Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 564 Xiaoqian Was Robbed

Although she didn't spend much time with Zhao Yang, Xiaoqian knew very well how evil Zhao Yang was.

Such a guy will lose?

In fact, from the very beginning when Zhao Yang took out 3 taels of boundary stones, Xiaoqian felt that this was Zhao Yang's game against inner disciples.

Zhao Yang did it to earn points.

Otherwise, why does he decide the order of challenges according to the opponent's ranking?

It just gave the other party hope.

Soon the second challenger came out in disgrace.

"That grandson of Zhao Yang is too despicable to sneak attack."

Everyone looked at the second challenger with mocking expressions on his face.

Just now Xu Hu said, you can still be attacked?You can only call yourself trash.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the third challenger also said that he was attacked by surprise.

At this time, everyone's complexion changed.

Things can be one or two.

Three consecutive challengers were attacked by surprise, isn't that the problem?

"That guy Zhao Yang is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

"His cultivation is only on the sixth floor of the True Immortal Realm, no matter how strong he is, how strong can he be?"

"That's right, True Wonderland still wants to fight across the ranks?"

But soon after the fourth, fifth, and sixth challengers were defeated by Zhao Yang one after another, everyone was no longer as relaxed as before.

They vaguely realized that most of them were cheated by Zhao Yang.

"That kid's thunder technique is terrifying, I can't avoid it at all." This is what the tenth challenger said.

"I didn't even get close to him. This guy definitely has the strength to fight down the ranks." This is what the No. 20 challenger said.

"My cultivation is close to the eighth floor, but I still lost to this kid." These are the words of the No. 30 challenger.

After Zhao Yang defeated No. 40 challengers, a heroic man walked into the ring with a sword in his hand.

"Song Tiandao."

"Song Tiandao is an existence on the eighth floor of True Wonderland."

"I don't know if Song Tiandao can compete against Zhao Yang?"

"If Zhao Yang can defeat Song Tiandao, it means that he can cross two small realms."

"Crossing two small realms, isn't everyone able to do it?"

During the discussion, Song Tiandao walked out of the challenge room covered in blood within 2 minutes.

"Song Tiandao, what's the situation?" A girl asked hurriedly.

This girl is the next challenger.

But after seeing Song Tiandao's appearance, she suddenly became uneasy.

"That kid's strength is beyond my imagination." Song Tiandao left after saying this.

At this time, everyone realized that Zhao Yang was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

"This grandson is too damaged."

"He's got more than 8 points now."

"How dare he design disciples of sects like this?"

Many monks expressed their incomprehension.

You must know that Zhao Yang will be in the East Xuanzong in the future, but he offended these dozens of inner disciples.

Following the defeat of the No.60 four challengers, Zhao Yang walked out of the challenge room with a smile.


"Zhao Yang, don't you think you are too shameless?"

"Zhao Yang, from now on you will be the public enemy of inner disciples."

The inner disciples who were defeated by Zhao Yang roared at Zhao Yang one by one.

Zhao Yang curled his lips, "The weak can only growl."

"Zhao Yang, if you have the ability, you challenge the [-]th to [-]th place."

"Yes, if you have the ability, you challenge someone stronger than you."

"You can only bully others."

Facing the provocation of these guys, Zhao Yang smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I will challenge that level when my cultivation reaches a higher level."

Then Zhao Yang came to Xu Huier's side with a smile, and he picked up the token from Xu Huier's waist under the dumbfounded expressions of everyone.

She looked at the number on it, and then transferred [-] points to Xu Huier.

"I didn't talk to you before, Senior Sister, so I let you be a guarantor. I'm really sorry." Zhao Yang expressed his apology to Xu Huier, "Senior Sister, I transferred [-] points to you. If you have something you like, go buy it. If it's not enough, tell me."

Xu Huier was a little moved, "How can I ask for your things?"

"Senior sister, please don't say that." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "You have helped me so many times, but I have not been able to repay you. I am really sorry." After finishing speaking, Zhao Yang glanced at Xiaoqian and said, "Xiaoqian, let's go."

Zhao Yang left as soon as he said, without dragging his feet.

"My lord, where are you going?" Xiaoqian asked after walking far away.

"Gongfa Palace." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "I want to read all the alchemy books in the Gongfa Palace."

Xiaoqian's eyes were full of shock.

You must know that neither alchemy nor martial arts can be achieved overnight, even the elders of Dongxuanzong may not dare to say that they have read all the alchemy books in the Gongfa Palace.

After arriving at the Gongfa Hall, Zhao Yang found the deacon and asked the deacon to find all the remaining alchemy books.

"The remaining exercises still need more than 7 points."

"I just earned 10,000+." Zhao Yang said and handed the token to the deacon, "By the way, you can help me get the classics of the array for the remaining points."

"Do you want to learn the Dao too?" The deacon was stunned.

What are you kidding?

"I just took a look." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

The deacon stared blankly at Zhao Yang.

He didn't know what to say.

You must know that this consumes points, and points are hard currency in Zongmen.

How dare this guy Zhao Yang corrupt the points so much?

Not long after, the deacon brought a bunch of books to Zhao Yang, and it was three days later that Zhao Yang memorized all the contents of the books in his mind.

Then Zhao Yang returned to his courtyard.

He needs to integrate this knowledge, and this will take a lot of time.

There was a sudden knock on the door that day, and Zhao Yang saw Xiaoxia at the door with a wave of his hand.

"Xiaoxia, what's the matter?"

"Senior Brother Zhao, Xiaoqian was snatched by Senior Brother Zhang Heng."

"Snatched?" Zhao Yang was stunned, "Can Dong Xuanzong snatch the handyman openly?"

"Senior brother Zhang Heng is a master of the ninth floor of the real fairyland, even senior sister Xu Huier is not in his eyes." Xiaoxia said with a wry smile, "Zongmen generally don't care about the survival of handyman disciples."

After realizing this, Zhao Yang hurriedly stood up, "Do you know where Xiaoqian is now?"

"In Brother Zhang Heng's courtyard."

Zhao Yang's eyes suddenly filled with killing intent.

This grandson.

How dare you snatch your handyman?

Just as Zhao Yang walked out of his courtyard, Xu Huier stopped him.

"Where are you going?" Xu Hui'er said in a deep voice.

"What do you say?"

"You are not Zhang Heng's opponent, so it's useless if you go?"

"Could it be that I just watched Xiaoqian being ruined?"

"Zhang Heng is not as simple as you think. His cousin Zhang Long is a true disciple."

"So what about true disciples?" Zhao Yang said coldly, "It's hard for anyone to provoke me."

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