Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 562 Need for Pills

Xiaoqian looked embarrassed.

Would you mind borrowing two hundred points?

But this was Zhao Yang's order, so Xiaoqian dared not refuse to borrow it.

When Xiaoqian came to Xu Huier's courtyard, Yuan Jiner was drinking tea with Xu Huier.

"Miss Xu." Xiaoqian came to Xu Hui'er and said softly.

"What's up?"

"My son is looking for you... looking for you...?"

"what happened?"

"I want to borrow two hundred points from you." Xiaoqian blushed after speaking.

Xu Huier was stunned.

Borrow two hundred points?

What is Zhao Yang thinking?

But Xu Huier still lent Zhao Yang [-] points.

Xiaoqian took Zhao Yang's token and ran away.

"I forgot what Zhao Yang borrowed points for?" Xu Huier suddenly thought of something.

"Isn't this kid too prodigal? Didn't he win thousands of points two months ago?" Yuan Jin'er asked suspiciously.

"I don't know either." Xu Huier shook her head.

After Zhao Yang paid the points and two boundary stones, he began to refine the advanced pill.

As a result, in the middle of refining, the pill furnace gave off a stench.

"Failed." Zhao Yang couldn't accept it.

How did you become such a scumbag?

Xiaoqian stood aside not knowing what to say?There are far fewer alchemists in the Immortal Realm than in the Lower Realm. The important reason is that medicinal materials are expensive, and alchemy is as profound as martial arts.

"Xiaoqian, you can go to Senior Sister Xu Huier to borrow [-] points, forget it, you can borrow [-] points." Zhao Yang said after thinking for a while.

"Ah." Xiaoqian was stunned.

"Hurry up." Zhao Yang glared at Xiaoqian.

Xiaoqian had no choice but to come to Xu Huier's courtyard again.

Looking at Xiaoqian who was shy, Xu Huier asked curiously, "Aren't you here to borrow points again?"

"Hmm." Xiaoqian lowered her head in embarrassment.

"How many?"

"Four hundred."

"That guy Zhao Yang is endless." Yuan Jin'er stared at Xiaoqian and said, "What does Zhao Yang want points for?"


"Alchemy?" Yuan Jin'er was stunned, "Zhao Yang can also make alchemy?"

"My son said he taught himself."

Yuan Jin'er patted his head, "What did he think? Can he learn alchemy by himself? Without the guidance of a famous teacher, what kind of alchemy can he make?"

What can Xiaoqian say?

She also felt that Zhao Yang's alchemy was unrealistic.

But she is just a handyman.

"I'll give you [-] points." Xu Huier took Zhao Yang's token and transferred [-] points.

After Xiaoqian left, Yuan Jiner said suspiciously, "Yuan Jiner, do you think that kid is interested in you?"

"What does he mean to me?" Xu Hui'er glared at Yuan Jin'er, "This kid always comes to me when he has something to do. If there is nothing to do, he can't see him at all."

"But how do you explain that he went to learn alchemy? Isn't it because you are a genius in alchemy, and she wants to use this to get close to you." Yuan Jin'er giggled.


Zhao Yang carefully summed up his experience before making alchemy for the second time.

So he succeeded in alchemy for the second time.

Seeing two first-grade pills and seven second-grade pills in the alchemy furnace, Zhao Yang frowned.

"Where did I go wrong?"

"My lord is really amazing." Xiaoqian said in surprise.

"Extreme grade pills haven't been refined yet, what's so great about it?" Zhao Yang said dissatisfiedly.

Xiaoqian choked.

Can you stop making trouble?

Extreme Dan?

Do you know how rare and rare is the best pill in Xianyu?

"Can these elixirs be sold?"

"Yes." Xiaoqian said softly, "If you sell it to the Alchemy Hall, the price will be [-]% lower, but the Alchemy Hall will give you points as compensation."

"Then sell it to the Alchemy Hall." Zhao Yang looked at Xiaoqian and said, "Bring another medicine."

"You still want to refine?"

"I must refine the best pill."

Xiaoqian didn't know what to say, because it was almost impossible to successfully refine the ultimate pill.

"I'm going to sell these elixir." Xiaoqian said and went out.

Xiaoqian came to the window where the elixir was sold, "I sell intermediate-level advanced elixir for real immortals."

"Show me the color." The window staff replied.

Xiaoqian hurriedly handed the nine elixirs refined by Zhao Yang to the staff.

After checking, the staff said, "The quality of these nine elixirs is very good. In this way, I will give you 700 Liangjieshi for each of the second-grade pills, and two hundred points; , four hundred points."

Xiaoqian showed great joy.

In this way, Zhao Yang earned back all the losses he had lost before.

"Thank you." Xiaoqian said quickly.

After the transaction, Xiaoqian hurried to Zhao Yang's alchemy room, but she found that Zhao Yang had already started refining the next furnace.

While refining the elixir, Zhao Yang was also deliberating carefully.

At this time, his brain was spinning at a high speed, and he was thinking about how to refine the best pill?

Zhao Yang is very picky.

It's not the ultimate pill, he won't take it.

In order to become a quasi-sage or even a saint in the future, Zhao Yang absolutely does not allow any problems with his foundation.

As time went by, Zhao Yang gradually found several flaws.

In fact, it can't be said to be an omission, but Zhao Yang feels that after modification, the effect of the refined elixir will be even higher.

After Zhao Yang corrected all these flaws, in the third furnace, he finally refined two top-grade pills and seven first-grade pills.

"Extreme pill." Looking at the brilliant and colorful ultra-exquisite pill, Xiaoqian's eyes revealed a look of shock.

Even though Xiaoqian used to be the princess of the Yu Clan, she hadn't seen Ji Pin Dan many times.

But Zhao Yang refined the best pill by himself.

Such qualifications are unprecedented.

"If I can read all the alchemy techniques of Dongxuanzong, I think there will be more top-grade alchemy." Zhao Yang murmured.

"Let's break through here." After Zhao Yang finished speaking, he took a top-grade pill.

The medicinal property of Jipin Dan is more than ten times stronger than that of Second Grade Pill.

Therefore, after Zhao Yang took it, he easily set foot on the sixth floor of True Wonderland.

After stabilizing his realm, Zhao Yang threw the top-grade advanced pill to Xiaoqian, "This is for you."

"Ah, give it to me?" Xiaoqian opened her mouth wide in astonishment.

"Don't tell me you don't need it?" Zhao Yang looked at Xiaoqian with a half-smile and said.

Xiaoqian's heart was beating thumpingly, could it be that Zhao Yang saw something?

"Sell the rest of the elixir, and then let's go to the challenge room." Zhao Yang then changed the subject.

Zhao Yang didn't need or want to use the first-grade elixir, so he might as well sell it.

The reason why he learned alchemy was also to improve himself.

If you want to upgrade to the Heavenly Wonderland in two years, then you need to take the shortcut of taking pills.

Zhao Yang's plan is to take an advanced pill after reaching the seventh or eighth floor of the True Wonderland. Of course, the advanced level of that level cannot be refined by Zhao Yang now.

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