Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 605 Eternal Green Lamp

The sixth floor of Heavenly Wonderland.

The seventh floor of Heavenly Wonderland.

When the cultivation base of that evil spirit climbed to this point, he looked at Zhao Yang with a hideous look in his eyes.

"Our evil spirit family is invincible within the same rank." As he spoke, he turned into a mass of red flames and rushed towards Zhao Yang resolutely.

Zhao Yang's expression changed involuntarily.

Zhao Yang practiced the Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu. Generally speaking, he was mostly immune to flames, but at this moment he felt a fatal threat.


Zhao Yang immediately activated his ancient blood.

A figure, carrying mountains and rivers on its back, swallowing the world with anger.

He just stood there so quietly that the heavens seemed to stop moving.

He is the only one in the world, he is the carrier of the Dao, and he is invincible.

The fifth floor of Heavenly Wonderland.

The sixth floor of Heavenly Wonderland.

After Zhao Yang's cultivation had been raised by two small realms, he didn't continue to improve.

Because he felt enough was enough.

At this time, a flame appeared in his eyes, and that flame was only a thin line away from him that day.

As Zhao Yang retreated, his body was filled with pure and yang flames.

The flame quickly wrapped Zhao Yang's whole body, and the flame quickly ignited the surrounding space.

At this time, Zhao Yang no longer retreated, but instead slammed into the flames fiercely.


Biting hot!

Zhao Yang felt that he was almost melted.

But fortunately, this feeling didn't last long, and the flame was suppressed by the pure Yang fire.

"Break it for me." Zhao Yang shouted.

After his words fell, the flames of the pure sun covered the flames of the evil spirits.


The evil spirit spat out a mouthful of blood and fell powerlessly to the ground.

It looked at Zhao Yang with an incredulous look in its eyes.

"How is it possible?" Xie Ling couldn't accept that he lost to Zhao Yang.

"Say, where did you come from?" Zhao Yang came to the evil spirit and asked.

"Are you interrogating me?" Xie Ling looked up at Zhao Yang and said.


The evil spirit covered his cheek, his mind went blank.

Have you been slapped?

The evil spirits felt that their worldview was about to collapse.

Who in the entire Immortal Territory would dare to disrespect the evil spirits?

How dare this guy slap himself?

"Do you know what you did?" Then the evil spirit roared towards Zhao Yang.


The voice of the evil spirit stopped abruptly, like a duck being strangled by the throat.

"" Zhao Yang raised his palm again just after the evil spirit said this.

The evil spirit shrank its neck, "You...what do you want to do?" Tears filled his eyes as he spoke.

He is wronged.

Who did I provoke by staying in the ancient mine well?

Those damn miners dug themselves out?

You know that according to the plan, he will continue to seal it for 30 years?As a result, he was born prematurely by those guys?

I almost ruined my many years of hard work, but Zhao Yang kept slapping me in the face.

"Where did you come from?" Zhao Yang stared at him.

"Three thousand years ago, I was sealed here by the strong in the clan."

"Why should you be sealed?"

"Because...because...." The evil spirit's eyes flickered as he spoke.

"Believe it or not, I will search for your soul?" Zhao Yang threatened.

"Search my soul? Hehe, I'm afraid you won't dare?" the evil spirit sneered.

"I don't dare?" Zhao Yang said as his soul thought turned into an invisible steel knife and slashed towards the soul of the evil spirit.

The evil spirit covered his head and screamed in pain.

"What did you do?" the evil spirit asked in shock.

"What do you think?" Zhao Yang knew the existence of evil spirits, and the sea of ​​consciousness was restricted by his seniors, so how could he be foolishly spying on them, but this did not prevent him from using soul art.

After his perfection, soul art has become a powerful method.

"I said, I said, I said." The evil spirit confessed.

He didn't want to experience the pain of having his soul cut off again.

"There is a great opportunity in this ancient mine, and it will take about 30 years to open it." The evil spirit said with a wry smile, "In addition, there are strict conditions to obtain that opportunity. That's why I call myself here."

Zhao Yang looked at the evil spirit dubiously, "Why do I think you're fooling me?"

"You should know how precious chalcedony is. I have been sleeping in chalcedony these years, but I was broken by the miners here before it was time to break it." The evil spirit said with anger on his face, "otherwise How can I not beat you?"

The evil spirit was very angry.

If he hadn't broken the seal in advance, his strength could continue to be strong.

but now……

"Where is the chance you mentioned?" Zhao Yang asked after a moment of pondering.

Even if you think about it with your toes, you will know that this opportunity is terrifying.

The evil spirit fell silent.

"My patience is limited." Zhao Yang said lightly.

A bitter look appeared on the face of the evil spirit, "If I tell you about the chance, you will let me go?"

"I have to see if this opportunity is worth it?"


"Why are you so sure?"

"Because this opportunity involves Holy Treasure."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's heart inevitably shook.

Holy treasure?

"Are you sure you're not joking?"

"If it wasn't for the Holy Treasure, do you think I would have to pay such a high price?" The evil spirit rolled Zhao Yang's eyes and said.

"Lead the way." Zhao Yang said after calming down.

The evil spirit unwillingly led Zhao Yang to the depths of the ancient mine.

I don't know how long it took Zhao Yang to feel a faint coercion.

"Maybe what the evil spirit said is true?" Liu Lijing said suddenly at this moment.

Zhao Yang's eyes showed surprise, "Could it be...?"

When Zhao Yang said this, he saw an ancient bronze lamp emitting a faint luster.

"Eternal Green Lantern." Liuli Jing exclaimed.

"Eternal Green Lantern?" Zhao Yang heard this name for the first time.

Liulijing's breathing became rapid, "The Evergreen Lantern is a sacred treasure."

"Innate Holy Treasure?" Zhao Yang was moved by it.

The glass mirror is already so terrifying, but it is still not as good as the innate holy treasure.

And the ancient bronze lamp in front of him turned out to be a congenital holy treasure?

"But this eternal green lamp is incomplete." Liu Lijing said immediately.


"Well, its wick is gone." Liuli Jing replied.

"Would it be useless if there is no wick?" Zhao Yang asked hastily.

"Even if it is an incomplete holy treasure, its power is beyond your imagination." Liu Lijing said in a deep voice, "But it is not so easy for you to get this lamp."

This is an innate holy treasure.

If you don't have the aptitude against the sky, how can it follow you?

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