Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 648 Zhao Yang's Tyranny

At this time, the senior officials of Fenxiang Valley also noticed Zhao Yang's tempering technique.

"This is not an authentic method of tempering."

"Although I don't know if this is correct, but I think it's mysterious."

"Maybe he'll work a miracle."

Gradually everyone's eyes fell on Zhao Yang.

After all, Zhao Yang is their only hope of victory in Fenxiang Valley.

It's just that their expressions have changed as time goes by.


Jin Weiwu's side has already started warming up the elixir, but Zhao Yang's side is still refining it?

This progress is not generally slow.

"What is Zhao Yang doing?"

"His progress is too slow."

"Why do I vaguely feel that this guy is trying to please the public?"

"I also have this feeling."

"You said that it is necessary for you to refine those medicinal materials repeatedly?"

"We can't say it's over."

"I noticed that neither Jin Weiwu's tempering nor warming methods are comparable to Song Yao's."

"So we're doomed to lose."

A quarter of an hour before the furnace was refined, Jin Weiwu stopped.

"I have refined it."

"Just wait on the sidelines once you've refined it. The time for advanced pills is one hour." Jinmaoqiu said calmly.

Jin Weiwu waited on the sidelines very well.

And a quarter of an hour later, Song Yao also succeeded in refining.

She looked at Zhao Yang with some worry.

Song Yao knew very well that she was destined to be an escort, and Zhao Yang was the key.

"It must be successful." Song Yao murmured.

Three minutes before the hour, Zhao Yang finally stopped.

There was a tired look on his face.

"Finally, the boat didn't capsize." The corner of Zhao Yang's mouth showed a hint of gratitude.

But in everyone's eyes, Zhao Yang is clearly delaying the rhythm of time.

"Let you feel what despair is?" Jin Weiwu slapped the pill furnace as he said, and nine pills soared into the sky.

"how is this possible?"

"Eight first-grade pills and one second-grade pill."

"No wonder Zhou Zuohai said that his level of alchemy is not as good as Jin Weiwu."

"Yeah, the gap is too big."

Jin Weiwu imprisoned the nine elixir in the air with a smile, he looked at Song Yao and Zhao Yang provocatively, "how?"

"No way?" Zhao Yang said such words to everyone's surprise.

"No way?" The smile on Jin Weiwu's face restrained, "I'm afraid you don't know what it means to refine eight first-grade pills?"

"Originally Zhou Zuohai said that your level of alchemy is far above his. I thought you would surprise me, but I didn't expect your level of alchemy to be so rubbish." Zhao Yang slapped the alchemy furnace, nine pieces The bright medicinal pill soared into the sky.

Each of these nine pills is shining brightly, and each one is engraved with mysterious patterns.

At this moment, all the monks in the audience were shocked.

"Am I dreaming?"

"Extreme Dan."

"Nine are top grade pills."

"how is this possible?"

"I haven't seen Jipin Dan for many years."

Jin Weiwu stared blankly at this scene, his face was full of disbelief.

"Impossible, impossible, impossible." Jin Weiwu shouted towards Zhao Yang.

"Wait." Zhou Yunlong said suddenly.

When everyone looked at Zhou Yunlong one after another, Zhou Yunlong said tremblingly, "This is an intermediate-level advanced pill."

Intermediate advanced Dan?

It was only after hearing this that everyone noticed that the energy contained in each of these nine pills was more than ten times that of Zhou Zuohai.

"Intermediate Advanced Pill."

"Zhao Yang is only on the second level of Jade Wonderland, how could he refine an intermediate-level advanced pill?"

"Zhao Yang will most likely be able to fight across ranks."

"Peerless Heaven's Proud."

"Zhao Yang is absolutely worthy of the words peerless genius."

"Zhao Yang's alchemy is absolutely crushing."

At this time, even Jin Maoqiu was moved.

He looked at Zhao Yang with burning eyes and said, "As long as you swear allegiance to me, I will pardon Fenxianggu's crimes."

"Sworn allegiance to you?" Zhao Yang laughed loudly. "In my eyes, you are just a flat-haired beast. You asked me to be loyal to you? Are you afraid that your head was not kicked by a donkey?"

Zhao Yang's words made everyone dumbfounded.

How dare he say such a thing?

"Zhao Yang, why don't you apologize to Lord Jinmaoqiu?" Yu Deshui reprimanded Zhao Yang at this time, "You can die if you want, but don't harm us in Fenxianggu."

"Yu Deshui, how can you say such shameless words?" Song Yao was furious.

"What do you know? Lord Jinmaoqiu has taken a fancy to Zhao Yang, as long as Zhao Yang swears allegiance, then we can save Fenxiang Valley." Yu Deshui glared at Song Yao.

"Yu Deshui, how soft are your bones?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Don't you realize that even if I swear allegiance to Jinmaoqiu, he still won't let Fenxianggu go?"

"How do you know if you don't try?" Yu Deshui scolded angrily, "Can you have some dedication?"

"Yu Deshui, what you call devotion is asking others to dedicate?"

"Hmph, if sacrificing me alone can save Fenxiang Valley, what's the matter if I die?" Yu Deshui said awe-inspiringly.

Yu Deshui's behavior made many disciples of Fenxianggu feel ashamed.

"Yu Deshui is right, you will know if you try it." Jin Maoqiu stared at Zhao Yang and said calmly.

"If you are really a trustworthy person, after I defeat your son, you should fulfill your promise." Zhao Yang looked at Jin Maoqiu as if he were looking at a silly beep, "But now you let me I swear an oath of allegiance, once I swear, what can I do if you don’t retreat?” After a pause, Zhao Yang continued, “In addition, the ancient corpse deep in the Fenxiang Valley is full of evil spirits, unless you use the blood of alchemy cultivator Clean it up, otherwise it will be impossible for you to get that ancient corpse safely, right?"

Jinmaoqiu couldn't help but glanced at Zhao Yang and said, "Do you know formation?"

"My attainments in formation techniques are no lower than those in alchemy." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"I'm more and more interested in you now." Jin Maoqiu said with a big smile, "I can feel that if you don't die in the future, you might not be able to spy on the quasi-sage's seat, so I will keep you as my dog. "

What Jin Maoqiu said shocked Zhou Yunlong and the others.

Zhao Yang has the potential to be a quasi-sage?


"I'll use the forbidden technique later, and I will try my best to stop it for you." Zhou Yunlong hesitated for a moment before sending a voice transmission to Zhao Yang, "You must escape."

"Have you ever thought that you and Fenxianggu will be buried here?" Zhao Yang looked at Zhou Yunlong in surprise.

"The entire Fenxiang Valley is not as important as you." Zhou Yunlong said with red eyes, "As long as you can become a saint in the future, you can become a part of the human race, and you can protect more human races, so that the human race will no longer tolerate other races. bullying."

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