Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 627 Kongtong Flower

"When you go out, you must pay attention to safety, and don't fight with others casually." Xu Huier said while crying.

Zhao Yang gently hugged Xu Huier in his arms, "I will."

Yuan Jin'er also choked up as she watched from the sidelines.

She also has feelings for Zhao Yang, but she won't bother her at this time.

I don't know how long it took Xu Huier to let go of Zhao Yang.

"Senior Sister Hui'er's waist is very soft." Zhao Yang said softly.

Xu Hui'er said a little naively, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Although Xu Huier should be called Senior Brother Zhao Yang according to her status, Xu Huier is still used to calling him Junior Junior Brother Zhao Yang, and Zhao Yang has not changed from beginning to end.

"Boy, remember to come back to see us in the future." Yuan Jiner said with tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I will come back after I become famous in the future." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"If you become a saint in the future, you must come back." Yuan Jin'er said with tears streaming down her face.

Yuan Jin'er knew very well that Zhao Yang's future steps would not be limited to the Zhengyang Region, and he might even leave the Eastern Region for the legendary Zhongzhou.

And without the cultivation base of a quasi-sage, God knows how long it will take you to come back?

"Okay." Zhao Yang said softly.

Zhao Yang talked a lot with Xu Huier and Yuan Jiner, and Zhao Yang and Xiang Hanyu left Dongxuanzong early the next morning.

Bai Yan in the sect quietly watched Zhao Yang's leaving back, with a bitter look on her face.

"This guy doesn't even say goodbye to me?" Bai Yan thought he was Zhao Yang's good friend, but who would have thought that this guy wouldn't say goodbye to him before leaving?

Song Wen stood beside Bai Yan, "I thought Zhao Yang and I were still comrades-in-arms, but he just ignored me."

"Perhaps Xu Huier and Yuan Jiner are the only ones in the sect that he really misses." Bai Yan said leisurely.

"Xu Hui'er is the only one who really makes him nostalgic, and Yuan Jin'er is incidental." Bai Yunfei appeared beside Bai Yan and said calmly.

Bai Yan covered her mouth and laughed, "Sovereign, if Yuan Jin'er heard your words, how sad would she be?"

"Zhao Yang's tour of the 55 dynasties will be stable for at least ten or eight years." Bai Yunfei immediately changed the subject.

"To be honest, ten or eight years is useless." Bai Yan shook her head lightly.

Those dynasties are all powerful dynasties, and there are high-ranking Jade Immortals in the clan.

If Dong Xuanzong wanted to frighten them, he had to have quite a few masters of this level.

The problem is that it is almost impossible to quickly improve the cultivation level after reaching Jade Wonderland.

"After arriving in Jade Wonderland, I felt that the progress had slowed down significantly." Song Wen said with a wry smile.

"You can practice step by step, and the sect will buy valuable resources for you." Bai Yunfei said softly, "As long as the 55 dynasties honestly pay the resources for ten or eight years, I can use these resources to create a batch of A master of the Jade Wonderland."

After arriving in the Jade Wonderland, the background can still be improved, that is to buy precious resources to improve the body.

Dong Xuanzong didn't have this strength and background before.

But now that Dongxuanzong had robbed most of Liushuizong's resources, plus the annual tribute from hundreds of dynasties, Bai Yunfei also had the confidence to buy some valuable resources.

"Bai Yan, Xu Hui'er, Yuan Jin'er, you three will have no problem setting foot in the Golden Wonderland in the future. My plan is to let you at least reach the middle or even high level of the Golden Wonderland in the future; True disciples, you can only reach the high level of Jade Immortal Realm or even the peak of Jade Immortal Realm at present, my plan is to let you at least reach the stage of the early stage of Golden Immortal Realm in the future."

This is Bai Yunfei's ambition.

If Dongxuanzong could reach this level, he would be able to wrestle with sixth-class sects, or even fifth-class sects.

Bai Yan remained silent.

Bai Yunfei still took things for granted.

It is true that after arriving in the Jade Wonderland, the background may be further improved, but the premise is that you have to buy rare resources.

And which of these resources is not precious.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang, Xiaoqian, Zhu Ya and Xiang Hanyu were riding a mysterious bird at the peak of the fairyland.

This black bird is a trophy obtained from the Flowing Sect.

As for the mount of Jade Wonderland?

The Flowing Sect is not worthy of having it.

"Is the incomplete innate holy treasure so powerful?" Xiang Hanyu sat on the black bird and said to Zhao Yang.

The reason for the sound transmission is because Xiaoqian and Zhu Ya are on the side.

"Why do you ask that?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"Your background is so strong, but why did you improve so quickly?" Xiang Hanyu asked the doubts in his heart.

"I'm not as strong as you think." What can Zhao Yang say?

Could it be that he told Xiang Hanyu that besides the incomplete innate holy treasure, he also has two complete quasi-sage treasures?

"I always feel that you have something to hide from me?" Speaking of this, Xiang Hanyu's eyes fell on Xiaoqian, "You are not a simple maid, and I found that her background is also unusually strong. "

Zhao Yang smiled without saying a word.

Can it be strong?

As a princess of the Yu clan, Xiaoqian has a quasi-sacred magic weapon such as the Broken Star Bow on her body.

Xiang Hanyu is an evil spirit, but he does not have a quasi-sacred magic weapon.

After these years of practice, Xiaoqian has already caught up. Now she is on the ninth floor of the Heavenly Wonderland, and is only a thin line away from the Jade Wonderland.

"It would be great if I could get the quasi-sage magic weapon of the clan." Xiang Hanyu continued.

"Do you know where the quasi-sage treasure in your clan is?" Zhao Yang asked curiously.

"My lineage has two quasi-sage treasures, one of which is in the hands of our ancestors, and the whereabouts of the other is unknown." Xiang Hanyu explained.

"Then you are talking for nothing."

"No, if I get close to that magic weapon, I will feel it." Xiang Hanyu shook his head.

Zhao Yang was too lazy to care about Xiang Hanyu, but instead communicated with the spirit of the Evergreen Lantern, "Senior, I have already arrived in the Jade Wonderland, can you tell me where the Kongtong Flower is?"

Immediately, a map appeared in Zhao Yang's mind.

He saw a place marked on the map at a glance, "Senior, is the Kongtong flower here?"

"The Kongtong flower is not something you can get if you want it." The spirit of the Evergreen Lantern said slowly.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll know when it arrives."

Zhao Yang didn't ask any questions.

"My lord, isn't the direction wrong?" Zhu Ya noticed that Xuan Niao had changed its direction.

"Let's go to one place first." Zhao Yang said with a smile.


"You'll know when we get there." Zhao Yang looked into the distance, with anticipation in his eyes.

Kongtong flower.

Zhao Yang is looking forward to how much his background will be enhanced after getting the Kongtong flower?

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