Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 607 Conquering the Evil Spirit

There was hesitation in Zhao Yang's eyes.

Seeing the evil spirit here, he hurriedly said, "I am willing to swear on my own soul!"

"If this guy swears with his own soul, that's fine." Liu Lijing's voice sounded in Zhao Yang's ears, "Unless this kid becomes a quasi-sage and strong man in the future, he must not violate this oath."

"Is this oath terrible?"

"If you violate it, you will die miserably."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang looked at the evil spirit, "You swear."

"I, Xiang Hanyu, swear by my own soul that I will follow you to the death..." Speaking of which, the evil spirit looked at Zhao Yang, "Master, what's your name?"

"Zhao Yang."

"I, Xiang Hanyu, swear by my soul that I will follow Zhao Yang to the death in this life. If I disobey, I will die a bad death." The evil spirit made the oath respectfully.

When the last word fell, a glint of eyes fell on Xiang Hanyu.

The hairs all over Xiang Hanyu's body exploded immediately.

"Is that the supervisor of the soul oath?" Xiang Hanyu murmured.

"What did you say?" Zhao Yang asked suspiciously.

"It is said that monks who swear by their own souls will be watched by a terrifying existence. Just now, I have a faint feeling that something is watching me." Xiang Hanyu said respectfully, "That person's strength cannot be measured by reason. .”

Zhao Yang was stunned.

"There are supervisors?"


"It seems that this kind of oath should not be taken lightly." Zhao Yang looked at Xiang Hanyu after realizing this and said, "Tell me about your origin."

"The evil spirits are a top group in the Immortal Realm. Our lineage is weak among the evil spirits. It's frightening that there are two quasi-sages in our family." Xiang Hanyu said softly.

"There are only two quasi-sages." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Xiang Hanyu's mouth twitched.

"Master, generally speaking, it is very difficult for a quasi-sage to be born. It is very rare to have a quasi-sage born in one lineage." Xiang Hanyu felt the need to explain to Zhao Yang.

"Are you the strongest young generation in your clan?"

"I am only ranked second in our lineage, and my cousin Xiang Hantao is ranked first."

"How is his strength?"

"His strength is a level higher than mine, but he is still not as good as you." Xiang Hanyu added.

"You don't have to please me like this." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"I didn't flatter you." Xiang Hanyu shook his head and said, "You didn't use your full strength when you fought against me before, so my cousin is not your opponent at all. Of course, I mean the situation of the same class. Now My cousin has already set foot in the Jade Wonderland."

Xiang Hantao has not been sealed for hundreds of years.

At this moment, a cold voice spread in all directions.


This voice was filled with fluctuations at the peak level of golden immortals, which made several golden immortals who hurried over change their expressions.

"Sorry, I didn't know you practiced here."

"We're leaving now."

"Excuse me." These golden immortals were not at a high level in the realm of golden immortals, so they hurried away after feeling the fluctuation.

Then Liulijing drove away several waves of masters, but there were too many who came here.

"These guys really don't give up." Liu Lijing said to Zhao Yang at this time, "We should leave here."

"But what about this ancient mine?"

"This ancient mine should be buried deep." Liu Lijing said lightly.

"It can only be this way."

The monks from various sects came one after another.

Liulijing can't go on a killing spree, right?

After Liu Lijing took Zhao Yang out of here, Zhao Yang found the general stationed here and said, "You lead the team to leave here, and leave this ancient mine alone in the future."

The general had seen waves of powerful monks before. Although he didn't know what happened, he also knew that there would be no peace here.

"Master, where are you going now?" Xiang Hanyu asked.

"East Xuanzong." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"East Xuanzong? Dongxuanzong was a powerful sect back then, but now it has fallen." Xiang Hanyu said leisurely.

"You actually know Dongxuanzong?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"Did the suzerain of the Eastern Xuanzong fight against our ancestor? I heard that the ancestor said that he was suppressed the whole time. If another ancestor didn't come, maybe he would have hated him on the spot." Xiang Hanyu said with emotion, "It's a pity that in the end The suzerain of Dongxuanzong was beheaded by a saint."

"Which saint?" Zhao Yang's heart moved.

"I don't know." Xiang Hanyu shook his head.

The closure of the ancient mine in the Kang Dynasty is very important, Zhao Yang must go to the Zongmen to make it clear.

Dong Xuanzong.

When he arrived at the Eastern Xuanzong Mountain Gate, Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something.

"Can your breath cover it?"

Xiang Hanyu is an evil spirit.

Experts could tell the aura on his body at a glance.

"Yes." Xiang Hanyu said his breath changed.

Only then did Zhao Yang nodded in satisfaction.

Xiang Hanyu's ability to change breath is not as good as his own, but he still has his own uniqueness.

After Zhao Yang took out his identity token, he entered the sect smoothly.

But one of Shoushan's disciples' eyes flickered, "Zhao Yang, this guy is actually Zhao Yang." After realizing this, he said to the Shoushan disciple next to him, "I have something to do, just come when you go."

This mountain guard disciple came to Zhang Long's mountain.

Since Zhang Long was strongly defeated by Zhao Yang three years ago, Zhang Long went to Houshan to meet a Supreme Elder of Dongxuanzong.

The Supreme Elder was furious when he heard that Zhang Heng was killed and Zhang Long was severely injured, and then he came to the meeting hall with a sword in his hand to ask Bai Yunfei to give him justice.

Bai Yunfei strongly rejected Patriarch Zhang Heng's appeal, and when the Supreme Elder wanted to use force, no one thought that Bai Yunfei would awaken the sect's mountain guardian spirit beast.

Even if the mountain guardian spirit beast is already old, it is not something that Zhang Long's ancestors can compete with.

Eventually the matter was forcibly suppressed.

But that doesn't mean it's over.

The disciple guarding the mountain gate is one of Zhang Long's henchmen.

At this time, there are quite a few true disciples in Zhang Long's valley, because Zhang Long set foot on the seventh floor of the Heavenly Wonderland three days ago.

After reaching this level, Zhang Long has officially become a leader among true disciples.

"Senior Brother Zhang Long." The disciple rushed here just as Zhang Long was changing cups.

"Junior Brother Wang, what's the matter?" Zhang Long asked with a smile.

"Just now I saw Zhao Yang returned to the sect." The disciple said hurriedly.

The wine glass in Zhang Long's hand was crushed with a bang.

All the true disciples in the audience looked at Zhang Long, they knew that the good show was about to begin.

With Zhang Long's temper, how could he let it go?

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