Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 781 The Exam Begins

As soon as Zhao Yang's words fell, the masters of the Han family raised their swords one after another.

Feeling the killing intent, the old white rhino's face turned pale, "I have something to say, I have something to say, I have something to say."

The old white rhino was scared.

"It seems that you agreed with my first choice." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"One billion is too little." The old white rhino smiled wryly.

"Well, how about I give you three top-grade spirit pills?" Zhao Yang said and threw a jade bottle to Old Baixi.

After scanning the old white rhinoceros' divine sense, he found that it was really the best divine soul pill.

"Can you give me some more?" The old white rhinoceros asked hastily.

"I'll give you three more early stage golden fairyland." Zhao Yang said and threw another jade bottle to Old Baixi.

The old white rhino caught it again.

It looked at it and thought about it, and after a while it looked at Zhao Yang and said, "I know what you want is this fertile land with a radius of [-] miles. Let's give up this territory, but can we make money in the [-]-mile territory? stay outside?"

"Yes, but you must not disturb our life." Zhao Yang thought for a while and replied.

In fact, it is possible to drive the white rhino family far away, but in this way, there will only be human races in this area, and it is inevitable that there will be no other forces coveting.

"Thank you." The old white rhino said in surprise, "I'll greet the white rhinos in the clan right now, but please give us three more days."

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded.

After the old white rhino was ready to migrate, Zhao Yang looked at Han Hongtao and said, "In the future, you need to build a good relationship with the white rhino family, and they will become the Han family's barrier in the future."

"We will." Han Hongtao nodded.

"After the White Rhino family leaves, you plan to build a house here. I'm going to the alchemy realm. As for how long it will take, I don't know." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Alchemy Secret Realm!

This is a gluttonous feast for alchemists, how many alchemists want to go?

But now alchemists from other factions are not eligible to go except the alchemists from the Shengdan Pavilion, Yuan Clan, Cang Clan and Stone Clan.

Guo Xiaoyue was annoyed when she saw Zhao Yang, obviously she was very upset about Zhao Yang not accepting her as a student.

Zhao Yang took a look and then withdrew his gaze.

"I hope you can come here with a full load." Guo Xiaotian said with a smile.

The Dandao Secret Realm is in a canyon in the forbidden area of ​​the Shengdan Pavilion. At this time, hundreds of millions of rays of light gushed out from the canyon.

When Zhao Yang and the others walked towards the canyon, they felt that all the cells in their bodies were active, and the cells were frantically devouring the energy factors contained in the glow.

"Just passing through this passage, I feel that I have become stronger." A man said involuntarily.

"I don't understand why Shengdan Pavilion doesn't allow all the disciples of the sect to come here to be baptized?" A young man from the Yuan clan felt a huge pulling force as soon as he said this, and then he was shocked to find that he was pulled out valley area.

"what's the situation?"

"Why can't I go in?"

"Shengdan Pavilion, what have you done?"

When several disciples of the Yuan, Cang, and Shi clans were forced to retreat, the masters of the three clans looked at Guo Xiaotian unkindly.

Guo Xiaotian snorted coldly, "The alchemy secret realm is a secret realm left by Emperor Zhun. Not all alchemists are qualified to go there. Besides, haven't you seen that several disciples of our Shengdan Pavilion have been eliminated?"

The three clans saw that this was really the case, and three disciples of the Shengdan Pavilion were also forced to retreat.

"The alchemy secret realm must at least be a genius of alchemy to be eligible to enter." Guo Xiaotian said lightly.

"Fortunately, three disciples from our clan have entered." The patriarch of the Cang clan said in a good mood.

"Three disciples from our Yuan Clan have also entered." The patriarch of the Yuan Clan said with a smile.

The Patriarch of the Stone Clan was not in a good mood, because only two disciples of their Stone Clan entered.

But he couldn't say anything?The disciples in your family are not good, who can you blame?

The canyon is very long.

As he walked, Zhao Yang realized something was wrong.

It is true that walking here can improve strength, but this kind of improvement is not appreciated by Zhao Yang.

Because his background is too strong compared to the same level, and the improvement here is only faster than the daily practice, so what's the point of staying here?

"Guo Xiaoyue." Zhao Yang said to Guo Xiaoyue beside him.

"What's wrong?" Guo Xiaoyue asked hurriedly.

Guo Xiaotian had previously confessed that Guo Xiaoyue must be with Zhao Yang, so after entering the canyon, Guo Xiaoyue almost stuck to Zhao Yang's side.

"How do you feel?" Zhao Yang asked.

"This canyon is too long." Guo Xiaoyue pondered for a while before opening her mouth.

"Look at everyone's expressions." Zhao Yang asked, pointing around.

"Except for Yuan Yi from the Yuan Clan, Canglin from the Cang Clan, and Asbestos from the Shi Clan, the rest of the cultivators seem to be addicted to it." Guo Xiaoyue suddenly realized something when she said this, "Could it be that the test has already begun?"

"I think so."

"Then I wake up Song Qian and the others?" Guo Xiaoyue thought of this and wanted to wake up Song Qian, but no matter how she shouted, Song Qian did not respond.

"They are already immersed in their own spiritual world." Zhao Yang said here and suddenly found that the glow in front of him became thicker and thicker. "The test for you guys has begun."

Guo Xiaoyue was startled, "You mean...?"

"As long as you are addicted to it, maybe you will lose yourself." Zhao Yang said seriously.

Guo Xiaoyue was taken aback, "Then I will keep my mind on it."

Zhao Yang frowned tightly.

Just now he tried to wake up the glass mirror and the eternal green lamp, but found that he had lost contact with them.Zhao Yang used the sacred body to break the space again, but found that the surrounding space was shrouded in inexplicable rules, and he couldn't break it at all.

Could it be that you can only go forward?

Guo Xiaoyue has always kept in mind what Zhao Yang said, but soon she found that her cultivation was growing rapidly, and at the same time she found that her foundation was also constantly strengthening.

"If I continue, is it possible for me to reach the Great Sage in the future?" Guo Xiaoyue suddenly had this thought in her mind.

Guo Xiaoyue's potential is still some distance away from the great sage, but now she has this idea inevitably.

and many more.

Zhao Yang just warned himself not to lose his mind.


What happened to me just now?

Thinking of this, Guo Xiaoyue quickly restrained her mind, and she no longer considered whether she could set foot in the Great Sage in the future.

But after her cultivation broke through to the fourth floor of the Golden Wonderland, she inevitably thought about that question again.

"The energy here is too terrifying. While improving my background, it also promotes my cultivation base." Guo Xiaoyue sensed it and found that her potential was not far from the great sage.

Guo Xiaoyue suddenly thought wildly.

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