Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 664 Going through the back door

"Haoyue, long time no see." Zhao Yang greeted Haoyue with a smile as he watched Haoyue galloping towards him.

The disciples of Fenxiang Valley saw that Zhao Yang actually knew the female disciples of Weiyang Palace, all of them had incredulous expressions on their faces.

Xiang Hanyu really wanted to say that they were really a bunch of bumpkins.

It's just a female disciple of Weiyang Palace, what's the big deal?

"Yeah, I didn't expect to meet you here." Haoyue looked around and said, "Could it be that you came here to join Weiyang Palace?"

"I have been practicing in Weiyang Palace all these years?"

"Have you joined Weiyang Palace?" Hao Yue asked in surprise.

The strength of Fenxiang Valley is not as good as that of Bright Moon Sect!

"No, I'm just practicing here." Zhao Yang shook his head.

"There shouldn't be a treasure in Fenxiang Valley, right?" Haoyue's eyes flashed a flash of wisdom.

"You still don't want to investigate this matter." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

Haoyue immediately confirmed her guess.

But she didn't continue to ask about this matter, she knew very well what questions could be asked and what questions could not be asked.

"Our Weiyang Palace recruits disciples here, do you want me to introduce you to Master?"

"no need."

"I told you that our Weiyang Palace is as beautiful as a cloud?"

"Could it be that they are all big beauties like you?"

"I don't know how many girls like me exist, but the most beautiful one is our young suzerain."

"Who is your young suzerain?"

"Moon Fairy."

"How's the strength?"

"The sixth floor of Jade Immortal Realm." Speaking of this, Haoyue looked at Zhao Yang curiously and said, "I just realized that I can't see through your cultivation. What realm are you?"

Haoyue has not encountered any opportunities in these years, so she can only practice step by step.

Speaking of chance, that is, I met Luo Xiuzhi, but this was also 30 years ago.

Haoyue is now only the fourth floor of Jade Wonderland.

"The sixth floor of Jade Wonderland."

"You and our young master have the same level of cultivation." Haoyue seemed to have discovered a new continent.

"This continent has much the same level of cultivation as our young suzerain, but there are very few people who can defeat our young suzerain in the same class." At this time, Hu Kangtai came over, and he said with a bit of yin and yang. .

"Zhao Yang, let me introduce you, this is Hu Kangtai, a disciple of our Weiyang Palace." Haoyue quickly smoothed things over, "Senior Brother Hu, this is my friend Zhao Yang."

"Which sect?" Hu Kangtai said in a superior tone.

"Damn it." Xiang Hanyu immediately became angry, "Your tone is more polite to me."

Zhao Yang is Xiang Hanyu's master, now that Zhao Yang has been humiliated, how can Xiang Hanyu bear it?

Hu Kangtai felt a sense of bewilderment.

what's the situation?

Wasn't Haoyue's introduction clear enough just now?

I am a disciple of Weiyang Palace.

Xiang Hanyu, a servant, how dare he speak to himself like that?

Of course, if Hu Kangtai knew that Xiang Hanyu was an evil spirit with quasi-sage blood, he wouldn't think so?

Because in terms of status, Xiang Hanyu is no worse than the Young Pavilion Master of Weiyang Palace.

"What did you say?" Hu Kangtai took a step forward and roared angrily.

This scene attracted the attention of many sect disciples.

The senior management of Fenxiang Valley was even more anxious.

How did Zhao Yang provoke the disciples of Weiyang Palace?

"What should we do? Great Elder!" A deacon asked uneasily.

"Both sides are big bosses, we can't intervene, and we can't intervene." Zhou Yunlong pondered for a while before saying.

Zhou Yunlong knew that there was also a quasi-sage standing behind Zhao Yang.

How could he be worse than Hu Kangtai in terms of status?

"Senior Brother Hu." Fairy Haoyue was anxious.

When Hu Kangtai was about to say something, Luo Xiuzhi's voice drifted over, "Have you forgotten the house rules?"

"Master, it's not that I'm finding fault on purpose, but he's targeting me." Hu Kangtai said aggrievedly.

"Aiming at you? Are you worthy?" Xiang Hanyu sneered, "Who will you show your yin and yang to when you come here? It is true that you are a disciple of Weiyang Palace, but this is not the reason for your superiority."

"The disciples of Weiyang Palace are not superior, but it's not something you can humiliate?" Luo Xiuzhi said lightly, "I apologize now, and I can let this matter go by."

"The instigator of this incident is your disciple. Why did you ask me to apologize instead of punishing your disciple?" How could Xiang Hanyu give in so easily?

"I'll criticize him later." Luo Xiuzhi looked at Xiang Hanyu and said, "Can I apologize now?"

Xiang Hanyu fell into silence.

At this moment, Zhao Yang pushed Xiang Hanyu behind him, "Xiang Hanyu won't apologize."

"who are you?"

"Xiang Hanyu is my man. He stood up for me. It is not reasonable to ask him to apologize now." Zhao Yang said calmly.

"You can apologize on your behalf." Luo Xiuzhi frowned.

Luo Xiuzhi was a little angry.

She thought she had given Zhao Yang enough face.

"Master, he is Zhao Yang." Haoyue said hurriedly at this time.

"Zhao Yang?" Luo Xiuzhi found the name somewhat familiar.

"Bai Yingwei died at his hands." Haoyue continued to remind.

Hearing this, Luo Xiuzhi's heart was filled with turbulent waves.

You must know that after Bai Yingwei died, many people thought that Wan Lai Palace would definitely pursue the case, but what everyone didn't expect was that Wan Lai Palace announced that Bai Yingwei's death was more than justified.

Want to know which sect does not protect the calf?

If you don't protect the calf, who will join your sect?

Wan Lai Palace didn't even find a venue?

This has to make people wonder if Wan Lai Palace secretly found a place and was beaten back.

Hu Kangtai's whole body is not well.

Who is not good to offend, how did you offend this Lord?

This one has no taboos, and the quasi-saint disciple will kill as soon as he says it.

"Apologize, this matter will be exposed." Zhao Yang looked at Hu Kangtai and said indifferently.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Hu Kangtai said hastily in fright.

Seeing Hu Kangtai leave as if fleeing, the monks present looked at Zhao Yang with changed eyes.

"What is this person's background?"

"Who is Bai Yingwei?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

The nearby sects are too far away from the Bright Moon Sect, so they don't know Zhao Yang's glorious deeds at all.

But they knew that Zhao Yang could not be provoked.

"How can you eat everywhere?" Song Yao looked at Zhao Yang with starry eyes.

"You work hard to participate in the assessment. If the gap is not too great, I will intercede with Weiyang Palace." Zhao Yang looked at Song Yao and said with a smile.

Zhao Yangneng came to Fenxiang Valley because of Song Yao.

Zhao Yang would not be stingy if he could give her a chance.

"I will definitely work hard." Song Yao said excitedly.

After Song Yao left, Zhao Yang looked at Haoyue and said, "Can you Weiyang Palace go through the back door then?"

"I have to ask Master about this." Haoyue didn't finish her sentence.

"As long as Song Yao's difference is not too great, Weiyang Palace will make an exception and accept her as a disciple." Just after Haoyue's voice fell, Luo Xiuzhi's voice resounded in the audience.

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