame bird.

At this time, the clansmen in the territory of the flame bird were stunned.

what's the situation?

The human race has come to the door?

What are you kidding?

How weak the human race is.

But after looking at the [-] Chunyangzong soldiers who had already killed their red eyes, they realized that this matter was true.

As the bell of the enemy's attack rang in the flame bird clan, a large number of soldiers of the flame bird came out, and they fought with the disciples of Chunyangzong with their swords.

At this time, the Hundred Tribulation Tree no longer hides in the dark, but directly uses the law of heaven and earth to suppress and kill.

Seeing the death of a large number of soldiers of the flame bird clan, the disciples of the Pure Yang Sect realized that there was a quasi-sage in the Pure Yang Sect.

"Do you dare?" A cold voice came from the flame bird's forbidden area, and then a figure stretching from heaven to earth appeared in midair.

The aura on his body is mighty, like a demon god who destroys the world.

There was no trace of fear on Baijieshu's face, he transformed himself into his true self, and confronted the quasi-sage of the flame bird clan from a distance.

"It hasn't been long since you set foot in the Quasi-Holy Realm, and you are no match for me." The patriarch of the flame bird said coldly.

"Then what about me?" Dong Ruojun's guardian appeared.

After seeing Dongruojun's protector, the patriarch of the flame bird's pupils shrank, and he realized that things were tricky.

If these two teamed up, I would lose [-]% of the time.

And at this moment, a ray of glazed light silently shone on him.

His mana was condensed, and his soul was frozen.

"Who?" The patriarch of the flame bird clan turned pale with shock.

At the same time, the branches of the Hundred Tribulation Tree turned into tens of thousands and entangled the flame bird's patriarch, and the guardian of Dongruojun over there even launched an attack at the level of spirit and soul.


Pain appeared on the face of the patriarch of the flame bird clan.

He struggled desperately, but to no avail.

"Hundred Tribulation Tree, put away your body." At this moment, a gentle voice sounded in midair.

The moment the Hundred Tribulation Tree retracted its branches, a flash of sword light pierced the heart of the head of the flame bird clan.

The patriarch of the flame bird clan spat out a mouthful of blood.

Its face became extremely pale, "Four quasi-sages, do you really think highly of me?"

"Today is the day when the flame bird family will be destroyed." Guo Xiaoyue's guardian said loudly.

Immediately, the four quasi-sages joined hands.

Seeing the flame bird patriarch retreating steadily, the disciples of the Pure Yang Sect couldn't be more proud.

It turns out that the pure Yang sect has such a strong background?

Four quasi-sages?

No wonder the suzerain's goal is to build Chunyangzong into a holy place?

It didn't take long for the patriarch of the flame bird clan to be beheaded, and after he was beheaded, the remaining flame birds were no longer good.

"Take the corpses of the flame birds back, they are very nourishing ingredients." Dong Ruojun's guardian said, "Also remember to snatch all the flame birds."

After half a day, the entire flame bird family was looted and wiped out, and then the disciples of the Pure Yang Sect rushed towards the Pure Yang Sect with a large number of flame birds.

The alien monks who saw this scene along the way were trembling with fright.

"The Pure Yang Sect is so terrifying?"

"The flame bird is a sect with a quasi-sage in charge? How can you say that it will be destroyed if it is destroyed?"

"This matter has to be reported to Lord Saint."

"The race must not be allowed to become stronger again."

After these monks returned to the clan, they reported the news that the flame bird had been destroyed.

"The flame bird clan has been wiped out?" The patriarch of the King Kong clan was stunned when he got the news, and then he called a true disciple of the clan and said, "Tuan, go to the Chunyang Sect and let its lord stand up to pay respects." .”

"Why isn't the master of the Pure Yang Sect coming?" Tuan asked calmly.

"If you don't come, then there is no need for the Pure Yang Sect to exist." The Vajra Clan patriarch said lightly.

"I see." Touran finished and left.

The triumphant return of the [-] troops caused a sensation in the entire Chunyang Sect.

In addition to bringing back the resources of the entire flame bird family, they also brought hundreds of thousands of flame bird corpses.

According to the rules, they handed over the flame bird's resources to the sect.

No one dared to falsify the loot, otherwise, once the Zongmen's law enforcement department found out, they would be severely punished at that time.

Zhao Yang has never been a stingy person. After checking these resources, he rewarded a lot of things for his meritorious deeds.

In the evening, Chunyangzong held a bonfire party, and the barbecue was naturally the flame bird.

"You guys from the Pure Yang Sect are quite courageous." Just as the disciples of the Pure Yang Sect were feasting, a sarcastic voice rang out from the audience.

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