Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 668 Weiyang Palace Crisis

These meteorites fell to Zhao Yang's surroundings one after another.

And after intense friction with the air, these meteorites are not that big anymore.

With a wave of his hand, Liulijing collected all these meteorites, then opened the door of space and sent Zhao Yang away.

It was only when Zhao Yang opened his eyes that he realized that he had returned to the peak of Fenxiang Valley.

The glass mirror took out all the meteorites.

Zhao Yang found star grass on each meteorite.

"The Chunyang sword summoned Wang Xingcao." Liu Lijing said with some emotion.

Eternal Green Lantern's guess was correct, he summoned two Sky Star Grass and one Earth Star Grass.What Liulijing summoned was an Earth Star Grass.

That is to say, if the Chunyang sword is not used, Zhao Yang has no chance of Wang Xingcao.

Of course, besides the King Star Grass, the Chunyang Sword also summoned three Sky Star Grass and three Earth Star Grass.

But Zhao Yang's blood summoned was a little frenzied.

His bloodline summoned two King Star Grass, ten Sky Star Grass, and twenty Earth Star Grass.

"I didn't expect that there would be three King Star Grass this time?" Zhao Yang said in surprise.

"I guess Wang Xingcao let you rob them all." Liu Lijing said with a smile.

"Maybe there is a fish that slipped through the net?" Zhao Yang said uncertainly.

"If you sell these resources, you will sell them." Liu Lijing said with burning eyes.

"Forget it." Zhao Yang shook his head.

As long as Zhao Yang took out these resources, he would immediately become the target of public criticism.

After Zhao Yang picked the medicinal materials of Wang Xingcao, he put those meteorites into the universe bag.

After half a day, Zhou Yunlong arrived at Zhao Yang's mountain.

"How is the sect's harvest?"

"The sect harvested a yellow star grass."

"It's not bad for Fenxianggu to get a Yellow Star Grass." Zhao Yang said softly.

With the background of Fenxiang Valley, he is not qualified to get Xuanxingcao at all, okay?

Not long after Zhou Yunlong left, Zhu Ya ran over panting.

"What did you get?"

"A piece of yellow star grass." Zhu Ya said as she took out a piece of yellow medicinal material.

"Put away the yellow star grass, I'll give you a King Star Grass." Zhao Yang said and handed Zhu Ya a King Star Grass.

Zhu Ya had an incredulous look on her face, "Wang Xingcao? Young Master, why did you give me such a precious gift?"

"Wang Xingcao, I got a total of three this time." Zhao Yang looked at Zhu Ya and said, "One for me, one for you, and one for Senior Sister Huier."

"Where's Xiang Hanyu?"

"Give him the Astral Grass."

"My lord, I think Wang Xingcao can play a greater role in Xiang Hanyu's hands."

"You have to know that you are my personal maid, and you and Xiang Hanyu have different positions." Zhao Yang touched Zhu Ya's face, "If I keep a bowl of water level, when will you catch up with me?" The previous item Han Yu?"

"I'll listen to you, my lord." Zhu Ya hesitated for a moment before taking it.

"Take it when your cultivation reaches the seventh level of Jade Wonderland." Zhao Yang said again.

Zhu Ya's current cultivation is only on the sixth floor of Jade Wonderland.

And if you take it before the seventh layer, you can't bear this terrifying energy at all.

Xiang Hanyu came back half a month later.

Seeing his somewhat embarrassed appearance, Zhao Yang said with a smile, "It seems that your journey in the clan is not going well."

"This time the clan got two pieces of Earth Star Grass and four pieces of Xuan Star Grass." Xiang Hanyu said with red eyes, "but the clan didn't even give me one piece of Earth Star Grass."

Zhao Yang was startled.

"This is a bit too much." Even Zhao Yang, an outsider, couldn't stand it.

In any case, Xiang Hanyu is the double pride of the evil spirit clan.

The evil spirits should give Xiang Hanyu one of them both emotionally and rationally.

"Don't you evil spirits have great luck? Why didn't you get the star grass?" Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something.

"The ancestor said that there was a terrifying existence in the Eastern Region, and that person intercepted the King Star Grass and the Sky Star Grass." Xiang Hanyu couldn't help looking at Zhao Yang when he said this.

"You think it's me?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"I don't know." Xiang Hanyu shook his head.

"There are some things you really don't need to know." Zhao Yang said as he handed Xiang Hanyu a brocade box, "Since your evil spirit clan doesn't like you, you should avoid going to the evil spirit clan in the future."

Xiang Hanyu opened the brocade box, and the next moment his eyes popped out.

Star grass.

"Master..." Xiang Hanyu looked at Zhao Yang and choked up.

The family was not even willing to give him the Earth Star Grass, but Zhao Yang gave him the Sky Star Grass.

"I don't have much affection for the evil spirits anymore. In the future, I will tell them with my strength that the one they love is vulnerable." Xiang Hanyu vowed silently in his heart.

Not long after Xiang Hanyu left, Zhao Yang got up to go to retreat, but what he didn't expect was that Haoyue came to the top of the mountain riding a green luan.

"Master Zhao, can you help us with Weiyang Palace?" Haoyue's face was full of anxiety and uneasiness.

"What happened?"

"Our Fairy Mingyue from Weiyang Palace got the Star Grass, but the quasi-sage forces want to come and fight for it." Haoyue said with some grief and indignation.

"How to fight for it?"

"The younger generation will have a competition, and whoever wins will get the Star Grass." Haoyue said with a wry smile.

"Weiyang Palace agreed?"

"Can you not agree?"

"I'll go with you." Zhao Yang pondered for a while and decided to go and have a look.

Weiyang Palace is the pillar of the human race, what does Zhao Yang not want to happen to this sect?

"You wait first." Zhao Yang said and went to the forbidden area, and he took the bronze coffin with him.

Haoyue's mount is a high-level existence in the Golden Immortal Realm, so it didn't take long for Zhao Yang and Haoyue to arrive at Weiyang Palace.

At this time, Weiyang Palace was already overcrowded.

Disciples from all major forces have rushed to Weiyang Palace, and they all want to see how Weiyang Palace will deal with this crisis?

Mingyue's acquisition of the Star Grass is just an introduction, and the real purpose of the various clans is to target Weiyang Palace.

"I heard that the two giants of Tianque Palace and Wanlai Palace have come to Weiyang Palace."

"At this time, the three giants of the human race must be together. If something happens to Weiyang Palace, the two major forces will not be able to escape."

"But this time it is the evil spirits who are targeting Weiyang Palace."

"To be precise, besides the Evil Spirit Clan, there are four other Clans: the Stone Clan, the Witch Clan, the Jade Clan, and the Red Scorpion Clan."

"The human race probably won't be able to handle it this time."

"Let's wait and see."

Listening to everyone's discussion, Haoyue's expression was very ugly.

She was worried that Weiyang Palace would be overthrown.

"Let go of me." At this moment, a cry for help came from a distance.

And this figure is still somewhat familiar.

Zhao Yang and Haoyue looked at each other and hurried forward.

I saw that Song Yao was being grabbed by the arm by a man in a hemp robe.

Song Yao struggled desperately, but to no avail.

"It's your luck for me to see you. If you're smart, come with me, otherwise I don't mind stripping you off here." The man in the hemp robe scolded coldly.

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