Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 657 That 1 Sword

After many quasi-sages reached an agreement, these quasi-sages joined forces to deduce the secret.

At this time, Zhao Yang had already returned to Fenxiang Valley.

"Not good." At this moment, the voice of the Evergreen Lantern suddenly rang in Zhao Yang's ear.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yang was startled.

"There are at least thirty quasi-sages deducing the secrets of the heavens." Eternal Evergreen Lantern said with some anxiety.

Everlasting Green Lantern did not expect these quasi-sages to unite like never before.

"What should we do now?" Zhao Yang asked hurriedly.

"Leave Fenxiang Valley immediately." The voice of Everlasting Green Lantern fell in front of Zhao Yang, and a door of space appeared in front of him.

Zhao Yang stepped into the gate of space without the slightest hesitation.

By the time he reappeared, he was already in a wild place.

"Can the other party deduce me?" Zhao Yang asked.

"If I'm in my prime, so what if these guys try their best to deduce it?" There was a trace of exhaustion in the voice of Eternal Evergreen Lantern, "But now it seems that they will probably deduce it to you."

Such a force is truly terrifying.

Even if the Everlasting Green Lantern is a true saint, he is still powerless.

"Liuli Lantern, get ready to flee." The Evergreen Lantern transmitted a voice to Liuli Jing.

"Where are you going?" Liu Lijing asked in a deep voice.

"Zhongzhou." The Everlasting Green Lantern said in a deep voice, "The only way to make them afraid is to go there."

Zhao Yang felt lost in his heart.

He doesn't want to go to Zhongzhou yet.

But now it seems that he has to leave.

The guess of the Everlasting Green Lantern was correct, because under the deduction of Tong Xuan and many other experts, a figure appeared faintly in the midair.

They noticed that the figure took off the lotus flower in the center of the earth.

This figure is definitely not Yu Luntian, let alone Hongxue.

And just when they were about to deduce the aura and race of that figure, a flash of sword light seemed to fall from nine days away.

That sword cut off the secret of heaven;

That sword cut through the ages;

That sword cut off the future.

At this moment, whether it was Tongxuan or Dapeng, many quasi-sages spurted a mouthful of blood.

They looked at the sword in the void with horror on their faces.

"what's the situation?"

"That figure seems to be taboo."

"Taboo? At our level, even a saint is not considered a taboo."

"Could it be the Emperor Realm?"

"We people can shake saints, but we can only shake ordinary saints. We are still powerless against saints with advanced cultivation."

"Since the collapse of the fairy court, where is the emperor's realm? I think that figure may be a profound saint."

"I think so."

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang stared blankly at Chunyang Sword beside him.

This is the first time that the Chunyang Sword has taken its own initiative out of its sheath, and it is also the first time that the Chunyang Sword has cut out its sword light.

He wondered what happened?

"It's just as I guessed." At this time, the Everlasting Green Lantern said in a dignified tone, "Just now, the Chunyang sword cut off the past and the future."

"Cut off the past and the future?" Zhao Yang was shocked.

It's hard for him to imagine what kind of power this is?

"All the quasi-sages who participated in the deduction have been backlashed, and they will not be able to recover in a short time." Everlasting Green Lantern said in a deep voice, "I will sleep for a while."

"Wait." Liu Lijing hurriedly said at this time, "Do you know where the top resources of Yuxian's late stage are?"

"You think I can't know everything?" Wan Gu Evergreen Lantern said angrily, "This kid has a very good tone, and it is impossible to meet him in the future."

"Then should I go to Zhongzhou?"

"The prerequisite for going to Zhongzhou is that you have reached the Golden Immortal Realm, so I don't mind if you go now." Everlasting Green Lantern fell silent after saying this.

Zhao Yang knew that the Evergreen Lantern had fallen into a deep sleep.

After being silent for a while, Zhao Yang asked Liuli Jing to open the door of space and sent him back to Fenxiang Valley.

Will he continue to develop wretchedly in Fenxiang Valley?

After arriving at Fenxiang Valley, Zhao Yang took out the earth-centered lotus flower. The brilliance of the earth-centered lotus flower has been restrained at this time, and it no longer releases the thrilling fluctuations before.

"You take off the lotus seeds from the heart of the earth, you don't need to take this." Liu Lijing said with a smile.

"What is the ranking of the lotus seed in the heart of the earth?"


"Seventh?" Zhao Yang was startled.

Originally, he thought that the lotus seed in the heart of the earth was ranked ninth?

"Take it."

After Zhao Yang took down the seven lotus seeds, he took the lotus flower in the center of the earth, and immediately he felt that his muscles and bones, his flesh and blood were undergoing earth-shaking changes.

His blood is strong.

His origin is ascending.

His heritage is growing.

Zhu Ya quietly guarded the door.

Xiang Hanyu came from a distance, Zhu Ya looked at him vigilantly and said, "What are you going to do?"

"Can I still do things that are not good for the master?" Xiang Hanyu said helplessly, "I just want to ask the master how it is?"

"Master is still retreating." Zhu Ya said lightly.

Xiang Hanyu realized that Zhao Yang probably got the legendary lotus in the center of the earth.

He really wanted to say great.

You must know that Zhao Yang got the lotus flower in the center of the earth under the noses of Yu Luntian and Hongxue, and what is even more frightening is that more than 30 quasi-sages were deduced and severely injured by backlash.

What does this mean?

Xiang Hanyu is very clear.

This shows that behind Zhao Yang stands a mighty saint.

Holy man.

No wonder Zhao Yangneng got news that the quasi-sage didn't even know?

If Xiang Hanyu was forced to follow Zhao Yang before, then at this moment he is following Zhao Yang sincerely.

"I don't know if I can get an earth core lotus seed?" Xiang Hanyu's heart became hot when he thought of this.

Earth core lotus seeds?

That's the seventh resource.

You know that the evil spirits only prepared resources for him that ranked No. 13?

I don't know how long it took for Zhao Yang to open his eyes. At this time, he found that he had been promoted to the fifth floor of Jade Wonderland.

It was really the energy of the lotus flower in the center of the earth that was so terrifying that it abruptly pushed his cultivation level up a step.

"You can continue to shrink and develop after your cultivation is stable." Zhao Yang said as he pushed open the door of the room.

Zhu Ya's face was full of surprise, "My lord, have you made a breakthrough?"

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

He stroked Zhu Ya's head and said, "Actually, you don't have to guard it."

Not to mention that there is a god guarding it in the dark, isn't the glass mirror just for nothing?

"I am your personal maid, and it is my duty to protect you." Zhu Ya shook her head.

"Okay, then you can go to the room to practice." Zhao Yang handed Zhu Ya a lotus seed and said.

"what is this?"

"The seventh-ranked earth core lotus seed?"

"My lord, is it a waste of resources you gave me?" Zhu Ya said after being silent for a while.

Zhu Ya knew very well that with her own potential, she would not be able to go very far. If Zhao Yang hadn't helped her along the way, her path of cultivation would have ended long ago.

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